Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 9, № 5 (2018)

Physicochemical Principles of Creating Materials and Technologies

Composite Bilayer Polymer Membranes with Hydrophobic Layers

Kravets L., Altynov V., Zagonenko V., Lizunov N., Satulu V., Mitu B., Dinescu G.


Bilayer composite membranes (CMs) are prepared by depositing a polymer layer onto track-etched polypropylene (PP) membrane by using plasma polymerization of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSN). The chemical structure, wetting properties, and morphological characteristics of the prepared CMs are investigated. By depositing the plasma-polymerized polymer, we obtain CMs with two hydrophobic layers, of which one is the initial PP membrane, serving as a matrix. This layer has a water contact angle of 120°. The other layer, which was formed during plasma polymerization of HMDSN, contains nitrogen-containing functional groups, along with minor amounts of oxygen-containing, mainly carboxylic, groups. The water contact angle of this layer is ~98°. Deposition of a polymer film by plasma-assisted polymerization results in smoothing surface asperities of the initial (matrix) membrane, a considerable decrease in pore diameter, and alteration of pore shape; namely, the pores acquire an asymmetric (conical) profile.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):777-784
pages 777-784 views

Prospects of Application of Self-Healing Materials and Technologies Based on Them

Sitnikov N., Khabibullina I., Mashchenko V., Rizakhanov R.


Self-healing materials are of increasing interest for science and industry. However, such materials and technologies based on them are not widely implemented at the large-scale industrial level. There are reports on single successful implementations of such technologies; the concept of artificial self-healing of nonbiological materials is mostly actualized in prototypes for self-healing materials and systems. Self-restoring of the initial characteristics of materials is the most successfully realized in polymers and compositions based on them, and polymer coatings are the most applicable and commercially demanded self-healing materials. In this article, the basic mechanisms of self-healing of the initial characteristics in materials of different types are briefly presented and the technologies based on them are considered. The data on self-healing materials of different chemical nature (polymers, cements, ceramics, metals, and composite materials) are analyzed. The physical and chemical principles of providing the effect of self-restoring of the initial characteristics are highlighted, and the prospects of practical implementation of self-healing materials and technologies on their basis are discussed. The sources of information used were overviews on self-healing materials of different types, patents, and scientific articles.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):785-793
pages 785-793 views

Electronic Engineering Materials

Manufacturing Transparent Conducting Films Based on Directly Exfoliated Graphene Particles via Langmuir–Blodgett Technique

Danilov E., Samoilov V., Dmitrieva V., Nikolaeva A., Ponomareva D., Timoshchuk E.


Transparent conducting films based on graphene particles are obtained via ultrasonic-assisted liquid-phase exfoliation of natural graphite. For the first time, the Langmuir–Blodgett technique is reported to be utilized for the deposition of transparent conducting thin films based on directly exfoliated graphene on dielectric substrates (glass and lithium niobate). It is shown that centrifugation of graphene suspensions prior to the film deposition enables the formation of conducting coatings with high transparency (higher than 90%). A number of film parameters (sheet conductance, transmission coefficient in the optical domain) are investigated; the achieved level of properties (the sheet resistance of 143 Ω/sq at the optical transmission coefficient of 90% and the weak dependence of absorption on the wavelength) makes these films an attractive material for transparent electrodes in photovoltaic devices, light emitting diodes, and advanced sensor technologies. The samples of graphene-based films deposited on a transparent piezoelectric substrate (lithium niobate) showed themselves as candidates for application as a part of primary transducers for electronic devices and sensing technologies as a possible substitute for ceramic materials based on indium-tin oxide.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):794-802
pages 794-802 views

Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Titanate

Smirnov S., Zhorin V., Kiselev M., Smirnov S., Yashtulov N.


The synthesis of lithium titanate which includes mechanical activation of the precursor on a Bridgman anvil high-pressure apparatus is proposed. The electrodes composed of the prepared Li4Ti5O12 surpass their analogs in terms of the charge density, especially at high discharge currents, which we attribute to considerably finer particles of the prepared active material and the use of a solid polymer electrolyte as an electrically conducting binder which ensures uniform accessibility of the surface of anode material particles. This results in the most complete involvement of the lithium titanate during charge–discharge cycles and, consequently, higher specific discharge capacity. Solid state electrodes offer the advantage of stability, as compared to other electrodes, due to the lack of a liquid electrolyte in their composition; liquid electrolytes are known to cause corrosion, which leads to substantial losses of the electrode capacity during charge–discharge cycles.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):803-806
pages 803-806 views

Systems of Manganites with Enhanced Electromagnetic Parameters

Karpasyuk V., Badelin A., Derzhavin I., Merkulov D.


