Legal aspects of using information technology to compensate for physical disabilities

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Introduction. In the modern period there is a dynamic introduction of information technology in all spheres of social life. Scientific and applied achievements concerning the development of IT began to be actively used for the rehabilitation of people who became disabled, including those with problems with the musculoskeletal system, muscle atrophy, loss of hearing, vision, etc. Theoretical analysis. Advances in scientific and technological progress, especially in medicine, biomedicine, genetics, bioengineering, mathematics, programming, psychophysiology and neurophysiology, alongside the use of information and communication technologies, are changing the quality of life of people who find themselves in extreme health situations. The “industry of smart devices” is developing, assisting people in restoring the functions of lost organs. The use of “smart” devices raises the problem of ensuring free will and mental privacy, respect for privacy, which is one of the manifestations of individual freedom. In this regard, there is a need for the development of scientific directions that study the legal support for the implementation of neuro-interfaces and other “smart devices”. Results. Emphasis is placed on advances in biomedicine, psychophysiology and neurophysiology and other sciences, which, in interaction with the possibilities of information and communication technologies, contribute to the return of people with disabilities to active and fulfilling life activities. While using “smart” devices, there is a problem of ensuring free will and mental privacy, respect for privacy, which is one of the manifestations of individual freedom. It is emphasized that in the future there will be a need to resolve the dilemma between the benefits that “smart devices” can provide for people and the equality of people. The use of these devices in the absence of objective requirements may lead to inequality between people, creating advantages not conditioned by the natural qualities for some of them. The author puts forward an idea of the need to address the issue of qualification of the actions of those who hacked the neuro-interfaces, which caused death or additional harm to the person who uses it.

About the authors

Dmitry Grigorievich Vasilevich

International University “MITSO”

21, bld. 3 Kazinets St., Minsk 220099, Belarus


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