Blended learning as a form of language education for university students

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The paper investigates the effectiveness of blended learning through analyzing students characteristic, background, learning outcomes. It is aimed at predicting the blended learning effectiveness taking student characteristics as independent variables. Such concepts as e-learning, synchronous and non-synchronous technologies are determined in the paper as important parts of blended learning. Our survey was administrated to gather data on student characteristic/background and learning outcomes. The final evaluation results were used as a measure for performance as an outcome. We applied a learning questionnaire and the results showed the effectiveness of blended learning design (on-line tools, technology quality) and student characteristics (intrinsic motivation, self-regulation and satisfaction).

About the authors

Ludmila Yu. Kaplina

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (Sochi branch)

Cand. of Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of General Professional Disciplines Department 5, Chekmeneva Str., Sochi 354051

Arina V. Banartseva

Samara State Technical University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages 244 Molodogvardeiskaya Str., Samara 443100


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kaplina L.Y., Banartseva A.V.

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