The effects of paired substitution of 3d10 cations (\(\rm{Zn{_{0.5}^{2+}}Ge{_{0.5}^{4+}}}\)) or 2p6 and 3p6 cations (\(\rm{Mg{_{0.5}^{2+}}Ti{_{0.5}^{4+}}}\)) for manganese in polycrystalline manganites of specifically designed systems \(\text{L}{\text{a}_{0.8 - x}}\text{S}{\text{r}_{0.2 + x}}\text{Mn}_{0.8 - 2x -2\gamma}^{3 +}\text{Mn}_{0.2 + x + 2\gamma}^{4 +} \times {\left( {\text{Me}_{0.5}^{2 +}\text{Me}_{0.5}^{4 +}} \right)_x}{\text{O}_{3 + \gamma}}\) on their electromagnetic parameters are studied and compared. Temperature dependences of the resistance, magnetoresistance and magnetostriction constant are measured. In the proposed systems, the linear rise of strontium concentration simultaneously with increasing number of substituents allows high characteristics of manganites to be maintained owing to the increase in the concentration of free charge carriers, through which ferromagnetic double exchange interaction is carried out. The data obtained are also compared with the properties of Ga3+(3d10)-substituted manganites as peculiar standards. All sintered (Zn,Ge)-containing manganites in the temperature range from 100 to 293 K have metallic type of conductivity, while (Mg,Ti)-substituted samples exhibit semiconducting features, and Ga-containing compositions reveal a “metal-semiconductor” transition point (Tms). The annealing under conditions ensuring stoichiometric oxygen content leads to the shift of this transition toward lower temperatures in manganites with 3d10 substituents and to the increase in Tms in compositions with substituting p6 cations. In the investigated systems, the absolute values of negative magnetoresistance up to ~90–200% at 120–150 K in the field of 9.2 kOe are obtained, and the linear magnetostriction constant reaches record values of about 10–3 in the field of 4.6 kOe. Manganite La0.65Sr0.35Mn0.85Ga0.15O3 with a weak temperature dependence of magnetoresistance of ~20% at room temperatures is of particular service for magnetic field sensors. Possible approaches to the interpretation of established regularities demonstrating the role of electronic configurations of substituents for manganese in the formation of the properties of manganites and interesting for the development of new materials for electronics are discussed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):807-812
pages 807-812 views

Study of Linear Light Edge-Emitting Diodes Based on InP/InGaAsP/InP Heterostructure with the Crescent Active Region

Vasil’ev M., Vasil’ev A., Kostin Y., Shelyakin A., Izotov A.


Buried light edge-emitting diodes (LEDs) with a wide emission spectrum in the wavelength range of 1380–1420 nm were developed. The design of an edge LED with a channel in a substrate and with the crescent active region and blocking layers of InP/GaInAsP/p-n-p-n/ZnSe was presented. Coupling of LED with an optical single-mode fiber and a microlens on the end of an optical fiber was performed. The characteristics of LEDs based on mesa-stripe heterostructures InP/GaInAsP were investigated. The dependences of the output power and the LED emission spectra based on mesa-stripe heterostructures InP/InGaAsP/InP with the crescent active region and p-n-p-n/ZnSe structure blocking the leakage current on the stabilization temperature of the active element and the injection current were studied. The dependence of the output parameters on the emitter stabilization temperature was demonstrated, which enables the creation of devices based on such LEDs both with and without forced cooling. The opportunity to develop buried LEDs with the crescent active region and a low degree of emission spectrum modulation was shown. The possibility of the entry of up to 45% of the LED radiation into a single-mode optical fiber using microlenses produced by chemical etching and fusion of a fiber end in a high-voltage arc of a welding machine was demonstrated.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):813-816
pages 813-816 views

Quantum Electronic and Photonic Materials

Physicochemical and Optical Characteristics of LiNbO3 Single-Crystals Doped with Boron

Palatnikov M., Sidorov N., Titov R., Teplyakova N., Makarova O.


The chemical interaction in the Li2CO3–Nb2O5 and Li2O–B2O3–Nb2O5 systems and crystallization features of LiNbO3 crystals from the melts containing boron impurity are considered. Raman spectra of LiNbO3:B crystals grown from a congruent melt containing ~0.55–1.24 mol % of B2O3 are studied. There are noticeable changes in the entire Raman spectrum upon doping with boron, which indicates a change in alternation of the main cations and vacancies along the polar axis of the LiNbO3:B crystal and “perturbation” of oxygen octahedra. Moreover, expansion of oxygen octahedra is anisotropic with an increase in boron concentration in the melt. Boron, hardly entering the structure of the lithium niobate crystal, significantly changes the structure of the melt and thus has a significant effect on structure and physical characteristics of the LiNbO3:B crystals. The results obtained for the LiNbO3:B crystals are compared with those obtained for nominally pure stoichiometric (LiNbO3stoich) and congruent (LiNbO3cong) lithium niobate crystals.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):817-824
pages 817-824 views

Materials of Power Engineering and Radiation-Resistant Materials

Structural Features of Mineral Crystalline Phases and Defectiveness of Bismuth Organosiliconate Crystals at High Temperatures

Yastrebinskii R., Bondarenko G., Pavlenko A.


Structural features of mineral crystal phases and defectiveness of bismuth organosiliconate crystals are inspected at various temperatures of treatment (from 100 to 500°C). X-ray diffraction enables evaluation of crystal lattice periods from spectrograms recorded in СuKα radiation. The approximation analysis of the broadening of the most intense diffraction lines in crystals from (hkl) crystallographic indices allows one to determine the coherent domain sizes and microdistortions Δа/а of a crystal lattice. It is found that exposure of the Na2O–Bi2O3–SiO2 system (NBS material) to temperatures of 300–500°C leads to a decrease in amorphism, microdistortions, and the density of dislocations in a crystal lattice of Bi12SiO20 sillenite. The formation of a denser structure of sillenite crystal with higher X-ray density (9.210 g/cm3) and greater cubic crystal lattice parameter (a = 10.1335 Å) is detected. The presented Bi12SiO20 material can be used as a gamma and protective filler of radiation protective polymers and in the design of electro-and magneto-optical laser radiation modulators.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):825-831
pages 825-831 views

Surface Structure Transformation in Double Forged Tungsten upon Single and Sequenced Irradiation Using Different Types of Radiation Facilities

Demina E., Gribkov V., Prusakova M., Pimenov V., Morozov E., Maslyaev S., Voronin A., Gusev V., Garkusha I., Makhlai V., Laas T., Shirokova V., Vali B.


