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Том 7, № 4 (2017)


On the Discontinuity of Annuity Curves in Drosophila melanogaster Wild Type Strain Canton-S. IV. The Effect of Rearing at Low Temperature during the Early Imaginal Stage

Bychkovskaya I., Mylnikov S., Oparina T.


The rearing of Drosophila fruit flies at a temperature 5–7°C lower than the standard level until day 13 (or day 22) of the imaginal period enabled an increase of the individual insect lifespan. The positive effect of the longest exposure was evident in all age groups. This effect was due to prolongation of the initial period of the individuals’ lives and the subsequent delay of the onset of later developmental stages. The observed phenomenon may result in delayed development of aging-related pathology and a significant increase in the object’s maximal lifespan. The effect was independent of sample size (in samples of 100 to 1200 flies) and the interval between the experiments. All individuals of the cohort are assumed to contribute to the phenomenon.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):259-266
pages 259-266 views

Age-Related Dynamics of the Main Extracellular Matrix Components in Residents of the Russian Arctic

Kim L., Belisheva N., Putyatina A., Russkih G., Kozhin P., Tsypysheva O.


The main extracellular matrix (EM) components in Arctic residents were studied. Northerners had increased levels of total glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronan, and collagen IV in plasma and both general and peptide-bound hydroxyproline in urine, which indicates an accelerated metabolism of the main extracellular matrix components as compared with residents of Western Siberia. Age-related remodeling of the extracellular matrix in northerners manifested in the changed ratio and quantity of its main components. Levels of total glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronan, fibronectin, and hydroxyproline and its fractions increased with age while the level of collagen IV changed insignificantly. The average positive correlation between extracellular matrix components and biological age indicators is suggestive of a relationship between these two processes: aging, which is accelerated on the European North, and pathological remodeling of the extracellular matrix, as it is associated with accelerated aging. Changes in local regulation system, including those related to matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors, may be one of the reasons for pathological remodeling of extracellular matrix.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):267-275
pages 267-275 views

Age-Related Aspects of the Involvement of Heat Shock Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis

Kabalyk M.


The purpose of the study is to find the age-related features of changes in the levels of heat shock proteins (HSPs), chemokines, and a marker of collagen degradation in the blood of patients with osteoarthritis. The survey revealed that the involvement of HSPs in the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis seems to be a complex and multilevel process. Under the influence of external risk factors, HSP70 acts as an adjuvant to the immune reaction involving chemokine CXCL17. Low levels of HSPs do not allow them to act as an autoimmune factor in the interaction with Toll-like receptors of immunocompetent cells, but they obviously contribute to the CXCL17-dependent activation of dendritic cells and macrophages that initiate local inflammation involving key cytokines, including TNF-α. Chondrocytes and osteoblasts subjected to a cytokine attack are not able to respond fully to the overexpression of HSP70 and HSP27 for whatever reason. With aging, the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis enters the phase of the local tissue reaction, where the processes of hypertrophic differentiation of chondrocytes and osteo-like cells of subchondral bone play an important role.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):276-280
pages 276-280 views

Neurochemical Features of Metasympathetic System Ganglia in the Course of Ontogenesis

Masliukov P., Budnik A., Nozdrachev A.


The neurochemical composition of the metasympathetic nervous system is characterized by large variation. The majority of ganglionic neurons in metasympathetic system is cholinergic. Along with cholinergic neurons, there are neurons detected in the intramural ganglia containing serotonin, histamine, GABA, and several peptides: cholecystokinin, dynorphin, enkephalins, galanin, gastrin-releasing peptide (bombesin in mammals), neuropeptide Y, neurotensin, somatostatin, tachykinins, neurokinin A, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Gas molecules such as NO, CO, and H2S also act as neurotransmitters. Separate groups of neurons differ in the content of neuronal calcium-binding proteins, such as calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin, and of neurofilaments: those of low, medium, and high molecular weight. Neurons of the gastrointestinal ganglia are the most diverse in their neurochemistry. There is species specificity: there are more combinations of chemical mediators in the ganglia of large animals and humans. The synthesis of main neurotransmitters takes place already in embryonic period, and most neurons contain acetylcholine by the time of birth. In postnatal ontogenesis in intramural gastrointestinal and cardiac ganglia, the fraction of neurons expressing NO-synthase decreases. The functional meaning of such changes remains unclear.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):281-289
pages 281-289 views

Prediction of Life Expectancy in Prostate Cancer Patients Based on the Kinetic Theory of the Aging of Living Systems

Viktorov A., Zharinov G., Neklasova N., Morozova E.


