Vol 26, No 3 (2024): Оториноларингология и пульмонология


The use of combined drugs as a component of complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx: A review

Kosyakov S.Y., Pchelenok E.V., Usmanova K.S.


Unfortunately, the occurrence of various pathologies in the ENT organs still remains one of the pressing problems in global healthcare. The frequent manifestation of unwanted pathologies forces us to change methods, and sometimes to introduce something new into the medical care provided to patients. Researchers from the Center for Medical Statistics of the Scientific Research Institute of Medical Sciences and Medical Research, Moscow Health Department, having conducted a detailed analysis of the activities of otorhinolaryngological departments in medical organizations in the city of Moscow, found that in 2022 the number of all visits to otorhinolaryngologists exceeded 4.5 million, of which 45.7% were children, and 54.2% were committed by persons over 18 years of age. Preventive visits of patients to doctors for 2018–2022 increased from 29.3 to 37.8%. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx are among the most common diseases of the ENT organs. Given the proliferation, development of technology and possible tensions, they still remain a pressing issue. That is why various new options for drug therapy are being proposed that would be most effective, and one of these new drugs is Lorothricin, a combination drug that has shown itself to be the best in a number of studies and clinical cases. In a review article, based on our experience and literature data. We present the problem of treating patients with sore throat due to acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis and gingivitis.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):147-152
pages 147-152 views

Non-drug methods of influencing the pharyngeal tonsil in the complex therapy of chronic adenoiditis

Solodovnik A.V., Kornova N.V., Bidzhiev A.S., Ryabenko Y.I., Korkmazov A.M., Kiseleva E.O., Klepikov S.V.


Aim. To compare the dynamics of the clinical course of chronic adenoiditis in children and evaluate changes in the levels of products of oxidative modification of proteins in pharyngeal tonsil tissues under the influence of physical methods.

Materials and methods. The study involved 84 patients with a clinical picture of chronic inflammation of the brain and hypertrophy of the adenoid vegetations of the 3rd degree, who were referred for surgical treatment as planned. All patients belonged to the age group from 3 to 15 years. The envelope method was used, patients were randomized into 3 groups. Group 1 (n=32) included children who did not receive exposure to physical methods in the preoperative period; Participants in the 2nd group (n=27) received low-frequency ultrasonic (LFU) therapy in combination with red spectrum photochromotherapy (FCT) in the preoperative period, and participants in the 3rd group (n=25) received NUS cavitation monotherapy before surgery. Statistical data were obtained using the SPSS Statistics 19.0 software package. The nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test was used to identify differences between independent groups; for pairwise comparison of groups, the Mann–Whitney test was used.

Results. Analysis of the results showed that the severity of the studied signs in the study groups was comparable to each other on the 1st day, i.e. before starting treatment. The results of endoscopic examination are graded from 0 to 3 points. the severity of nasal obstruction and difficulty nasal breathing in group 1 (control) on day 1 was 7.7 points, in group 2 – 7.4 points, in group 3 – 7.5 points. Patients underwent anterior and posterior rhinoscopy. The best result was obtained in the group using LFU cavitation in combination with FCT. There was a significant decrease in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil and the absence of discharge on the surface of the adenoid vegetations, which reflects the high clinical effectiveness of this method of treatment.

Conclusion. The use of LFU cavitation in combination with FCT in the treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children leads to improved nasal breathing and a decrease in the amount of discharge in the nasal cavity.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):153-158
pages 153-158 views

Acute respiratory viral infections: directions for diagnosis and rational therapy (how to avoid mistakes?): A review

Zaitsev A.A., Makarevich A.M.


Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) still remain one of the most pressing human diseases due to the extremely high incidence rate. Among all the pathogens of ARVI, rhinoviruses and influenza viruses are of leading importance. This publication once again draws the reader’s attention to the basic principles of managing a patient with ARVI and influenza, and the “red line” defines the main goal – “how to avoid mistakes?”.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):159-163
pages 159-163 views

Vitamin-mineral complexes to help adult patients frequently suffering with acute respiratory viral infections: A review

Trukhan D.I., Bagisheva N.V.