Structural changes in the surface layer of target samples made of double forged tungsten were investigated after successive pulsed plasma irradiation thereof using different irradiation facilities such as plasma focus (PF), plasma gun (PG), and plasma accelerator (PA). The irradiation modes simulated hard conditions occurring under the action of thermonuclear plasma on the material in modern tokamaks in such extreme situations as plasma disruption, vertical displacement, and edge localized mode effects (ELMs). Hydrogen and deuterium were used as working gases. Double forged tungsten (DFW) samples were irradiated using PF facilities (PF-6 and PF-1000U) with a subsequent irradiation using PG or PA, as well as another sequence consisting in the initial irradiation using PA and a subsequent irradiation using PF-6 at the final stage. The DFW samples in the experiments were positioned normal to the incident energy flux. The following irradiation modes were used. The PF-1000U facility provides a power density of the deuterium plasma flux onto the target surface qpl = 109–1010 W/cm2, pulse duration τpl = 50–100 ns, power density of the of fast ion beam (with energy Ei > 100 keV) qfi = 1011–1012 W/cm2, pulse duration τfi = 10–50 ns. The PF-6 facility provides qpl = 109–1010 W/cm2, τpl = 50 ns, qfi = 1010–1011 W/cm2, τfi = 10–50 ns. The PG facility provides energy density Q = 0.8 MJ/m2, density of hydrogen plasma q ≈ 5 × 106 W/cm2, pulse duration τ = 15 μs. The PA facility provides Q = 0.75 MJ/m2, power density of deuterium plasma q = 3.6 × 105 W/cm2, τ = 0.25 ms. General features and peculiarities inherent in tungsten damage and changes in the structural state thereof under the action of energy flows in the hard mode of preliminary irradiation in PF facilities with subsequent radiation exposure in softer modes implemented in PG and PA facilities are considered. It is shown that, in the irradiation modes under investigation, the character of material degradation depends not only on the magnitude and duration of the single energy pulses generated by a testing facility but also on the number of energy pulses. The depth of the apparent damaged layer, wherein the crippling of the material occurs, is about 200 μm in almost all the studied irradiation modes, the damage being of thermal and shock-wave nature.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):832-847
pages 832-847 views

Combined Action of Fast Neutrons and Operational Factors on Reliability of Infrared LEDs

Gradoboev A., Simonova A., Orlova K.


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) operate under conditions of ionizing irradiation. The purpose of this work is to research the action of preliminary irradiation with fast neutrons on the reliability of LEDs. The objects of research are LEDs based on double AlGaAs heterostructures. The control of the forward-bias region of the current–voltage characteristic of the LED allows detecting the parallel-connected dislocations to the p–n junction of the LED. Moreover, it makes possible to determine the resistance of ohmic contacts. The LEDs have an s-shaped form of the current–voltage characteristic, which is due to the connection of dislocations parallel to the p–n junction of its active layer. Long-term operating conditions are simulated by accelerated step-by-step tests. Analysis of the current–voltage characteristic shape makes it possible to mark several distinctive areas that are defined by the electron injection level in the active region of the LED. The marked areas can be characterized by corresponding threshold currents. The threshold currents go up when the step number increase is accompanied by an increase in resistance of ohmic contacts during step-by-step tests and under irradiation with fast neutrons. Preliminary irradiation with fast neutrons leads to a shift in the threshold currents depending on the fluence of fast neutrons. Preliminary irradiation with fast neutrons with fluence in the region of radiation-stimulated reconstruction of the initial defect structure makes it possible to increase the resistance of ohmic contacts during operation and, therefore, to increase their reliability. Preliminary irradiation with fast neutrons in the region of only radiation defects leads to the accelerated increase in resistance of ohmic contacts during operation, which decreases their reliability. Preliminary irradiation with fast neutrons can be used in the manufacturing technology of LEDs with the purpose of increasing the reliability.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):848-854
pages 848-854 views

Materials for Ensuring Human Vital Activity and Environmental Protection

Shear Strength of the Cylindrical Titanium Implant–Plastic System

Mamayev A., Mamayeva V., Kalita V., Komlev D., Radyuk A., Ivannikov A., Mikhaylova A., Baikin A., Sevostyanov M., Amel’chenko N.


Analysis of the combination of the “titanium implant–bone tissue” using the model of the composite material “cylindrical titanium implant–plastic,” where plastic with the shear strength of 62.3 MPa simulates the bone tissue, was performed. The shear strength of the “cylindrical titanium implant–plastic” system increases with the increase of the macro- and microrelief of the titanium surface in the series smooth surface, processed by abrasive, with three-dimensional capillary-porous (TCP) titanium coating, with TCP Ti coating and microplasma oxidation—2.9, 29, 44.65, and 52.27 MPa respectively. In this case, the shear strength of plastic in this combination increases from 3 to 92%. Analysis of the shear strength of coatings during microplasma oxidation in phosphate and silicate electrolytes with the addition of hydroxyapatite, calcium gluconate, or citrate was conducted. The best result of 57.27 MPa was obtained using the phosphate electrolyte containing synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA). In this case, when samples were subjected to shear, the destruction of samples occurred with plastic simulating the bone tissue. In samples with three-dimensional capillary-porous titanium coating at the average shear strength of 44.65 MPa, the fracture surface passes along the top of the coating.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):855-860
pages 855-860 views

Tetrafluoroethylene Telomeres Used to Prepare Fluorine-Containing Hydrophobic Silica Fabric

Kichigina G., Kushch P., Krivonogova E., Kiryukhin D., Dorohov V., Barelko V.


