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Vol 37, No 6 (2016)


Quantum alternation

Yakaryılmaz A.


We introduce quantum alternation as a generalization of quantum nondeterminism. We define q-alternating Turing machine (qATM) by augmenting alternating Turing machine with constant-size quantum memory. We show that one-way constant-space qATMs (1AQFAs) are Turing equivalent. Then, we introduce strong version of qATM by requiring to halt in every computation path and we show that strong qATMs can simulate deterministic spacewith exponentially less space. This leads to shifting the deterministic space hierarchy exactly by one level. We also focus on realtime versions of 1AQFAs (rtAQFAs) and obtain many results: rtAQFAs can recognize a PSPACE-complete problem; they cannot be simulated by sublinear deterministic Turing machines; for any level of polynomial hierarchy, say k, there exists a complete language that can be recognized by rtAFAs with only (k +1) alternations; and polynomial hierarchy lies in its log-space q-alternation counterpart.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):637-649
pages 637-649 views

On the full monomial automorphism groups of Reed–Solomon codes and their MDS-extensions

Kugurakov V., Gainutdinova A.


We determine the full monomial automorphism groups of Reed–Solomon codes and of theirMDS-extensions by adding one, two, and three symbols.We show that several Reed–Solomon codes, extended by two symbols, are equivalent to constacyclic codes and, under certain conditions, to cyclic codes.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):650-669
pages 650-669 views

Very narrow quantum OBDDs and width hierarchies for classical OBDDs

Ablayev F., Gainutdinova A., Khadiev K., Yakaryılmaz A.


In the paper we investigate Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs)–a model for computing Boolean functions. We present a series of results on the comparative complexity for several variants of OBDDmodels.

• We present results on the comparative complexity of classical and quantum OBDDs. We consider a partial function depending on a parameter k such that for any k > 0 this function is computed by an exact quantum OBDD of width 2, but any classical OBDD (deterministic or stable bounded-error probabilistic) needs width 2k+1.

• We consider quantum and classical nondeterminism. We show that quantum nondeterminismcan bemore efficient than classical nondeterminism. In particular, an explicit function is presented that is computed by a quantum nondeterministic OBDD of constant width but any classical nondeterministic OBDD for this function needs non-constant width.

• We also present new hierarchies on widths of deterministic and nondeterministic OBDDs.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):670-682
pages 670-682 views

On the hierarchies for deterministic, nondeterministic and probabilistic ordered read-k-times branching programs

Khadiev K.


The paper examines hierarchies for nondeterministic and deterministic ordered read-ktimes Branching programs. The currently known hierarchies for deterministic k-OBDD models of Branching programs for k = o(n1/2/log3/2n) are proved by B. Bollig, M. Sauerhoff, D. Sieling, and I. Wegener in 1998. Their lower bound technique was based on communication complexity approach. For nondeterministic k-OBDD it is known that, if k is constant then polynomial size k-OBDD computes same functions as polynomial size OBDD (The result of Brosenne, Homeister and Waack, 2006). In the same time currently known hierarchies for nondeterministic read ktimes Branching programs for \(k = o\left( {\sqrt {\log n} /\log \log n} \right)\) are proved by Okolnishnikova in 1997, and for probabilistic read k-times Branching programs for k ≤ log n/3 are proved by Hromkovic and Saurhoff in 2003.

We show that increasing k for polynomial size nodeterministic k-OBDD makes model more powerful if k is not constant. Moreover, we extend the hierarchy for probabilistic and nondeterministic k-OBDDs for k = o(n/log n). These results extends hierarchies for read k-times Branching programs, but k-OBDD has more regular structure. The lower bound techniques we propose are a “functional description” of Boolean function presented by nondeterministic k-OBDD and communication complexity technique. We present similar hierarchies for superpolynomial and subexponential width nondeterministic k-OBDDs.

