Methodical support of process of formation of professional communicative competence of cadets of universities of the federal penal service in the study course "communication in professional activity of the penal officers"

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The article deals with the problem of shaping professional communicative competence of cadets at the lessons of the Russian Language and Standard of Speech. On the basis of Perm Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia the author offers the program of the course «Communication in professional activity of the penal officers». The course content is considered in three aspects: the invariant, variable and specific. The content of the theoretical part of the course was mainly invariant, because it lays in the communicative knowledge, skills and ways of action which should be taken by any person regardless of the sphere of communication. The variable component of the maintenance is reflected in the use of the wide range of professionally-oriented texts. The specific component is represented by the interactive technologies of training reflecting the specifics of their future profession. The article describes the main educational technology, methods and means of teaching, examples of tasks and exercises.

About the authors

Tatyana V. Nikitina

Perm institute of the Federal Penal Service

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of Humanities, Social and Economic Disciplines Department 125, Karpinskogo str., Perm, 614012, Russia


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