Fluoroplastic varnished cloth is a fiberglass fabric that has been repeatedly impregnated with fluoroplastic suspension (F-4D) and treated thermally; it contains ~60–80% of fluoroplastic. In this work, silica fabric KT-11-13 has been used as the base for the production of varnished cloths with a low content of fluoropolymer, whereas solutions of tetrafluoroethylene telomeres with the general formula A–(CF2–CF2)n–B synthesized by radiation in acetone (n ~ 15, A, B being CH3COCH2, H, CH3) and pentafluorochlorobenzene (n ~ 70, A, B being C6F5, Cl) have been used as an impregnating medium. A hydrophobic material containing 5–10% of fluoropolymer has been obtained; the technique of pretreatment of industrial fabric from technical lubricant has been worked out; several methods for its removal have been suggested. Silica and aluminoborosilicate fabrics used as bases have been compared; the feasibility of using tetrafluoroethylene telomeres in аcetone and pentafluorochlorobenzene has been evaluated. The presence of a fluoropolymer coating providing hydrophobicity of silica fabric is indicated by IR absorption spectra.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):861-867
pages 861-867 views

Promising NiO–30 wt % Ag–40 wt % Bi2O3 Membrane Material for Separation of Oxygen from Air

Kulbakin I., Fedorov S.


Composite NiO–30 wt % Ag–40 wt % Bi2O3 material was synthesized and studied. The microstructure of this material cooled from 800°C was studied, and the presence of a percolative network of silver in the bulk of composite was shown. The transport properties of this composite (electrical conductivity, oxygen ion transport number, and oxygen fluxes) in the temperature range of 725–800°C were investigated. The oxygen permeability of a membrane based on the NiO–30 wt % Ag–40 wt % Bi2O3 material was calculated and the selectivity of transferred oxygen over nitrogen in the process of separation from air was evaluated. At 800°C, the electrical conductivity was ~50 Ω–1 cm–1, the oxygen ion transport number was 0.02, the oxygen permeability was 2.1 × 10–8 mol cm–1 s–1, and the selectivity of oxygen (over nitrogen) was above 1000. The oxygen permeabilities of some ceramic and cermet membranes and the membrane material fabricated in this work were compared. Composite NiO–30 wt % Ag–40 wt % Bi2O3 shows a high selective oxygen permeability compared to the state-of-the-art analogs and can be used as an ion transport membrane for separation of oxygen from air.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):868-872
pages 868-872 views

Biomedical Materials Based on Polymer-Colloid Dispersion of Succinamide Chitosan-Sol of Silver Iodide

Valiyev D., Bazunova M., Chernova V., Shurshina A., Kulish E.


Polymer-colloid dispersions which are products of interaction of macromolecules with inorganic sol are of special interest among polymeric materials of biomedical function. The water-soluble sodium salt of chitosan suссinamide (SChT) having a complex of unique properties, among which is biocompatibility with body tissues, bacteriostaticity, ability to biodegradation, and so on, has been used as a basis for creation of film composite materials for biomedical purpose. Sol of silver iodide (AgI) known for its bactericidal properties has been used as colloidal dispersion. Microbiological studies have shown that films on the basis of polymer-colloidal dispersion SChT-AgI possess the expressed bactericidal action, while individual sol and individual SChT at the chosen concentration are characterized only by a bacteriostatic effect. It is revealed that polymer-colloidal dispersion SChT-AgI promotes an increase in resistance of components of blood to action of hemolytic agents. It is established that addition of AgI leads to an increase in tensile strength and decrease in elongation fracture. It is shown that the obtained films in all cases destruct much more slowly and to a lesser extent than an initial film of SChT when maintaining good water-absorbing ability.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):873-878
pages 873-878 views

Porous Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Obtained by the Original Method of “Ceramic Biscuit” for Medicine

Fadeeva I., Fomin A., Filippov Y., Bozhkova S., Labutin D., Barinov S.


Carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHA) owing to its chemical and phase composition that is similar to that of the inorganic component of native bone tissue is a promising material for reconstructive surgery to heal bone defects that are caused by trauma and extensive surgery. An original method for obtaining porous CHA ceramic granules was developed. To obtain a system of interconnected pores, a protein foam with sucrose was used. The optimum ratio of the protein foam to the ceramic CHA powder was found to be 3: 1 for production of porous ceramics with a homogeneous structure. The mechanical properties of the porous CHA ceramics that we obtained at different ratios between the protein foam and ceramic CHA powder were studied: as the concentration of the ceramic CHA powder increased in the mixture, the compressive strength of the CHA ceramics decreased from 6–7 to 2–3 MPa. The microstructure of the CHA ceramics is characterized by the presence of pores that are different in size, from fractions to tens of microns. In vitro studies of the porous CHA ceramics were performed. The evaluation of the influence of the granules on the growth of rat MMSCs in vitro revealed a decrease in the cell viability with an increase in the concentration of the granules. The reduced viability of the MMSCs in the presence of the granules can be associated with alkalization of the environment by the sintering additive.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):879-883
pages 879-883 views

Comparative Analysis of the Properties of Hydroxyapatite Powders Prepared by Different Techniques

Zelichenko E., Guzeev V., Kovalskaya Y., Gurova O., Guzeeva T.