Acute respiratory viral infections are widespread diseases, poorly controlled infections and are characterized by moderately pronounced constant growth. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes (nutraceuticals) for nonspecific prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is experiencing a “second youth” thanks to new data accumulated during the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic. As part of the review, we examined the possible impact of deficiency of the microelements selenium and zinc, vitamins A, E and C on various aspects of the course of ARVI: nonspecific prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. We searched for relevant sources in the PubMed and Scopus information databases, including the time period up to 04.07.2024. The presence in the arsenal of a practicing physician of 2 forms of the vitamin-mineral complex Selzinc® at the outpatient stage of medical care will increase the effectiveness of nonspecific prevention of ARVI in the pre-epidemic period, especially in “frequently ill adults with ARVI,” as well as the treatment of ARVI as adjuvant therapy and subsequent rehabilitation.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):164-171
pages 164-171 views

A clinical case of a patient with subtotal ossification of the cochlea: results of cochlear implantation using neuroimaging methods to control dynamics

Dvorianchikov V.V., Kuzovkov V.E., Kliachko D.S., Lilenko A.S., Sugarova S.B., Tanaschishina V.A., Kalyapin D.D., Kharitonova P.R.


Background. Nowadays cochlear implantation (CI) is a globally recognized method of rehabilitation of people with deafness, which allows not only to improve the quality of life of the patient, but also to integrate them into the hearing environment. Ossification of the labyrinth is one of the most challenging problems faced by a surgeon during a CI. Patients with cochlear ossification have a set of problems that an audiologist encounters. Among them: duration of deafness; previous difficulties with hearing aids due to lack of effectiveness and severity of discomfort when wearing a hearing aid; severity of damage to the microstructures of the ear, leading to the need to use high levels; potential incomplete insertion of an electrode or insertion of an electrode through a cochleostomy; the occurrence of non-auditory sensations in the form of stimulation of the facial nerve; Functional neuroimaging can provide insight into the neurobiological factors that contribute to differences in individual hearing outcomes after cochlear implantation. To date, measuring neural activity in the auditory cortex of cochlear implant users has been a difficult task, primarily because the use of traditional neuroimaging techniques is limited. Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a new technology that offers advantages to this group of patients because it is non-invasive, compatible with CI devices and is not subject to electrical interference. The knowledge gained using this technique makes it possible to objectify the quality of auditory-speech rehabilitation of patients by fixing the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Aim. To describe a clinical case of a patient with subtotal ossification of the cochlea with an assessment of auditory-speech rehabilitation using neuroimaging techniques.

Materials and methods. In November 2022, patient M. was admitted to Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech with complaints of hearing loss up to deafness, tinnitus, discomfort when wearing hearing aids. It was known from the anamnesis that the patient had suffered from purulent meningitis of unknown etiology at the age of 5. The patient was monitored by sign-language specialists for a long time, and from the age of 15 she had hearing aids on both ears without significant effect. In 2021, she noted a complete loss of the effectiveness of hearing aids, and therefore decided to undergo an examination for the CI. The patient's speech was represented by complex sentences with agrammatism, speech perception was mainly performed visually by lip reading. CT scans of the temporal bones from 27.03.2022 revealed signs of subtotal ossification of the labyrinth structures on both sides with unreliable signs of partial patency of the spiral canal of the cochlea on the right. Due to the high risks of incomplete insertion of the electrode, up to the impossibility of its introduction, the decision on surgical treatment was made by a concilium consisting of 2 otosurgeons, an anesthesiologist, an audiologist and a neurologist. Intraoperatively, it was decided to use a short straight electrode with a length of 11 mm. Good auditory-speech results were obtained, the objectivity of the data obtained was confirmed by the method of near-infrared functional spectroscopy.

Conclusion. The fNIRS technique made it possible to obtain an objective picture of the reaction of the temporal lobe cortex specifically to sound stimulation in a patient with RP without the use of invasive or radiological research methods, which in some cases may have an application error. We believe that the use of this technique is promising in patients with profound hearing loss before and after cochlear implantation.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):172-176
pages 172-176 views

Clinical case of gusher-syndrome in surgery of a congenital isolated malformation of the middle ear

Astashchenko S.V., Anikin I.А., Ilyin S.N., Goncharov O.I., Kaliapin D.D., Dyakov I.M., Valkova A.A.


