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The article is devoted to the modern aspects of the professional education in management, in particular the specific character of managerial behavior in business communication, and the ways of forming communicative-strategic behavior of the future managers. With the change of the economic situation in the world and integration of Russia into the world economy, managers require new tools to solve professional tasks. Transformation of the economic system and market conditions suggest a new approach to training future managers in higher educational establishments. In their roles of entrepreneurs, resource allocators and negotiators, it is necessary for managers to know the mechanisms for predicting the communication results and the possible behavior of interlocutors, to know the basic strategies of business communication, as well as the algorithm of strategic communication and strategic ways of solving communication problems; use different communication strategies to most effectively achieve the communication objectives; analyze and correct communicative behavior and choose communication strategies depending on the situation. The strategic solution of communicative tasks presupposes knowledge of strategic communication algorithm, the general scheme of development of strategic solutions of communicative tasks in order to achieve this goal. The study showed that in the professional training of future managers the specifics and peculiarities of their professional activities should be taken into account. Managers solve a large number of communicative tasks, so communication is the leading tool for the implementation of basic management functions. According to scientists, the best solution of professional management tasks in modern conditions requires a strategic approach. From the standpoint of scientific analysis of modern socio-economic conditions and requirements, there is a need to create a new type of model behavior of managers, namely communicative strategic behavior.

About the authors

Victoria V. Levchenko

Samara State University


Anna V. Gorelova

Samara State University



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Copyright (c) 2015 Levchenko V.V., Gorelova A.V.

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