Scientific mentoring in the educational practice of a student of a pedagogical university

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Based on the analysis of scientific research, the paper shows the essence of mentoring as a pedagogical phenomenon, examines the meaning and content of scientific mentoring, its role in the educational practice of a student of a pedagogical university.

Modern approaches to mentoring in Russian pedagogical science allowed the author to review the content of scientific publications, to propose the following working definitions of the terms «mentoring», «scientific mentoring», «mentor in education», «mentoring of bachelors of teacher education».

Relying on domestic and foreign sources, the author reveals the features of scientific mentoring in comparison with mentoring in other professional fields, focusing on the extremely wide coverage of the sphere of mentoring in the implementation of modern educational practices of a student of a pedagogical university.

The actualization of scientific mentoring reflects the conceptual aspects of studying the historical and pedagogical heritage of teachers of the past in modern conditions by organizing an international competition for research and creative works of students «In the world of wise thoughts of domestic and foreign scientists and teachers».

In the paper, the author pays special attention to the popularization and continuity of humanistic ideas, the pedagogical heritage of the outstanding Russian doctor and pedagogical humanist thinker N.I. Pirogov in the system of modern higher education in the direction of scientific mentoring — the management of scientific research activities of students in the educational practice of a pedagogical university (in the form of writing scientific competitive works of different levels).

The author’s vision of the practical significance of the study in rethinking the historical and pedagogical heritage from the standpoint of modern approaches of scientific mentoring as an effective mechanism for transferring experience and knowledge from leading scholars and mentors and student research work is substantiated.

About the authors

Lyubov A. Kochemasova

Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Sociology Department. Orenburg State Pedagogical University

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Statistics on educational organizations, scientific leaders, contestants who submitted materials to the International Competition of Research and Creative Works of Students "In the World of Wise Thoughts of Domestic and Foreign Scientists and Educators"

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3. Fig. 2. Medal of the International Pirogov Prize

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kochemasova L.A.

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