Gusher syndrome is a rather rare condition complicating surgical interventions on the stapes. It is characterized by profuse effusion of perilymphatic fluid from the vestibule into the lumen of the tympanic cavity during fenestration or removal of the foot plate of the stapes and rapid filling of the volume of the tympanic cavity and the external auditory canal with perilymph. This is due to increased pressure of perilymph fluid in the inner ear cavity in some developmental anomalies. Preoperative diagnosis of gusher syndrome can be difficult when the CT scan does not show any abnormalities in the anatomy of the inner ear canal and inner ear structures. The rarity of this phenomenon greatly complicates the procedure of its study, as well as the development of optimal schemes of therapeutic and diagnostic tactics in a real clinical situation. A clinical case of a combination of congenital isolated middle ear developmental anomaly and gusher syndrome is studied. A patient with suspected otosclerosis underwent stapedoplasty at Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech. During the operation, abundant perilymphorrhea "Gusher" symptom was obtained, as well as thickening of the stapes legs and thin tendon of the stirrup muscle were revealed. The postoperative diagnosis was changed from otosclerosis to congenital isolated anomaly of middle ear development (isolated ankylosis of the stapes), gusher syndrome. The tactics of management of a patient with otosclerosis and isolated middle ear anomaly are similar. CT of temporal bones and virtual CT endoscopy should become the standard of examination of patients before surgical treatment. The use of cartilage and supracartilage is a safe way to stop perilymphorrhea in patients with gusher syndrome.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):177-181
pages 177-181 views

The multifaceted erdostein: facts on the desk. A review

Babak S.L., Gorbunova M.V., Karnaushkina M.A.


Erdostein is a mucoactive agent belonging to the group of thiol drugs with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity against a number of major respiratory pathogens. After transformation in the liver, erdostein is metabolized to a compound with an open ring M1 (MET-1) having unique properties. In the RESTORE study (2022), it was confirmed that erdostein significantly reduces the risks of severe exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reduces their duration, and reduces the number of hospitalizations with acute respiratory failure (ARF). The unique preventive properties of erdostein do not depend on the administration of inhaled (ICS) or systemic (SCS) corticosteroids to COPD patients, as well as on the level of eosinophilia in the blood. The results obtained contrast with the available therapy strategy, where thiol mucolytics are indicated in patients who do not use ICS-therapy and/or SCS-therapy. Moreover, this confirms the assumption about the use of erdostein in COPD patients as a drug for the phased withdrawal of ICS-therapy.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):182-186
pages 182-186 views

Neutrophilic asthma: current prospects. A review

Gaynitdinova V.V., Merzhoeva Z.M., Aleksandrova A.A.


Asthma, caused by eosinophilic inflammation of the airways, is caused by exposure to allergen, is well treated with glucocorticostroids or monoclonal antibodies to interleukin-4 and 5, but some patients do not develop an answer to this therapy. The given type of asthma is classified as non-eosinophilic asthma. Depending on the proportion of infiltrating cells, non-eosinophilic asthma can be divided into neutrophil asthma (NA), mixed granulocytic asthma, and small ranulocytic asthma. It should be noted that the NA criteria are not clearly defined. For example, in one study, inflammation is thought to be neutrophilic with less than 2.5% of eosinophils and more than 65% of neutrophils in the sputum, while in another study 61% of neutrophils and more are thought to be. The role of neutrophils in asthma has been studied, but there is debate about the presence of NA. Several studies have shown that neutrophilic inflammation is associated with severe asthma and the risk of increased asthma. The article considers pathogenesis, definition, biomarkers NA and potential therapy NA.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):187-192
pages 187-192 views

Association of genotypes of biotransformation enzymes with susceptibility to chronic pulmonary tuberculosis

Alymenko M.A., Valiev R.S., Valiev N.R., Balobanova N.P., Batishchev A.V., Tragira I.N., Lipatov V.A., Polonikov A.V., Kolomiets V.M., Volkova S.N., Mal G.S., Ragulina V.A.


Background. Now it is well-known that the pulmonary tuberculosis is a multifactorial disease in which forming a certain role belongs as factors external the environment, and genetic to factors.

Aim. In this study, the association of genes of xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes: NAT2 [590G>A (rs1799930)], CYP2E1 [9896C>G (rs2070676)], ABCB1 [3435T>C (rs1045642)], GSTM1 (E/D) and GSTT1 (E/D) with susceptibility to torpid pulmonary tuberculosis was carried out.

