Options for antiarrhythmic therapy after surgical treatment of the atrial fibrillation

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Aim. To assess the afficiency of using different shcemes of the antiarrythmic therapy (AAT) after the surgical treatment of the atrial fibrillation (AF).Material and methods. This retrospective study included 279 patients: 141 (49%) females and 168 (51%) males, aged 59±7.9 years who had got Сox-Maze IV procedure at Federal cardiovascular center (Penza). 27 patient (9.7%) had the paroxysmal AF, 252 (90.3%) - the persistent one. The AF’s duration was 36 months (from 1 to 180). The size of the left atrium was average 52.4±8.4 mm (from 40 to 82 mm). The medium functional class (FC) of heart failure (HF) (NYHA) was 2.8±0.4: II FC-63 (22.6%), III FC - 213 (76.3%), IV FC - 3 (1.1%). There were 3 groups of patients:1 group had 57 patients who had got amiodaron over 6 months; 2 group - 126 patients who had got b-blocker (b-B) (bisoprolol) long monotherapy; 3 group - 96 patients who had got amiodaron during 3-6 months then had got bisoprolol long therapy. All patiens got Cox-Maze IV procedure.Results. Remote results assessed after 6 months-3 years period after the operation. In all groups the number of patients with I and II FC HF increased; there was significant difference at 2 group (p1-2=0.01; p2-3=0.01; p1- 3=0.73). And there were more patients with sinus rhythm at 2 group than at 3 group significantly. The freedom from AF at 1 group was 77%±0.89, at 2 group - 68%±0.98, at 3 group - 85%±0.95 with the significant difference between 2 and 3 groups (р1-2=0.61; p1-3=0.13; p2-3=0.01).Conclusions. AAT by amiodaron during 3-6 months and then by beta-blocker (bisoprolol) longly after Cox-Maze IV procedure allows to keep sinus rhythm to 85% patiens at the distant period of time and comparing with the b-blocker-monotherapy allows to keep sinus rhythm more effectively. The difference of efficiency by long amiodaron-monotherapy and amiodaron-therapy during 3-6 months is not got statistical significant after Cox-Maze IV procedure.

About the authors

V. V Bazylev

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р. мед. наук, гл. врач ФГБУ ФЦССХ 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

E. V Nemchenko

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, зав. кардиохирургическим отд-нием №1 ФГБУ ФЦССХ 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

G. N Abramova

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: galana2004@mail.ru
канд. мед. наук, врач-кардиолог ФГБУ ФЦССХ 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6

V. A Karnakhin

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

врач-сердечно-сосудистый хирург ФГБУ ФЦССХ 440071, Russian Federation, Penza, ul. Stasova, d. 6


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