
On the Aspects of Gaps in Modern International Legal Regulation
Nikiforov S., Nikiforov V.
Filling Existing Gaps in International Law in the Context of the Development of the Modern World Order
Nikiforov S.
The Problem of Independent Legal Regulation of Environmental Migration in Modern International Law
Al Ghanimi G.
Legal Sight on the Presence of Nuclear Elements in Outer Space
Panova A.
Gaps in International Humanitarian Law in Modern Armed Conflicts not of an International Nature
Bykov V.
Gaps and Their Filling in International Law in the Context of the Modern International Legal Order
Nikiforov S., Shumilov V.
The Legal Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Private International Law
Pakshin P.
UN Activities in the Implementation of the Rule of Law
Nikiforov V., Starodubtsev G.
About the Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for the Formation of Compliance Competences in International Lawyers' Education
Ponamorenko V.
Correlation Between Socially Oriented State and Ensuring of Social Human Rights: Constitutional and International Legal Dimensions
Abashidze A.
Parallels from October 1917 to Potsdam 1945 to Our Time: History of the Issue
Lipovetskaya A.
Legal Regulation of the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in International Private Law: Challenges and Solutions
Khaddur Z.
Organizational and Legal Approaches to Creating a Legal Mechanism for Interaction Between the Eurasian Economic Union and the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Scientific and Doctrinal Views on the Problem of Gaps in International Law and the Criteria for Gaps
Nikiforov S.
Gaps in the International Legal Regulation of Groups of Relations in the Field of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Conditions of Socio-Political Transformation
Nikiforov S.
Gaps and Their Filling in Modern International Law (on the Example of Gaps in "Traditional" and "New" International Legal Institutions and Industries)
Nikiforov S.
Analysis of the WCO Conceptual Approaches to the Development of the Legal Institution of E-Commerce in the Framework of the Review of the Revised Kyoto Convention
Mozer S.
Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining by the European Union Rights and Obligations Akin to Those of the World Customs Organization Members
Mozer S.
Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Theoretical and Legal Aspects)
Aliyev E.
To the Issue of the Methodology for Assessing the Level of Development of Customs Regulation in the EEU, Taking into Account Legal Means of the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
Interaction of the Russian Federation with the Republic of China in the Field of Private International Law
Kinakh P.
To the Issue of Concept and Essence of the Indigenous People’s Right to Sustainable Development
Nikitin F.
Analysis of Stages and Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining Membership by the European Union in the World Customs Organization
Mozer S.
On Procedural Guarantees for Vulnerable Persons, Suspects, Accused of Committing a Crime: the International-European Aspect
Kurbatova S.
State Sovereignty in the Context of Development a Multipolar World
Kochesokov Z., Gerasimovich I.
Presumption of Innocence: on the Question of the "Inviolability" of Certain International Principles
Reshnyak M., Botasheva Z.
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