


The article discusses the phenomenon of integration, which allows you to see the world holistically, as opposed to the differentiation of science, which consists in the division, the division of scientific knowledge in more specialized, in-depth studies. The role and importance of the processes of integration in the educational process is emphasized, consisting in the possibility of converting the existing elements in new, allowing you to more effectively shape the professional competence of the individual. In the historical aspectthe views of Ya.A. Komensky, D. Locke, I.G. Pestalozzi, D. Dewey, K.D. Ushinsky are considered, who put the idea of intersubject communications as the forerunner of the integrative approach in teaching; the experience of implementing cross-curricular integration in school education in Russia in the early XX century is described. Analyzing the views of scientists on the relationship between the concepts of «interdisciplinary communication» and «integration», the authors of article define integration as the highest level of realization of intersubject communications, describe the difference of intersubject integration from intra subject, describe the basic requirements for the implementation of an integrative approach and its structure, consisting of a substantive, organizational and methodological components.


OlgaV. Oshepkova

Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of penitentiary pedagogics and psychology. 24B, Rilska str., Samara, 443022

Yuri Blagov

Togliatti branch of «Samara State University»

the senior teacher of the department of humanitarian disciplines and psychology. 16, Matrosov str., Togliatti, 445008


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