Medicinal leeches extract at complex treatment of experimental acute myocardial infarction in rats

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Creating of pharmacological forms based on the medicinal leech extract is a perspective decision of various clinical pathologies. To introduce a new drug into clinical practice is need to investigate its influence on the treatment effectivity at different diseases. The effect of the medicinal leeches Hirudo medicinalis extract for course of experimental acute myocardial infarction in rats was rated. The results of the study indicate the possibility of Hirudo medicinalis extract safe use for complex treatment of myocardial infarction.

About the authors

G. I Nikonov

International Medical Leech Centre

д-р биол. наук, ген. дир. ЗАО «Международный центр медицинской пиявки» 140140, Russian Federation, vil. Udel'naia, ul. Oktiabr'skaia, d. 40

S. A Kryzhanovskii

V.V.Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology

д-р мед. наук, проф. ФГБНУ НИИ фармакологии им. В.В.Закусова 125315, Россия, Москва, ул. Балтийская, д. 8, стр. 1

A. O Lebedeva

International Medical Leech Centre

рук. медико-фармакологических исследований ЗАО «Международный центр медицинской пиявки» 140140, Russian Federation, vil. Udel'naia, ul. Oktiabr'skaia, d. 40


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