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This article deals with the problem of development of students’ communicative competence based on project activities. The paper is focused on developmental teaching models based on individual characteristics of a person and contains the practical aspect .

About the authors

Tatiana A. Fedorova

Samara State Technical University

associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages. 244 Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100

Alina I. Frolova

Samara State Technical University

candidate of philology, associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages. 244 Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100


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  2. Выготский Л.С. Мышление и речь // Собр. соч. Т. 2. – М., 1982. – С. 5-362.
  3. Renzulli J.S. The Enrichment Triad Model. – Wethersfield, 1977. – 342 p.
  4. Брейгина М.Е. Проектная методика на уроках испанского языка // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2004. – № 2. – С. 28-32.
  5. Fried-Booth Diana L. Project Work / Diana L. Fried-Booth/ – Oxford University Press, 1986. – p; Hutchinson T. Introduction to Project Work / Tom Hutchinson / – Oxford University Press, 1991. – p.; Mythology of International Project Work // ПC English. – 2000. – № 38.

Copyright (c) 2013 Fedorova T.A., Frolova A.I.

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