The dependence of the physical and chemical properties of hydroxyapatite powder on its preparation technique was determined. Samples produced from biological raw materials by methods of annealing and demineralization of cattle bones were studied. Hydroxyapatite powder surface was studied by scanning electron microscopy, the particle size distribution histograms and the specific surface area values were obtained. The phase compositions of the studied materials were determined by X-ray phase analysis. The preparation technique for ultra-dispersed hydroxyapatite powder with a controlled particle size and Ca/P ratio closest to the stoichiometric one in human bone tissue was determined. It was shown that hydroxyapatite powders produced by cattle bone demineralization method with 1 and 2 M hydrogen chloride aqueous solutions had the best physical and chemical properties in terms of practical application in medicine. Those powders had the smallest particle sizes and the highest specific surface area values.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):884-889
pages 884-889 views

General-Purpose Materials

Influence of Graphitization Conditions at 3000°C on Structural and Mechanical Properties of High-Modulus Polyacrylonitrile-Based Carbon Fibers

Danilov E., Ponomareva D., Timoshchuk E., Samoilov V., Verbets D., Bubnenkov I., Steparyova N., Nikolaeva A.


The effect of the graphitization conditions at 3000°C on the crystal structure and properties of high-modulus polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers (CFs) is studied. It is shown that an increase in the temperature of CF processing from 1400 to 3000°C leads to a decrease in the tensile strength and an increase in Young’s modulus. However, an increase in the winding rate from 10 to 300 m/h during the synthesis of CFs at a fixed graphitization temperature of 3000°C leads to decreases in both the tensile strength and Young’s modulus. The crystal structure of the synthesized CFs is studied by the X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy methods. It is shown that an increase in the thermal processing temperature from 1400 to 3000°C leads to a decrease in the d002 interlayer spacing and an increase in the crystallite size Lc. It is established by the Raman spectroscopy method that the ID/IG parameter (the ratio of the integral intensities of the D and G spectral bands) decreases at the same time, which is also characteristic of an increase in the degree of perfection of the CF crystal structure. On the contrary, an insignificant increase in the d002 interlayer spacing and a decrease in the Lc value are observed with an increase in the winding rate for CFs synthesized at a fixed graphitization temperature of 3000°C, while the ID/IG parameter in this case hardly changes. A detailed analysis of the shape of the (002) diffraction peak shows that, unlike CFs obtained at a winding rate of 10 m/h, CFs obtained at higher winding rates consist of at least two distinct structures of different degrees of graphitization. Further thermal treatment of these CFs at 2650°C under steady-state conditions leads to a significant decrease in the d002 spacing parameter and an increase in the Lc value. It is established from the measurements of the ID/IG ratio that radial inhomogeneity of the CF crystal structure over the cross section increases at higher winding rates, which is associated with inhomogeneous heat transfer in the filaments. It is concluded that high rates of heating to 3000°C have a negative effect on the structural and mechanical properties of CFs.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):890-899
pages 890-899 views

Magnetic Properties of the Sm(Co0.45Fe0.15Cu0.40)5 Alloy Prepared by Strip Casting

Lukin A., Kolchugina N., Koshkid’ko Y., Kamynin A., Vasilenko D.


The magnetic properties and phase composition of the Sm(Co0.45Fe0.15Cu0.40)5 alloy prepared by the strip-casting technique (the casting of alloy on a water-cooled copper wheel at a velocity of cooling surface of ~1 m/s) are studied. Curves of magnetization of thermally demagnetized starting plates (after strip casting) and plates subjected to low-temperature treatment at 350°С for 120 h and the hysteresis loops were measured in magnetizing fields of up to 140 kOe. It is shown that the magnetization of samples (σ140 and σr) substantially decreases after the annealing; in this case, the coercive force (jHc) increases abruptly. It is assumed that the observed regularities of magnetic hardening can be related to the existence of nanosized Cu-enriched areas, within which the antiferromagnetic order in the Sm(Co, Fe, Cu)5 lattice is realized. These areas in the ferromagnetic phase with the lower copper content can be domain-wall pinning centers.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):900-905
pages 900-905 views

Porous Refractory Ceramics as a Protective Material in Explosive Loading of Metal Container

Kapustin R., Nikolaenko P.


In this work, we tested experimentally refractory porous aluminosilicate ceramic materials as protective energy-absorbing design elements of naturalistic large-scale layouts of explosion-proof thin-walled metal containers. We showed that lightweight refractory porous aluminosilicate materials can be effectively used for an efficient (two or more times) increase in explosion-proof characteristics of the containers simultaneously with minimization of their mass and dimensions. These materials significantly reduce the impact of a shock wave and other damaging factors of explosives and explosive devices on the metal shell of the containers. We developed full-size models of explosion-proof containers with a diameter of 1.2 m that are capable of withstanding an explosion of explosive charge (TNT) with a weight of not less than 3.5 kg without being beyond the range of elastic deformation of the metal shell. The obtained results allow designing similar explosion-proof containers in a wide mass-scale range with predetermined explosion-proof characteristics without costly research and development. Solid refractory porous materials are promising for the development of nonstationary transported explosion-proof containers for the storage, transportation, and destruction of explosive materials and devices, since their application makes it possible to reduce the material consumption, weight, and dimensions of containers.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):906-909
pages 906-909 views

Effect of Mechanical Treatment on the Structure and Properties of Natural Zeolite

Buzimov A., Kulkov S., Gömze L., Géber R., Kocserha I.