Additionally we expand the hierarchies for deterministic k-OBDDs using our lower bounds for k = o(n/log n). We also analyze similar hierarchies for superpolynomial and subexponential width k-OBDDs.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):683-704
pages 683-704 views

From graphs to keyed quantum hash functions

Ziatdinov M.


We present two new constructions of quantum hash functions: the first based on expander graphs and the second based on extractor functions and estimate the amount of randomness that is needed to construct them. We also propose a keyed quantum hash function based on extractor function that can be used in quantum message authentication codes and assess its security in a limited attacker model.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):705-712
pages 705-712 views

Elementary theories and structural properties of d-c.e. and n-c.e. degrees

Arslanov M.M., Kalimullin I.S., Yamaleev M.M.


This paper is a survey on the upper semilattices of Turing and enumeration degrees of n-c.e. sets. Questions on the structural properties of these semilattices, and some model-theoretic properties are considered.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):713-722
pages 713-722 views

An approximating k-ary GCD algorithm

Ishmukhametov S.


In our paper we elaborate a new version of the k-ary GCD algorithm. Our algorithm is based on the Farey Series and surpasses all existing realizations of the k-ary algorithm. It can have practical applications inMathematics and Cryptography.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):723-729
pages 723-729 views

On communication complexity of bent functions from Maiorana–McFarland class

Marchenko A.


In this article we study two party Communication Complexity of Boolean bent functions from Maiorana–McFarland class. In particular, we describe connections between Maiorana–McFarland construction of bent functions and operations on matrix form of Boolean functions and show that bent functions of 2n variables from Maiorana–McFarland class have deterministic communication complexity equal n + 1. Finally, we show that not all bent functions have high communication complexity lower bound by giving the example of such function.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):730-733
pages 730-733 views

GCD calculation in the search task of pseudoprime and strong pseudoprime numbers

Dolgov D.


Integer n is called pseudoprime (psp) relative to base a if n is composite, (a, n) = 1, and an−1 mod n = 1. Integer n is called strong pseudoprime (spsp) relative to base a if n is composite, (a, n) = 1, and, ad mod n = 1, or, \({a^{d{2^i}}}\) mod n = −1, where n −1 = 2s * d, d is odd, 0 ≤ i < s. Pseudoprime and strong pseudoprime numbers are used in public-key cryptography in probabilistic tests. We use recurrent sequences in the task of search pseudoprime and strong pseudoprime numbers. This article describes acceleration of GCD calculation.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):734-739
pages 734-739 views

C*-algebra generated by the paths semigroup

Grigoryan S., Grigoryan T., Lipacheva E., Sitdikov A.


In this paper we study the structure of the C*-algebra, generated by the representation of the paths semigroup on a partially ordered set (poset) and get the net of isomorphic C*-algebras over this poset. We construct the extensions of this algebra, such that the algebra is an ideal in that extensions and quotient algebras are isomorphic to the Cuntz algebra.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):740-748
pages 740-748 views

On Wielandt type inequalities for powers of complex matrices

Al’pin Y.A., Il’in S.N.


The criterion for coincidence of spectral radiuses of a complex matrix A and of the matrix |A| obtained by replacing entries of A by their absolute values was given by Wielandt. In this paper we give the new criterion for the above coincidence.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):749-752
pages 749-752 views

Quantum hashing for finite abelian groups

Vasiliev A.


We propose a generalization of the quantum hashing technique based on the notion of small-bias sets. These sets have proved useful in different areas of computer science, and here their properties give an optimal construction for succinct quantum presentation of elements of any finite abelian group, which can be used in various computational and cryptographic scenarios. We consider two special cases of the proposed quantum hashing which turn out to be the known quantum fingerprinting schemas.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):753-757
pages 753-757 views

On quantum (δ, є)-resistant hashing

Ablayev M.