We propose a method for the prediction of life expectancy (LE) in patients diagnosed with prostate cancer based on the kinetic theory of the aging of living systems. The life expectancy (survival time) is calculated from the differential equation for the rate of aging for three different life stages—“normal” life, life with prostate cancer, and life after combination therapy for prostate cancer. The method is based on the statistical correlation between the growth rate of the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA level) or the PSA doubling time (PSA DT) before therapy and the survival time: the higher the PSA DT is, the greater is the LE. The adequacy of prediction is proved by the satisfactory agreement rate of experimental data on survival time obtained in the group of patients from “fast PSA DT” and “slow PSA DT” categories. The prediction error of group LE is due to the completeness and reliability of the medical parameters and baseline values. Detailed monitoring of the basic health parameters throughout life for each patient in each analyzed group is needed to minimize such a prediction error. The absence of this particular information makes it impossible to predict individual life expectancy.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):290-295
pages 290-295 views

Age-Related Changes in the Expression of Lamin B Receptors in Human Dermal Fibroblasts

Golubtsova N., Filippov F., Gunin A.


The goal of this research was to study the content of lamin B receptors in human dermal fibroblasts during different age periods (from a 20-week pregnancy to the age of 85) in correlation with their proliferative activity. Lamin B receptors and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were identified in skin sections by indirect immunohistochemistry. Our results have shown that an increase in the share of fibroblasts with positive staining for the lamin B receptors and an increase in the expression level of lamin B receptors in fibroblast nuclei are observed during the period from age zero to 20 years of age as compared with other age periods. The total fibroblast count, including positively PCNA-stained dermal fibroblasts, decreased most significantly from the age of 20. The increase in the content of lamin B receptors in dermal fibroblasts, which is observed from birth until the age of 20, can be considered one of the triggering moments leading to the agedependent decrease in counts of human dermal fibroblasts.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):296-301
pages 296-301 views

Age-Related Changes in the Content of Sirtuin 1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts

Golubtsova N., Filippov F., Gunin A.


The goal of our work was to examine the localization and expression level of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) in human dermal fibroblasts at different stages of ontogenesis, as well as to identify the role of SIRT1 in skin aging. The study was based on an autopsy skin material sampled from fetuses dying prenatally in the 20th to 40th week of gestation and from people dying in the period starting from birth to the age of 85 years. SIRT1 and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were detected by the indirect immunohistochemical method. The results of our study have shown that the SIRT1 level decreases in dermal fibroblasts during the period from birth until the age of 85 and that the proliferative activity of dermal fibroblasts and their counts are steadily reduced. The decreasing content of SIRT1 in dermal fibroblasts with age correlates with a reduction of their proliferative activity and can be considered as one of the mechanisms for inhibition of the proliferation of dermal fibroblasts.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):302-306
pages 302-306 views

Age Aspects of the Muscular-Tonic and Urological Syndromes in Men with Disorders of the Pelvic Functions: the Features of Clinic, Diagnostics, and Treatment

Myakotnykh V., Tretyakov V., Balbert A.


A comparative examination of 100 patients of different ages suffering from disorders of micturition, erectile function, and pelvic pain identified age-related peculiarities of these pathological manifestations. Irritative disorders of urination were detected significantly more frequently among persons of young and middle age than the elderly, and obstructive-related disorders were more frequent in the elderly. In elderly and senile ages, a reduced contractility of the detrusor was more prevalent, and an increased tone of striated sphincter of the urethra and bladder hyperactivity was more prevalent at a younger age. A long-existing spasm of some muscle formations of the lumbar, pelvic, and femoral regions has been shown to participate in the genesis of urinary symptoms, erectile dysfunction, and pelvic pain. A high effectiveness against disorders of micturition, erectile function, and pelvic pain was achieved, regardless of the age of the patients, with manual therapy, physiotherapy, and botulinum therapy. It is recommended for the diagnosis of urological pathology to involve specialists in the field of neurology and manual therapy. In cases of diagnosis of muscular-tonic disorders not etiologically associated with pathological processes in the organs of the urogenital system, it is recommended to include methods such as manual therapy, physiotherapy, and botulinum therapy in the complex of therapeutic measures.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):307-312
pages 307-312 views

Interrelation of Biological Aging Rates with Neurophysiological Features in Patients with Occupational Neurointoxications

Shevchenko O., Lakhman O., Katamanova E.


Brain functional activity was studied patients hospitalized with occupational neurontoxications in order to reveal the neurophysiological features of the development of accelerated biological aging in working persons exposed to neurotoxicants. The study showed that patients with occupational neurointoxications are characterized in an average of 85% cases by premature aging. The typical neurophysiological feature of this contingent is an increased latency of the P2 peak of visual evoked potentials. The common signs of lesions of cerebral structures in occupational mercury intoxication in accelerated biological aging were determined, irrespective of the disease stage. On the basis of the analysis of the correlations, it is established that the consequence of chronic exposure to metal mercury vapors and the cause of accelerated biological aging at occupational neurointoxications is a permanent disorganization of the functional activity of the brain, which manifests itself as cortical and subcortical disturbances of sensory regulatory systems of the brain.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):313-318
pages 313-318 views

Pineamin Increases Melatonin Synthesis in Pineal Gland of Elderly People

Trofimova S., Linkova N., Klimenko A., Kvetnaia T., Khavinson V.


