Vol 6, No 4 (2015)


Obrashchenie glavnogo redaktora

Aronov D.M.


Журнал «КардиоСоматика» является печатным органом ООО «Российское общество кардиосоматической реабилитации и вторичной профилактики» (РосОКР).В отличие от всех существующих специализированных обществ по реабилитации пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями РосОКР ставит перед собой задачу возрождения в России не только современной и эффективной реабилитации кардиальных больных, но и разработки программ реабилитации лиц с сопутствующими соматическими заболеваниями, которым, как правило, отказывается в реабилитации. Все эти сложные вопросы можно активно обсуждать на страницах журнала «КардиоСоматика».
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):5
pages 5 views

The correlation between traditional risk factors and the severity of acute coronary syndrome and long-term prognosis

Skopets I.S., Vezikova N.N., Marusenko I.M., Barysheva O.Y.


A number of studies demonstrate that patients with traditional risk factors (TRF) have not only increases primary risk of atherothrombotic events, but are also associated with many complicates and poor prognosis.Purpose: assessment of TRF effect on the incidence of complications and outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Materials and methods: in 255 patients hospitalized with ACS were retrospective determined the TRF prevalence, frequency of the complications and correlation between the presence of TRF and the risk of complications and long-term prognosis (follow-up 1 year).Results: patients had TRF very often, 80% patients had more than 3 TRFs. The presence of some TRFs (smoking, abdominal obesity, family history) was associated with a significantly increased risk of complications in patients with ACS, including life-threatening. Effect of TRF on long-term prognosis was not determined.Conclusion: the findings suggest the need to evaluation TRF not only in primary preventive and also to improve the effectiveness of risk stratification in patients with ACS.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):6-10
pages 6-10 views

Markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in the ten-year risk estimation of cardiovascular events

Bovtyushko P.V., Grishaev S.L., Filippov A.Y., Obrezan A.G.


The information content of SCORE model in the evaluation of the total ten-year cardiovascular risk in an isolated sample of 207 males without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis was investigated. It was revealed that the most of the observations from persons who had attained over a 10-year period of the combined end point, the model qualified incorrectly, which didn’t meet the requirements of individual risk assessment in a limited sample group of males. It is shown that the inclusion of subclinical atherosclerosis markers in SCORE model can significantly improve its sensitivity. At the same time, a group of poor prognosis gets a significant number of observations for individuals free of cardiovascular events due to the high probability of false positive response.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Acetylsalicylic acid in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Zadionchenko V.S., Yalymov A.A., Shchikota A.M., Shehyan G.G., Ly V.V.


The problem of atherothrombosis and associated diseases is examined here. The estimation of an enteric form of acetylsalicylic acid (a drug Thrombo ASS) from the perspective of evidence-based medicine is also discussed. The use of acetylsalicylic acid in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases is demonstrated.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):17-21
pages 17-21 views

The effectiveness of a two-component renin-angiotensin aldosterone system blockade after renal transplantation in patients with chronic terminal renal failure

Ostanina A.A., Fomin I.V., Polyakov D.S., Lipatov K.S., Shcherbakova G.A.


Conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of blood pressure (BP) control in patients after renal transplantation using a two renin-angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade. Within 6 months after kidney transplantation is observed syndrome uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) in 51.6% patients; 13 transplant patients (69.2% men and 30.8% women; mean age 34.7±11.8 years) had chronic glomerulonephritis (100% of cases) as the main cause of end-stage chronic kidney disease. Patients received a dose of aliskiren 150-300 mg in combination with a sartans and calcium antagonist after signing informed consent. Within 2 months of treatment there was a significant deterioration in graft function in achieving optimal BP<130/80 mm Hg. The study showed a significant decrease glomerular filtration rate, uptrend resistance index arc and central vessels of the transplanted kidney, increasing proteinuria. The 2-3 therapy aliskiren and angiotensin receptor blockers was safe in terms of effect on the mineral, carbohydrate, protein exchanges.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Medicinal leeches extract at complex treatment of experimental acute myocardial infarction in rats

Nikonov G.I., Kryzhanovskii S.A., Lebedeva A.O.


