Management of the educational process in the field of language education at the university

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The problem of managing the educational process in the implementation of language education in a non-linguistic University is studied on the example of MGIMO Odintsovo branch (Moscow region). We consider the mechanisms, algorithms, and systems of pedagogical management, including LMS (learning Management System), which can be used in the conditions of standard, mixed, and distance learning, including during the forced full transition to remote mode in the spring of 2020 and the introduction of mixed learning in the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The article presents an algorithm for pedagogical management of the educational process in the field of implementation of language education in a non-linguistic University, which includes the following stages: planning, design, motivation, implementation, monitoring and reflection. The algorithm has been successfully implemented in our University, including in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conditions of pedagogical management of process of implementation of language education (humanistic orientation, taking into account specifics of the spiritual and moral development and the needs of students and individual (gender and age, level of proficiency, etc.). local language system characterized by the following parameters: the dominance of a clear and verified the goals of language education; the combination of complex ideas, the whole process of language education and work programs, teaching materials, etc.; permanently managed correction and development of the language teaching process taking into account changing external and internal conditions, requests and goals; monitoring of the achieved learning results. The criteria for evaluating the quality of management effectiveness are highlighted: the order and transparency of the process of implementing language education; the presence of the "backbone" of the teaching staff of the Department, the cohesion of the University itself "vertically" , etc. The introduction of the proposed algorithm of pedagogical management of the educational process in the field of language education implementation into the educational process of MGIMO showed its effectiveness, which was reflected not only on the results of the session and state exams, but also on the level of language training of graduates who reached the desired B2-C1/C2, having initially A2/B1. Moreover, the implementation of the algorithm developed by US at MGIMO allowed not only to systematize and simplify the management process.

About the authors

Anna L. Morozova

MGIMO (University), Odintsovo brunch

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of English Language Department. 3, Novo-Sportivnaja st., Odintsovo, Moscow region, 143007, Russian Federation


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