The effect of a pineal gland polypeptide complex, Pineamin, on urine excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SOMT) was investigated by immunoenzyme assay in 55 elderly patients with decreased melatonin formation. Pineamin at a dose of 100 mg increased the level of 6-SOMT excretion in overnight urine by 1.9 times in comparison with the respective indicator before the treatment. A similar effect was previously obtained upon the administration of Epitalamin, which also facilitated the restoration of melatonin synthesis in human and animal pineal glands affected by aging. Hence, Pineamin and Epitalamin exhibit a one-directional stimulating property with respect to the melatonin-forming function of the pineal gland in elderly people.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):319-322
pages 319-322 views

Detection of the Troponin I Level by a Highly Sensitive Method in Three Age Groups of a Healthy Population

Pushkin A., Yakovlev A., Akhmedov T., Rukavishnikova S., Ryzhak G.


The article presents the results of research on the cardiac troponin I level as determined by a highly sensitive method in ahealthy population. A total of 165 people (coworkers at a medical institution, 71% women and 29% men) were examined. The criterion for inclusion was the absence of health complaints at the time of the survey and during the previous 30 days. All of the examinees were divided into three age groups: 18–34 years (the first period of middle age); 35–54 years (the second period of the middle age); older than 55 years (old age). The main goal of the study is to identify the absence or presence of a significant correlation between the level of cardiac troponin I and the age of conditionally healthy examinees.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):323-327
pages 323-327 views

Patterns of Vertebral Pain Syndromes in Women of Older Age Groups Depending on Duration of Postmenopausal Period and Bone Mineral Density Score

Orlyk T., Grygorieva N., Povoroznyuk V.


The present study analyzes the frequency (prevalence rates) of vertebral pain syndrome (VPS) in 2844 women aged 40–89 years divided into groups based on the reproductive, perimenopausal and postmenopausal (PMP) stages of life and evaluates the relationship between the VPS rates and scores of bone mineral density (BMD). The overall VPS rates range from 84.1 to 94.4% throughout the different physiological stages of woman’s life, with a statistically significant increase in the PMP stage of 20 years duration or longer when compared with the reproductive and early postmenopausal stages. Significant growth of the VPS rates in the thoracic and lumbar regions of spine begins in the first to third years of PMP period (stage); the frequency remains high throughout all subsequent periods of PMP. Postmenopausal women are found to demonstrate a significant increase in the relative risk of developing VPS in the thoracic (1.3- to 1.4-fold) and lumbar (1.2- to 1.3-fold that) regions of the spine. Patients with osteoporosis in 1–3 years of PMP duration display significantly higher rates of VPS in the thoracic spine than women with osteopenia, while patients with 7–9 years of PMP duration have significantly increased rates as compared with groups that include osteopenia and norms. In patients with osteoporosis and no history of vertebral fractures, the VPS prevalence rates in the thoracic spine significantly increase in PMP periods of 4–6 and 7–9 years duration as compared with women in the reproductive stage, as well as in women with normal BMD scores. The identified VPS patterns can be of value in the planning of therapeutic interventions in women of senior age groups.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):328-335
pages 328-335 views

Donor Age Affects Behavior and Sensibility of Bone Marrow Cells to Copper Ions in Primary Culture

Bozhkov A., Ohiienko S., Kuznetsova Y., Bondar’ A., Marchenko V., Gumennaya M.


In the primary culture of bone marrow cells obtained from young (3-month-old) and old (20-month-old) rats, the change in the number of cells from day 0 to day 4, the pattern of cell morphotypes, and the lifespan of myelocytes, metamyelocytes, and stab and segment neutrophils was studied. It was shown that the number of bone marrow cells obtained from old animals (20-month-old) in the primary culture increased faster than the number of bone marrow cells in young animals (3-month-old). The presence of Copper-induced liver fibrosis in animals had a different effect on the rate of increase in the number of bone marrow cells obtained in young and old animals. The administration of 4 and 8 mmol of CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O into the culture of bone marrow cells in young and old animals caused a dose-dependent inhibition of proliferative processes in the cells of young animals. When copper ions were administered into the culture of bone marrow cells obtained from old animals, the inhibition of proliferation was less pronounced than for young animals, and a concentration of 8 mmol of CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O inhibited proliferation to a lesser extent than 4 mmol of CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O. The presence of liver fibrosis in animals accelerated the process of bone marrow cell death in the primary culture in young and old animals. However, this effect was more pronounced in young animals. It is suggested that bone marrow cells undergo such epigenetic changes, which change their functional properties, during ontogeny.

Advances in Gerontology. 2017;7(4):336-344
pages 336-344 views

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