
The Essence of the Restriction of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms in the Russian Federation
Morozov D.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Result of Humankind Conscience
Abashidze A.
The Right to Restrict and Encumber Electricity Grid Facilities
Lavrentyeva A.
Human Rights Bodies to Ensure Human Rights in Places of Detention
Kankulov A.
New International Human Rights Architecture
Abashidze A.
Review of the Textbook "Intellectual Property Law: Artistic Property" Edited by Professor G.F. Ruchkina, Doctor of Law
Savina V.
Legal Regulation of Biomedical Experimental Research and Human Rights
Volkova E., Khapsirokova E.
Analysis of Russian Legislation on Digital Currency from Legalization to Prohibition
Luzan S.
Countering the Violation of the Principle of Adversarial Parties in Criminal Proceedings
Ilin D.
The Role of Law in Preserving Traditional Family Values in Modern Russia
Dovnar A.
Features of the Legal Regime of the Property of Spouses
Gasanov N.
Self-Regulation in the Housing Legal Regulation Mechanism
Karyagina V.
Genesis and Development of Easement Regulation in Russia
Zinnatullin A., Kasimova A.
Conceptual Model of Legal Regulation of Digitalization of Rights and Freedoms in the Russian Federation
Kanakova A.
Prospects for the Use of Unmanned Aircraft by Police Employees when Performing Official Tasks
Tsvetov S., Chaplygin N.
Features of a Comprehensive Forensic Examination in the Investigation of Violations Of inventive and Patent Rights Related to Medical Devices (Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Steshich E., Berdnikov A.
Security Mechanism for Exercising the Rights and Legal Interests of the Debtor in the Process of Insolvency (Bankruptcy): Main Provisions
Mikhaylova V.
Ways to Improve the Principles of Russian Criminal Law
Balasanov M.
Correlation Between Socially Oriented State and Ensuring of Social Human Rights: Constitutional and International Legal Dimensions
Abashidze A.
Lawyer at the Preliminary Investigation Stage: Opportunities for Participation in the Adversary Process
Shkhagapsoev Z.
Family and Legal Aspects of the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Rumyantseva N., Shepeleva D.
The Legal Mechanism and Consequences of Taking a Child away from Parents or Other Persons in Whose Care He is in a Direct Threat to the Life and Health of the Child
Shepeleva D.
Features of the Use of Astrent as a Way to Protect the Rights of the Creditors
Kudryavtseva O.
Consumer Rights to Food Safety
Ivanova S.
Trends in Legal Culture in Modern Russian Society
Kochesokov Z., Mankieva A., Voropaev I.
Problems of Ensuring the Protection of the Rights of Spouses in the Implementation of Their Family Business (Family Business)
Letova N.
Investment Cooperation Between Russia and China Under the Sanctions Regime: Gaps in Legal Regulation and Ways to Eliminate Them
Krokhina Y.
Constitutional and Legal Status of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for Administration in Norway
Rakitskaya I., Pavlov E.
On the Issue of Ensuring the Safety, Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Victims in the Framework of Criminal Proceedings
Kankulov A.
On the Issue of Involving an Interpreter in Conducting Procedural Actions with the Participation of Foreign Citizens: Questions of Theory and Practice
Kupryashina E., Cherkasova E., Rudov D.
Problems of Ensuring Access to Justice at the Stage of Initiating a Criminal Case
Shalagina Z.
To the Question of the Limits of Restrictions on the Rights and Freedoms of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in Russia in Modern Conditions
Akkaeva H.
The Institute of an Arbitration Manager as an Element of a Security Mechanism for Exercising the Rights of a Debtor Declared Bankrupt
Mikhaylova V.
To the Issue of Ensuring the Rights of Participants of Health Relations by Criminal-Legal Means
Bobrovskaya M.
Legal Problems of Digitalization of Prosecutorial Supervision over the Observance of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms
Migunova T., Korolev A.
To the Issue of Concept and Essence of the Indigenous People’s Right to Sustainable Development
Nikitin F.
Disadvantages of Using Forensic Techniques in the System of Counteraction Factors to the Investigation
Isaenko V.
Legal Restrictions in the Application of Reproductive Technologies: in Search of a Balance Between Private and Public Interests
Dovnar A.
On the Issue of Ensuring the Rights of Minors During the Preliminary Investigation
Abaev N.
The Inadmissibility of Digital Misuse as a Type of Negation of Unfair Conduct in the Law
Sedova Z.
Prospects for the Creation of Legal Regulation Circulation of Digital Rights and Cryptocurrencies in the EAEU
Popov A., Balanyuk L.
The Rights and Legitimate Interests Protection of a Group of Persons: Genesis, Problems, Perspectives (Comparative Analysis)
Ginzburg I.
To the Question of Responsibility for Public Actions Aimed to Discredit the Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Purposes of Protecting the Interests of the Russian Federation and its Citizens, Maintaining International Peace and Security
Shkhagapsoev Z., Akkaeva H.
Regulation of Lawmaking in the Fight Against Crime: Problems and Ways to Solve Them
Asnis A.
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 4. Ensuring Public Order and Personal Safety During Entertainment Events, Lotteries, Sweepstakes, and Card Games
Shurukhnov N.
Civil-Legal Liability for Violation of Housing Rights: Issues of Theory and Practice
Karyaginа V.
Resolution of Labor Disputes with Respect to Migrants in the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, the United Arab Emirates
Abdullaev E.
Conflict Regulation of Digital Law in the Russian Federation
Khanova Z., Saparova K.
Legal Support of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Citizens During Digitalization in the Field of Housing and Communal Services
Kluychnikova Y.
From Polygraph to New Technologies, Detection of Perjury in Criminal Proceedings
Volosova N.
Commissions on Juvenile Affairs and Protection of their Rights: Problematic Issues
Volosova N., Balovneva V., Shmeleva E.
Defence of Housing Rights by Government Housing Supervisory Authorities
Karyagina V.
Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace
Ostroushko A.
Technology and Law: to the Formulation of the Problem
Samushkin N.
Freedom as a Philosophical-Legal and Political Category: History of the Question
Zubov V.
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