卷 23, 编号 1 (2023)


Buddhist ethics in the context of western normative ethical theories: Deontology

Volkova V.


Introduction. Сomparative studies conducted within the young discipline of Buddhist ethics have taken shape around the controversy between those researchers who see the consequentialist character of moral motivation in it and those who defend the similarity between Buddhist ethics and virtue ethics. Despite the fact that such major scholars as Damien Keown or Charles Goodman do not attach much importance to deontological features in Buddhist ethics, there is a small camp of researchers who defend the similarity between Buddhist teaching and deontology. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of this article is to critically examine the grounds on which it is possible to build a defense of comparing the ethics of Buddhism with Kant’s deontology. This analysis should answer the question why the deontological interpretation of Buddhist ethics currently has the least number of supporters. Conclusion. The conclusion is that Buddhist ethics proceeds from other metaphysical premises than Kant’s ethics, and by its nature does not accept the absolutization of moral rules, which is why it is problematic to consider it as a kind of deontological ethical theory. Nevertheless, such comparative studies contribute to a better understanding of both Buddhist teaching and, possibly, Kant’s ethical theory.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):4-8
pages 4-8 views

The Bible in the religious and philosophical works of N. S. Arseniev: Mystical experience

Gaponenkov A.


The article traces the formation of the mystical experience of Nikolai Sergeevich Arseniev (1888–1977) on the basis of the memoir book “Gifts and Encounters of the Life Path” (1974), and the stages of his consideration of biblical studies. The analysis of Arseniev’s exegetical work “The Religious Experience of the Apostle Paul” (1935) is proposed. He was one of the Russian thinkers in whose writings the Holy Scripture occupied a central place, and almost all of his religious ideas grew out of New Testament books, and biblical concepts. As an exegete, he studied the problem of the Logos in the Gospel of John the Evangelist and the mystical experience of the Epistles of the Apostle Paul. The cross-cutting theme of Arseniev’s works was mysticism in ancient cults, the poetry of the Middle Ages, the works of the desert fathers, the texts of Russian and Western European ascetics of piety, religious philosophers (A. S. Khomyakov, I. V. Kireevsky, S. N.Trubetskoy, S. L.Frank) and biblical scholars. He relied on the mystical experience of the Church, the unity of Christians. In the Epistles of the Holy Apostle Paul, Arseniev emphasized the mysticism of life in Christ, Christian realism, the realism of the Cross of the Lord, and the realism of Resurrection. In general, the mystical experience of Paul, his preaching and activity, according to Arseniev, differs from “our usual experience” and is more real, since the apostle is “subdued”, “captured” by Christ, His fullness, and the grace of God.

News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):9-14
pages 9-14 views

From humanism to post-humanism: Transformation of ideas of a man in philosophical thought

Kraynov A.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about a human in modern philosophical movements of transhumanism and posthumanism. Once the highest value and the king of nature, the man-creator and the ruler of the world has turned into a many-sided and sexless creature that has lost passionarity and claims to leadership. Theoretical analysis. The process of dehumanization, which has globally declared itself in the information society, has formed a new system of values in which a person has ceased to be the center of the Universe, the image and likeness of God, on the contrary, his evolution has not been completed yet, and what he will become is still unknown. In modern realities, this transhumanistic message is realized in the form of a person losing his or her gender identity, striving to merge with nano-biotechnologies in their bodies and turning into a cyborg, creating their own digital twin. Conclusion. The posthuman value system is completely different from the traditional human value system. It is alien to the values of the family, motherhood and childhood, procreation. It is based on the values of technogenic civilization and digital culture. The posthuman is concerned only with his own existence and the quality of the technologies that support it. The man sung by the humanists is gradually leaving the stage of history.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Healthy lifestyle: Philosophical dimension

Luzina I.


Introduction. The article deals with the issue of “healthy lifestyle” as a multidimensional phenomenon that requires complexity in the research process, and also substantiates the need to overcome the limitations of private scientifi c methodology. Philosophical understanding of the problem of health and the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the modern context of the development of knowledge. Theoretical analysis. To substantiate the integrity, the intellectual potential of the philosophical tradition is involved, a critical analysis of the one-dimensionality of natural-scientifi c ideas about the corporeality of a person is carried out. The multifunctionality of a healthy lifestyle and its integration into the cultural and mental basis of modern civilization are analyzed. The potential of the ideas of idealism, realism, pragmatism and existentialism for the study of the problem of education and human development is revealed. The valeological component of life and health of the population of the country is indicated. The author’s vision of the phenomenon of a healthy lifestyle, as one of the phenomena of social life, is proposed. The role of education in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is determined. The consequences of the application of body-oriented practices as a new direction of culture are shown. Conclusion. It is generalized that a healthy lifestyle is a safe state of human existence. The necessity of creating a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle is substantiated.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Practical philosophy: Modern foundations and necessity

Maslov V.