Materials and methods. 123 people suffering from torpid pulmonary tuberculosis were included in the study. Genomic DNA was isolated using Arrow Blood DNA 500 reagent kits from whole blood (at the NorDiag Arrow station). Next, the polymerase chain reaction was staged in real time using sets of reagents for SNPs genotyping.

Results. The study showed an association of gene polymorphisms of xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes with susceptibility to torpid pulmonary tuberculosis, including certain clinical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Conclusion. During the conducted research it was established that implementation of results of genotyping of enzymes of biotransformation of xenobiotics in practice of the doctor of the phthisiatrician for the purpose of forming of risk groups of suffering from tuberculosis lungs which have a susceptibility probability to this disease that perhaps in the future will provide the individualized approach to prevention and treatment of these patients is necessary.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):193-198
pages 193-198 views

The use of additive technologies to increase adherence to treatment, increase the efficiency of chemotherapy and correction of indicators of anxiety and depression among patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis

Naumov A.G., Shprykov A.S., Dolgova M.A., Fomina N.V.


Background. Currently, there is no «golden standard» in terms of correction of adherence to treatment of patients with tuberculosis and its adequate assessment. This paper presents the experience of applying the 3D lung reconstruction method, which was used among patients with tuberculosis to modify their level of adherence, as well as to increase the effectiveness of treatment and change the indicators of anxiety and depression.

Aims. To give a brief description of the level of adherence to treatment and the overall effectiveness of chemotherapy in newly diagnosed patients with tuberculosis according to the data of the department for patients with respiratory tuberculosis of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary. To increase the level of adherence to treatment and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy in newly diagnosed patients with destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis using additive technologies using the method of three-dimensional reconstruction of lung tissue. To assess and correct the dynamics of manifestations of symptoms of anxiety and depression among newly diagnosed patients with destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis using additive technologies using the method of three-dimensional reconstruction of lung tissue.

Materials and methods. The present work is based on a retrospective-prospective analysis of the results of treatment of newly diagnosed patients with destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (167 people), who were observed in the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary. The patients included in the study were divided into two groups. For patients of the 1st group, lung models were made, among them a questionnaire was conducted using the MMAS-4 questionnaire and the HADS scale. For patients of the 2nd group, lung models were not made, and no survey was conducted.

Results. According to the results of the study in the department for patients with respiratory tuberculosis of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary (observation period from 2016 to 2020), a negative trend was found in an increase in the number of unauthorized departures from the structural unit and violations of the regimen among patients. A course of polychemotherapy was recognized as effective in the 1st group (in terms of bacterial excretion) in 93.0% of patients (64/69), and in the 2nd group (the same indicator) – in 67.3% (66/98); χ2=16.940, df=1; p<0.001. The largest number of abacilated patients was observed in the 1st group. In the case of showing patients three-dimensional anatomical tactile models of the lungs, the probability of closing decay cavities increased by 32.2% (γ-test=-0.322; p=0.034). The absence of the demonstration of personalized three-dimensional anatomical tactile models of the lungs contributed to an increase in the occurrence of disadvantage in the outcome of therapy by 77.2% (γ-test=-0.772; p<0.001). The chance of achieving an effective course of chemotherapy was 4.2 times higher among patients of the 1st group (odds ratio 4.267, 95% confidence interval 1.523–11.953). In the absence of data on the patient’s interaction with the tactile pulmonary model, the risk of noncompliance increased by 47.6% (γ-test=-0.476; p=0.020). After the use of three-dimensional anatomical tactile models of the lungs among patients of the 1st group, their level of adherence to treatment increased (according to the MMAS-4 questionnaire) with a result of 4 points [4; 4] – maximum score of the MMAS-4 questionnaire – (W=2278, Z=-7.267; p<0.001) and the psychological load significantly decreased (according to the HADS scale) with a score of 7 points [5; 10] – «no significant symptoms of anxiety and depression» (W=2405, Z=-7.165; p<0.001).

Conclusion. The use of additive technologies in the anti-tuberculosis organization has made it possible to improve the profile of adherence of tuberculosis patients to polychemotherapy, increase the effectiveness of treatment, and correct indicators of anxiety and depression among newly diagnosed patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.

Consilium Medicum. 2024;26(3):199-207
pages 199-207 views

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