The morphology, specific surface area, structure, and phase composition of natural zeolite powder from the Tokai deposit which underwent mechanical treatment in a planetary mill was studied using the following methods: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray structural analysis, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, laser diffraction, and elemental analysis. The identification of natural zeolite X-ray patterns showed that the powder consisted of seven phases with different contents of minerals: smectite, quartz, cristobalite, clinoptilolite, illite, orthoclase, and calcite. Initially, the average size of the zeolite particles was 27 μm; after the treatment for 20 min, it was 5.5 μm; and after 600 min, it was 28 μm. Moreover, most of the particles lost their initial shape during the mechanical activation and acquired a spherical shape. It was shown that, during the first 60 min of mechanical treatment in the planetary mill, powder particles were ground, and the specific surface area increased to 33 m2/g. The further mechanical activation was determined by agglomeration of particles and a decrease in the specific surface area. The X-ray structural analysis showed that the studied powder consisted of four phases: hexagonal, monoclinic, orthorhombic, and tetragonal modifications. Mechanical treatment of natural zeolite led to the decrease in the coherent scattering regions and to the growth of microdistortions of the crystal lattice. It was shown that the continuous mechanical effect on zeolite led to the increase in the amount of an amorphous phase in the powder from 13 to 52%. The changes in the specific surface area determined by the BET method and calculated from the coherent scattering region (CSR) had the same character, and the phase composition determined the specific surface area of natural zeolite.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):910-915
pages 910-915 views

Impact of the Structure on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Sintered (Al–12 Si)–40 Sn Alloy

Rusin N., Skorentsev A.


Interaction of the structure of the composite alloy (Al–12 Si)–40 Sn with its mechanical and tribological properties was studied. The alloy was obtained by the liquid-phase sintering of powder briquettes made of the powder mix of tin PO-2 and an atomized aluminum alloy of the eutectic composition Al–12 Si. Sintering was carried out at a temperature below the melting point of the eutectic; otherwise, the sample melted and lost its shape. It was found that the given sintering temperature does not make it possible to obtain samples with high density; their residual porosity was 6–8% and it almost was not decreased with the increase in the sintering time. The obtained material had low mechanical properties, which slightly improved with the increase in the sintering time to two hours. At the same time, the amount of exuded and evaporated tin noticeably increased. Taking into account the undesirable phenomena that occurred during a long exposure of sintered samples at high temperature, the hot densification was carried out after the short-term sintering. Densification of the sintered samples aiming at removal of the residual porosity was carried out in a closed mold under pressure above the ultimate strength of the alloy. It was established that such operation contributed both to significant improvement of strength and ductility of the studied material. In addition, the obtained nonporous material had high wear resistance under dry friction against a steel counterbody; it was especially noticeable during friction under high pressure. The wear rate of samples with a matrix made of the aluminum-silicon alloy was 30% lower as compared with the alloy with the matrix made of pure aluminum at all other conditions being equal.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):916-923
pages 916-923 views

New Technologies for Design and Processing of Materials

Tuning the Properties of Refractory Carbide Nanopowders

Blagoveshchenskiy Y., Isaeva N., Sinaiskiy M., Ankudinov A., Zelensky V.


Two methods for transition metal carbide nanopowder production such as plasma chemical synthesis and high-energy ball milling are considered. The control of the chemical, phase, and dispersed composition of carbides produced from oxide and halogenide raw materials is studied by an electric arc plasma plant with a power of 20 kW. A study of the grinding time effect of micron-sized carbide powders on a Retsch PM-400 mill tool in hard-alloy containers is carried out to obtain nanosized powders, as well as to determine fractional composition and particle shapes. It is shown that powders obtained by plasma chemical synthesis have a grain size of 20–80 nm and are subjected to a spheroidized or equiaxed shape. The process allows one to tune the phase composition and the content of common and free carbon. Polydispersed carbide powders with a specific surface area of 3–25 m2/g and predominately bimodal particle size distribution in a range from less than 0.1 μm to dozens of microns are thus obtained by high-energy ball milling.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):924-929
pages 924-929 views

Effect of Drying Methods of Alumina Powder and Graphene Oxide Mixture on the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Sintered Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering

Fokin P., Solis Pinargote N., Kuznetsova E., Peretyagin P., Smirnov A.


This paper presents a study on graphene-reinforced alumina ceramic composites and the resulting mechanical and electrical properties. Three drying methods were chosen for the fabrication of the initial mixtures: spray, freeze, and vacuum. Spark plasma sintering was chosen as a method of consolidating mixtures. A combination of spray drying and spark plasma sintering makes it possible to produce a high-density (99%) ceramic nanocomposite with improved mechanical properties. The hardness and crack resistance values were increased by 6 and 28%, respectively, compared to other materials studied in this work. This improvement is due to an extremely good dispersion of graphene in the composite, which leads to the decrease in the grain size of the ceramic matrix and consequently reduces the probability of crack occurrence. In addition to these exceptional mechanical properties, the sintered composites also showed high electrical conductivity, which allows the compacts to be machined using electrical discharge machining and thus facilitates the fabrication of ceramic components with sophisticated shapes while reducing machining costs.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):930-936
pages 930-936 views

Conditions for the Production of Active Aluminum Oxide Meeting the Requirements of Prospective Chloride Technology

Vetchinkina T.