In the paper we define a notion of quantum resistant ((δ, є)-resistant) hash function which combine together a notion of pre-image (one-way) resistance (δ-resistance) property and the notion of collision resistance (є-resistance) properties. We present a discussion that supports the idea of quantum hashing oriented for cryptographical purposes. We propose a quantum setting of a classical digital signature scheme do demonstrate a theoretical possibilities and restrictions of (δ, є)-hashing. The assumption we use is that a set of qubits (quantum hash) we generate, send, and receive during the execution of a protocol can be stored for a certain (a large enough) amount of time; next, the scheme requires the high degree of entanglement between the qubits which makes such a quantum hash. These properties make quantum hash cryptographically efficient.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):758-767
pages 758-767 views

Some new platforms for algebraic cryptography and one method of increasing the security

Gaynullina A.R., Tronin S.N.


In this paper we discuss the possibility of using the categorical groupoids and the commutative operads in algebraic cryptography. Also, we introduce a general method of constructing the cryptographic protocols on the algebraic platforms. Under certain reasonable assumptions, this method allows to get a new sufficiently cryptographically strong protocol using several other protocols. Moreover, each of these protocols can be vulnerable. Sufficient cryptographic security means that the protocol will be protected for some preassigned finite time.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):768-776
pages 768-776 views

Selected Articles from the Journal Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki

Numerical solution of an inverse filtration problem

Vabishchevich P.N., Vasil’ev V.I., Vasil’eva M.V., Nikiforov D.Y.


A numerical method is suggested for solving the multidimensional inverse problem of finding the flow rates of wells from given bottomhole pressures in the multidimensional flow model of a weakly compressible liquid in a poroelastic medium. Spatial approximation is based on the finite element method, which allows one to employ unstructured grids with refinements near the location of wells. Time discretization is performed with the use of implicit difference approximation. The numerical results for two- and three-dimensional test problems are presented.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):777-786
pages 777-786 views

Analysis of finite elasto-plastic strains. Medium kinematics and constitutive equations

Sultanov L.U.


The paper puts forwards principal kinematic relations and constitutive equations, which can be applied in designing numerical methods of study of finite elasto-plastic strains. The medium kinematics is considered under the multiplicative decomposition of the total deformation gradient. The constitutive equations are deduced using the theory of flow and the second law of thermodynamics. As a result, we find the dependence of the stress tensor rate on the free energy function and on the yield function.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):787-793
pages 787-793 views

Generalization of the Brunn–Minkowski inequality in the form of Hadwiger for power moments

Timergaliev B.S.


A class of functionals on a domain in Euclidean space is constructed and a Brunn–Minkowski-type inequality for this class is proved. The construction of the functionals on the domain uses a point of minimum of a function of many variables related to these functionals; proving the existence of this function is an essential point of the study. Special cases of functionals for which the point of minimum can be found explicitly are considered. The obtained Brunn–Minkowski inequality generalizes the corresponding inequality for moments with respect to the center of mass and hyperplanes proved by Hadwiger to the case of power moments. It is worth mentioning that the point of minimum of the functional does not generally coincide with the center of mass; the coincidence occurs only in special cases, which is confirmed by particular examples.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):794-806
pages 794-806 views

A continuous regularization method for a constrained pseudoinverse problem with additional restrictions on the input operators

Shafiev R.A., Bondar E.A., Yastrebova I.Y.


A two-parameter continuous regularization method is considered for a constrained pseudoinverse problem with input operators satisfying a generalized complementarity condition. The method is based on the stabilization of the solutions of differential equations in a Hilbert space. Convergence conditions refining those known previously are found. The main result is that the parameter functions are independent of each other. The stability of the method is established in the class of all possible constrained perturbations. A one-parameter continuous regularization method is studied for a special case of the problem with additional input operators.

Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):807-814
pages 807-814 views


Erratum to: “On the Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues of a Class of Non-Selfadjoint Operators”

Aleroev T.S., Aleroeva H.T.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2016;37(6):815-815
pages 815-815 views

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