Introduction. The complexity, the rapidity of changes and considerable uncertainty of further social development reinforce the requirements for an effective positive influence of philosophy on what is happening. In general, we are talking about the modern concretization – based on the method of dialectical unity of historical and logical – of the fundamental problem of the connection of philosophy and science with life and practice. Theoretical analysis. In the history of philosophy, two opposing traditions of solving the problem of the connection of philosophy with life are being formed. Practical-theoretical one is aimed at helping to solve the universal problems of real life (philosophy acquires political significance). Theoretical-practical tradition is focused on the purity of philosophical search, which provides universal truth practice. Conclusion. The permanence of changes and the real dangers of social development (the threat of becoming a post-outside-human reality) actualize the practical-theoretical position – practical philosophy. Practical philosophy should fully take into account the critical arguments of the opposite side (the danger of political distortion of the truth). In general, it is necessary to unite and activate the work of all practice-oriented forces of philosophy and science (humanitarian expertise, field philosophy, etc.). Professional, pedagogical access to the Internet for criticising post-truth and meaningful presence in the public arena is seen as an important direction of practical philosophy.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Genome editing and the status of the human embryo in vitro

Mikhel D., Reznik O.


Introduction. The article discusses the nature of the next challenge faced by Russian society in connection with the development of genomic technologies. It is noted that the emergence of human embryo genome editing technology has brought to life proposals for its legal regulation, but insufficient attention is still paid to the issue of the status of the embryo. Theoretical analysis. The recent emergence of the technology of human embryo genome editing makes the issue of the status of the embryo in vitro relevant. The complexity of its solution stems from the legacy of the Soviet era, which legalized a woman’s right to abortion and the possibility of unimpeded medical intervention in the life of a child long before its birth. It appears that over time a solution to this issue could be found. The basis for this could be the convergence of the positions of scientists and representatives of the Orthodox Church on the issue of the beginning of human life, as well as proposals from lawyers to reform the system of legislation in those parts that relate to the protection of the rights of a child before its birth and the definition of the status of the embryo as a special legal phenomenon. Conclusions. A solution to the issue of in vitro embryo status can be achieved by bringing together all groups of the expert community.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Nostalgia for the USSR: Images of the Soviet era in the media and political practice of modern Russia

Tselykovsky A.


Introduction. The relevance of the topic of research is due to the increased role of the Soviet historical legacy in modern socio-political practice. The images associated with the Soviet period of national history are quite actively exploited by modern political and media discourse. Theoretical analysis. The research is based on the hypothesis that the mechanism of influence of the Soviet past on political and media practice is revealed through the social phenomenon of nostalgia. At the same time, the phenomenon of nostalgia is considered in its two types: reflexive and restorative. The subject of the study is the images of the Soviet era, produced by the myth-making practice, as well as the role and meaning of these nostalgic mythological images. Conclusion. The carried out theoretical analysis leads to the conclusion that the reflexive type of nostalgia is characteristic for media practice, the restorative type – for political practice. Reflexive nostalgia manifests itself not so much in the reinterpretation of the past as in the construction of certain mythological images that contribute to a safer perception of the past. Restorative nostalgia attempts to return the most significant symbols to political discourse, adapting them to suit opportunistic political goals. Since these mythological images occupy a central place, they can become an effective way to overcome various crisis phenomena.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):35-39
pages 35-39 views

The dialectics of platformization

Shatkin M.


