confessionally-caused features of motivation in the buddhists Karma Kagyu School

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The article focuses on the features of the Russian Buddhists’ motivation in the framework of the Karma Kagyu traditions, determined by the method of Stojković I. and Mirić J. Karma Kagyu Buddhism is a traditional school of Tibetan Buddhism, which is quite popular in modern Russia. 90 Buddhists participated in our study. The results obtained indicate that Buddhists have a high internal motivation for practicing and studying doctrine, they have no desire to meet the expectations of others in terms of their religious grounds. They do not expect a reward for the "right" Buddhist life. In their minds, Buddhism is not connected with the traditions of the family and society. The practice of Buddhism for its supporters is a source of emotional well-being, ideals and morality.

About the authors

Miroslav I. Yasin

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Cand. Soc. Sci., Associate Professor of Psychology Department 36, Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russia, 117997


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