The features of the dehydration and recrystallization processes were studied on samples of aluminum hydroxide obtained by carbonization of an aluminate solution at 40°C and isolated by Bayer’s decomposition. The main differences in the structural transformations of these samples consist in the individual sequence of the formation of polymorphic modifications of oxides in the dehydration of each aluminum hydroxide. The structural transformations of these types of hydroxide and the dynamics of the polymorphism of the decomposition products were studied in the temperature range of 100–1000°С. Data from crystallooptical, X-ray phase, and thermogravimetric methods of analysis showed that the recrystallization of the structure occurs more slowly when calcining the carbonized aluminum hydroxide than in the decomposition method. It is determined that, with the dehydration of the hydroxide, sodium aluminosilicate and carbon reduce the rate of formation of high-temperature modifications of alumina. The reactivity of aluminum oxide obtained by thermal decomposition of chemically pure sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid crystalline salts of aluminum salts is determined not only by the phase composition but also by the nature of the starting material. Despite the general morphology of the process of formation of aluminum oxide during the decomposition of the investigated crystalline hydrates, the formation of the phase composition of Al2O3 occurs at different temperatures and at different rates. Structural rearrangements during the decomposition of salts occur in the solid phase, which determines the total porosity and the specific surface area of each type of aluminum oxide. A study of the polymorphism of black alumina containing iron and silicon impurities was also carried out on samples obtained after leaching of the mineral part of the carbonaceous rocks with sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acids in the temperature range of 100–1000°C. An inhibitory effect of impurities and a reducing agent on the formation of high-temperature structural modifications of aluminum oxide in the process of heat treatment of sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric acid crystalline hydrates of aluminum salts was revealed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):937-946
pages 937-946 views

Properties of Electrolytic Silver-Based Alloy

Balakai V., Arzumanova A., Starunov A., Balakai I.


The composition of a dicyanoargentate electrolyte for applying a silver–antimony–boron alloy to electrical contacts and a method for the preparation of this electrolyte are given. Potassium dicarboundecaborate was used in the electrolyte as a boron-containing additive. The dependences of the physical and mechanical properties of the electrolytic silver–antimony–boron alloy (the microhardness, the wear resistance under the conditions of boundary friction with steel St 45 at a load of 5 N, the electric resistivity, the transient electrical resistance at a current of 0.025–1.000 A in the circuit and a load of 0.05–1.00 N at the point contact, the internal stresses, the adhesion to the base of copper and its alloys, the porosity at a coating thickness of 3 μm, the solder spreading coefficient, and the current yield of the alloy) on the electrolyte composition, the concentration of components in the electrolysis, the electrolysis conditions, and the temperature of the coating thermal treatment are studied. The composition of the alloy and the comparative characteristics of the physical and mechanical properties of the silver–antimony–boron and silver–antimony alloys and pure electrolytic silver are given. The possibilities of the application of the studied alloy, which possesses not only high electrical characteristics and soldering ability but also high reliability and durability, i.e., a high wear resistance, corrosion resistance, and microhardness, in the radio engineering, electrical engineering, and instrumentation industries as a coating for electrical contacts are shown.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):947-953
pages 947-953 views

Synthesis and Characterization of Supercapacitor Electrode Materials Based on Carbon Fiber Materials and Metal Oxyhydroxides

Yusin S., Karunina O.


Composite materials (CMs) based on activated carbon fiber material (ACFM) modified with oxygen-containing transition metal compounds (MnO2, Ni(OH)2, and Co(OH)2) by using colloid electrophoresis are studied. All prepared CMs have higher capacitance than the individual parental materials, with the CM ACFM–Ni(OH)2 exhibiting the maximum capacitance (~380 F g–1). Changes in the capacitances of ACFM and prepared ACFM-based CMs induced by potential cycling, the time of exposure to electrolyte solution, and potential scan rate are investigated. The capacitances of all CMs are found to increase with the number of cycles, but tend to decrease at higher potential scan rates.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):954-959
pages 954-959 views

Frame Catalysts of Al2O3–ZrO2–CeO2 System

Podzorova L., Chuklina S., Il’icheva A., Konovalov A., Pen’kova O., Maslenkova S., Pylinina A.


Xerogels and powders of Al2O3–ZrO2–CeO2 systems with different pore structure and matrixes of ZrO2 and Al2O3 are obtained. The specific surface area of xerogels with ZrO2 matrix and Al2O3 matrix exceeds 200 and 90 m2/g, respectively. After calcinations at 950°C, the powders retain nanoscale, with the size of individual particles ranging from 70 to 28 nm. The main crystalline phase in these powders is a solid solution of tetragonal zirconia. Total ethanol conversion of xerogels with ZrO2 and Al2O3 matrixes has similar values. Selectivity to ethylene conversion is about 50% and does not depend on calcination temperature. For samples with an Al2O3 matrix, ethylene selectivity of 50% was reached after heating at 950°C. It is shown that the catalytic activity of ethanol conversion reaction is higher for samples with a more crystallized phase based on solid solution of tetragonal zirconia, namely, for samples with the ZrO2 matrix calcined at 950°C.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):960-964
pages 960-964 views

Thermal Stability of Structure and Properties of the Surface Layer of Instrumental Steel Alloyed with Zirconium and Silicon Atoms under the Action of Compression Plasma Flows

Cherenda N., Uglov V., Gusakova S., Astashynski V., Kuzmitski A.


