
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov and Their Importance for the Formation of Legal Acts, Improvement of the Police of the Russian Federation. Part 1. The essence of police duties, the main goal and limits of the activities of the police of the Russian Empire under the project of Police Charter
Shurukhnov N.G., Shurukhnova D.N.
The Main Directions of Reforming the Police of the Russian Empire: a Brief Summary of the Proposals of the Commission of A.A. Makarov
Lobacheva L.P., Shurukhnov N.G.
Study of the Level of Physical Fitness of Employees Employed in the Internal Affairs Bodies
Tkhagalegov A.A.
Conceptual Foundations in the Development of the Police Statute: Proposals of the Interdepartmental Commission "On the Transformation of the Police into the Empire" (1906-1911)
Lobacheva L.P., Shurukhnov N.G.
Formation of the Concept of «Medical Police» in the Russian Empire
Lukyanov S.A., Tarasova I.A.
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 5. Responsibilities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Maintain Improvement and Order in Public Places (Streets, Squares, Boulevards, Embankments, Bridges, Canals, Highways and Waterways)
Shurukhnov N.G.
Police Transformation Projects as Part of the Stolypin Modernization Program in Russia
Kazanina L.Y., Shurukhnov N.G.
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 3. Ensuring public order and personal safety during certain public events (meetings, congresses, election campaigns)
Shurukhnov N.G.
Organizational and Legal Features of the Activities of the Police Patrol Service
Kodzokov B.V.
Fire Training as an Important Component of the Professional Training of Police Officers
Kardanov A.K.
Self-Protection and Fighting Techniques in the Activities of Departmentof Internal Affairs Employees
Dottuev T.I.
Formation of Tactical and Psychological Readiness Among Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies for the Use of Struggle Combat Methods
Meshev I.K.
Physical Training in the Professional Activity of a Police Officer
Nagoev R.R.
Activities of the Police of the Russian Empire to Ensure Order and Decorum in Churches, Houses of Worship, During Spiritual Rites (According to the Draft Police Charter)
Shurukhnov N.G.
Problems of Law Enforcement of Some Administrative Procedures by Traffic Police Officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kodzokova L.A.
Training of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Skills of Using Combat Techniques of Wrestling in Physical Training Classes
Dottuev T.I.
Problems of Special Measures for the Prevention of Occupational Crime
Kravets I.P.
Criminological Analysis of Crime and Victimization of Minors in Modern Japan
Sabitov R.A., Mayorov A.V., Denisovich V.V., Dunaeva O.N.
From the Concept of the Draft Police Charter of the Russian Empire to Its Structure and Content: Views of Members of the Commission of Senator A.A. Makarov (1906-1917). Part 4. Ensuring Public Order and Personal Safety During Entertainment Events, Lotteries, Sweepstakes, and Card Games
Shurukhnov N.G.
Characteristic and Conditions Facilitate to Occupational Crime
Kravets I.P.
The Use of Digital Technologies in the Activities of the Department of Internal Affairs
Kushkhov R.K.
Physical Training as a Means of Forming the Psychological Readiness of the Department of Internal Affairs Employees to Combat with the Offender
Tkhazeplov R.L.
Some Aspects of Police Patrol Service Formation
Kumekhova M.B.
On the Issue of the Need to Improve the Teaching of Combat Techniques of Wrestling in the Classroom for Physical Training in Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Kalmykov Z.Y.
Training of Employees of the Internal Affairs in the Tactical Basis of the Use of Physical Force Based on the Use of a Situational Approach
Nagoev R.R.
1 - 25 of 25 Items

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