
Reconstruction of Inhomogeneities in a Hemisphere from the Field Measurements
Evstigneev R., Medvedik M.
Two-Step Method for Permittivity Determination of an Inhomogeneous Body Placed in a Rectangular Waveguide
Smirnov Y., Medvedik M., Moskaleva M.
Meromorphization of M. I. Kinder’s Formula Via the Change of Contours
Kazantsev A.
The Inverse Coefficient Problem for Equations of Three-Phase Flow in Porous Medium
Elesin A., Kadyrova A.
Parallel CPU- and GPU-Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Nondestructive Testing
Bazulin E., Goncharsky A., Romanov S., Seryozhnikov S.
Numerical Method for Solving the Inverse Problem of Nonisothermal Filtration
Badertdinova E., Khairullin M., Shamsiev M., Khairullin R.
Approach to Solving the Inverse Problem of Filtration Based on Descriptive Regularization
Abdullin A.
Identification of Non-stationary Load Upon Timoshenko Beam
Fedotenkov G., Tarlakovsky D., Vahterova Y.
On Inverse Boundary Value Problem for a Fredholm Integro-Differential Equation with Degenerate Kernel and Spectral Parameter
Yuldashev T.
Determination of the coefficient and boundary regime in boundary value problem for integro-differential equation with degenerate kernel
Yuldashev T.
Strict superharmonicity of Mityuk’s function for countably connected domains of simple structure
Elizarov A., Kazantsev A., Kinder M.
Inverse Nonlinear Problem of Designing Supercavitating Hydrofoils
Maklakov D., Gazizova S.
Numerical solution of an inverse filtration problem
Vabishchevich P., Vasil’ev V., Vasil’eva M., Nikiforov D.
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