Creating of pharmacological forms based on the medicinal leech extract is a perspective decision of various clinical pathologies. To introduce a new drug into clinical practice is need to investigate its influence on the treatment effectivity at different diseases. The effect of the medicinal leeches Hirudo medicinalis extract for course of experimental acute myocardial infarction in rats was rated. The results of the study indicate the possibility of Hirudo medicinalis extract safe use for complex treatment of myocardial infarction.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):28-29
pages 28-29 views

Options for antiarrhythmic therapy after surgical treatment of the atrial fibrillation

Bazylev V.V., Nemchenko E.V., Abramova G.N., Karnakhin V.A.


Aim. To assess the afficiency of using different shcemes of the antiarrythmic therapy (AAT) after the surgical treatment of the atrial fibrillation (AF).Material and methods. This retrospective study included 279 patients: 141 (49%) females and 168 (51%) males, aged 59±7.9 years who had got Сox-Maze IV procedure at Federal cardiovascular center (Penza). 27 patient (9.7%) had the paroxysmal AF, 252 (90.3%) - the persistent one. The AF’s duration was 36 months (from 1 to 180). The size of the left atrium was average 52.4±8.4 mm (from 40 to 82 mm). The medium functional class (FC) of heart failure (HF) (NYHA) was 2.8±0.4: II FC-63 (22.6%), III FC - 213 (76.3%), IV FC - 3 (1.1%). There were 3 groups of patients:1 group had 57 patients who had got amiodaron over 6 months; 2 group - 126 patients who had got b-blocker (b-B) (bisoprolol) long monotherapy; 3 group - 96 patients who had got amiodaron during 3-6 months then had got bisoprolol long therapy. All patiens got Cox-Maze IV procedure.Results. Remote results assessed after 6 months-3 years period after the operation. In all groups the number of patients with I and II FC HF increased; there was significant difference at 2 group (p1-2=0.01; p2-3=0.01; p1- 3=0.73). And there were more patients with sinus rhythm at 2 group than at 3 group significantly. The freedom from AF at 1 group was 77%±0.89, at 2 group - 68%±0.98, at 3 group - 85%±0.95 with the significant difference between 2 and 3 groups (р1-2=0.61; p1-3=0.13; p2-3=0.01).Conclusions. AAT by amiodaron during 3-6 months and then by beta-blocker (bisoprolol) longly after Cox-Maze IV procedure allows to keep sinus rhythm to 85% patiens at the distant period of time and comparing with the b-blocker-monotherapy allows to keep sinus rhythm more effectively. The difference of efficiency by long amiodaron-monotherapy and amiodaron-therapy during 3-6 months is not got statistical significant after Cox-Maze IV procedure.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Magnetolaser therapy and piloerection in medical rehabilitation of adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia

Dubilei G.S., Goreva I.I.


In the article assesses the effectiveness of differentiated application of magnetic therapy and piloerection in adolescents with the syndrome of a vegetative dystonia with connective tissue dysplasia.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):35-37
pages 35-37 views

A quick dynamics of the morphological characteristics of the myocardium in the athlete

Subbotin P.A., Pavlov V.I., Polianskii N.A., Sharykin A.S., Deev V.V., Badtieva V.A., Ivanova Y.M.


The myocardial remodeling of athletes heart is an essential process that occurs in sport exercises. However, depending on the type of load, remodeling can be of different type. An endurance load leading to eccentric cardiac remodeling, whereas power loads cause a concentric transformation of heart. Even in a same sport particular types of load can be different. This causes lead to difficulties in the differential diagnosis of physiological and pathological remodeling. Furthermore, it is believed that there must be sufficient time remodeling. We described the clinical observation, in which the athlete in the same sport, by changing the particularly of the training loads, there is objectively determined transformation of the myocardium in a relatively short period of time.
CardioSomatics. 2015;6(4):38-42
pages 38-42 views

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