The phase and elemental composition and microhardness of instrumental steel U9 with zirconium and silicon coatings subjected to compression plasma flows and air thermal annealing are investigated. It is found that plasma impact leads to the formation of a surface layer with the thickness of up to ~8.5 μm alloyed with zirconium and silicon atoms and containing Fe2Zr intermetallic. Formation on the surface of the oxide γ-ZrO2 and carbonitride Zr(C, N) as a result of interaction with the residual atmosphere of the vacuum chamber is found. Change in the phase composition and dispersion of the structure leads to a twofold increase in microhardness. The alloyed layer retains the stability of the structure and phase composition (excluding polymorphic transition in ZrO2) up to 400°C. Annealing at 600°C leads to the internal oxidation accompanied by formation of a surface iron oxide scale and penetration of the oxygen atoms to the whole depth. The increase in the annealing temperature leads to the decrease in microhardness throughout the alloyed layer.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):965-972
pages 965-972 views

Dielectric Properties of Multilayer Optically Transparent TiO2-Nanosilver Coating on Polyester Substrate Obtained by Solvent Method

Davydova O., Gerasimova T., Grishina E., Evdokimova O., Ivanov K., Kraev A., Agafonov A.


Thin functional, optically active TiO2, TiO2/Ag, and TiO2/Ag/TiO2 films on a polyethylene terephthalate substrate were obtained by a layer-by-layer deposition method from colloidal solutions. The filmforming TiO2 sol was obtained by the sol-gel method. The silver coating was deposited from an aqueous solution of silver nitrate followed by its photolysis in a film. The physicochemical and dielectric properties of the obtained coatings were studied in terms of the number and order of alternation of the deposited layers. It was found that the dielectric spectrum of TiO2, TiO2/Ag, and TiO2/Ag/TiO2 films was similar to the dielectric characteristic of ceramic samples of titania in anatase and rutile phases and characterized by the presence of a relaxation maximum. The maximum position and its intensity depended on the type of alternating layers of the film and the frequency and on the magnitude of the measuring voltage, respectively.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):973-977
pages 973-977 views

Mesoporous Powders for Catalyst Supports Produced from Al2O3–ZrO2 (Y2O3) System

Morozova L., Drozdova I., Khamova T., Polyakova I.


The liquid-phase method for synthesis of disperse mesoporous powders from the Al2O3–ZrO2 (Y2O3) system is developed. It is shown that cryotreatment makes possible to constrain particle agglomeration and obtain the precursors with the specific surface area of higher than 100 m2/g and pore volume ranging from 0.18–0.51 cm3/g. Influence of the aluminum oxide source (AlOOH, Al[(CH3)2CHO]3 and Al(NO3)3) on the powder dispersivity and pore structure is found, and this makes it possible to control their textural characteristics. It is found that the components obtained are two-phase (γ-Al2O3 + t-ZrO2); the size of the phases is not greater than 45 nm. Thermal treatment of nanocompositions within the Al2O3–ZrO2 (Y2O3) system at 700°C for 50 h keeps the nanosize of phases (<60 nm) and hardly changes the crystal structure. The experimental results described in this work make possible to recommend the materials obtained as precursor powders for catalyst supports in methane conversion to synthesis gas.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):978-984
pages 978-984 views

Chemical Vapor Deposition of Wear-Resistant Iron-Nickel Coating onto Precision Parts of Hydraulic Systems

Kozyreva L., Kozyrev V., Chupyatov N.


Wear-resistant iron-nickel coating has been obtained by chemical vapor deposition of nickel tetracarbonyl and iron pentacarbonyl. A procedure of application of wear-resistant iron-nickel coating on precision parts has been developed where at first the surface of the item is coated with an adhesive layer of nickel coating with the thickness up to 10 μm by supplying vapor of nickel tetracarbonyl to the heated surface of the item, and then an adhesive layer of iron-nickel coating is applied by supplying a vapor mixture of nickel tetracarbonyl, iron pentacarbonyl, and carbon monoxide in a volumetric ratio of 1: 6: 15 and their combined thermal decomposition. Coatings with the required physicomechanical properties have been obtained, thus indicating the efficiency of the used approaches, increasing the wear resistance of precision items of hydraulic systems and their service life.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):985-989
pages 985-989 views

Investigation Methods Of Matherial Properties

Combined Research of Dispersed Precipitates in High-Strength Steel

Fedoseev M., Mikhailov M., Drozdova N., Petrov S., Matvienko A.


Disperse precipitates in high-strength high-chromium martensite-ferrite steel of 0.15C–12Cr–Ni–Mo–W–V composition after various modes simulating the after-forging annealing were investigated. The investigated metal after holding at 1050°С for 1 h and quenching in oil was heat treated (HT) in two modes: HT 1—the after-forging annealing at 700°С for 6 h to relieve stresses; HT 2—HT 1 with the following isothermal annealing, heating to 1000°С, short holding, cooling to 700°С, and holding for 16 h. On the basis of the combined research, including optical metallography, X-ray phase analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering, it was found that the tempered martensite structure with the ferrite phase of less than 1% was formed in the steel after HT 1; and after HT 2, transition from the martensiteferrite to ferrite-pearlite state took place; significant growth of carbides of the (Fe Cr)23C6 type and substructural components (coherent scattering areas, electron density inhomogeneity) was found; and finely dispersed particles of vanadium carbide V2C about 30 nm in size were formed.

Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2018;9(5):990-996
pages 990-996 views

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