Introduction. In the presented article the analysis of the phenomenon of platformization with the use of the dialectical method was carried out. Theoretical analysis.The premise of platformization is the identity of the idea and the business model, as well as value and cost. The starting point for the movement of the idea of platformization is the request (of the subject to the platform and back), inseparably connected with its opposite – the access. The synthesis of request and access is seduction as an appeal to make requests to gain access to benefits which in fact turn out to be imaginary. The revealed reality of seduction, which seeks guaranteed and predictable results, is grasped by the notion of surveillance. Surveillance is implemented in the quantitative analysis of the subject’s behavior to calculate the probability of his behavior and to increase it through immersiveness, which allows to collect as much data as possible, and learning. For a subject, learning is a requirement for the constant acquisition of new behavior patterns and is a value without cost, i.e., a form of alienation of the subject from public good. For platforms, learning refers to the acquisition of data-in-themselves-and-for-themselves-being in machine intelligence. Conclusion. Machine intelligence today is an incomplete stage of platformization without pronounced internal moments, so the dialectical analysis should stop at this stage.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Religious-mystical experience and the psychoanalytic tradition

Shugurov M., Mozzhilin S.


Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the approach to religious and mystical experience in the psychoanalytic tradition from the point of view of revealing the degree of its interdisciplinarity. Theoretical analysis. Using the methods of critical philosophical reflection and dialectical logic, as well as relying on the principle of development, the authors analyze the emergence of the figure of a “psychoanalytic mystic”, going in the direction of overcoming the antithesis of the scientific nature of psychoanalytic theory and the non-scientific nature of religious and mystical phenomena. At the same time, special attention is focused on the factors of interdisciplinary interaction that contributed to the meaningful renewal of psychoanalysis. Conclusion. The logic of the study led to the conclusion that interdisciplinarity manifested itself not simply in borrowing, but in the germination of religious and mystical, and along with them, esoteric elements of spiritual practice within the framework of theory and practice of psychoanalysis.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Reflexive representation of parental relationships as a determinant of adult temporality

Dukhnovsky S., Zaikin A.


Introduction. Parental attitude is a condition for the child’s development, including his temporal characteristics - features of the attitude to time. Theoretical analysis. The attitude to time as a manifestation of adult temporality is due to the reflective idea of parental attitude towards him. There are differences in perceptions of parental relationships in subjects with temporal dependence, indifference, and plasticity as manifestations of adult temporality. Empirical analysis. The respondents were 209 people aged 25 to 31 years. The method “Ratio to Time Scale” as well as “Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire” were used. It was found that adults with time dependence at a high level have such parameters of reflexive representation of parental attitude as symbiosis, authoritarian hypersocialization and attitude to failures. Whereas respondents with temporary indifference have these indicators at a low level. For subjects with temporal plasticity, the expression of acceptance and cooperation as indicators of a reflective view of parental attitudes is of leading importance. Conclusion. The obtained data can be used to transform the temporality of the personality by correcting the parental attitude or an adult's reflexive representation of it.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Projective drawing tests in assessing the emotional attachment of women with schizophrenia to their family members

Neshchadim D.


Introduction. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of emotional attachment in women with schizophrenia to a close environment. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of emotional attachment to a close environment in women with schizophrenia. Theoretical analysis. Currently, there is no clear point of view on the nature of emotional attachment in patients with schizophrenia. Some authors speak for the flattening (and even the absence) of emotional attachment to family members and close associates, while others testify in favor of maintaining attachment even with a long course of the disease. The relevance of this study is related to the resolution of a controversial point regarding the emotional attitude and attachment of schizophrenia patients to their close environment, which may allow us to expand the understanding of the socio-psychological factors that determine the course of the disease and allow us to develop new ways of building psychotherapeutic and corrective work with patients. Empirical analysis. In this study, the features of emotional attachment in women with paranoid schizophrenia to family members were analyzed using projective drawing tests: “Rings: me, mother and father” and the “Mother and child” test. Conclusion. As a result, data were obtained indicating the detection of emotional attachment of schizophrenic patients to one of the family members, where a schizophrenic patient experiences global distrust of the outside world and has a disturbed relationship with the primary attachment figure (mother).
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):56-61
pages 56-61 views

The relationship between the attitude to the disease and social perception in persons with hysterical neurosis

Rudenko S.


Introduction. The study is aimed at examining the attitude to the disease of persons with hysterical neurosis in the aspect of coherence with the peculiarities of their social competence. Insufficient knowledge of thе problem field is shown, which resonates with an increase in the rate of disability of this contingent. The hypothesis is formulated that the subjects with hysterical neurosis have a disharmonious and maladapting egocentric attitude to the disease, interconnected with a significant violation of social perception. Empirical analysis. In a group of patients with hysterical neurosis, contamination of egocentric and sensitive types of attitude to the disease is recorded. A moderate decrease in the ability to read emotions by facial expressions, posture and gestures, understanding the logic of the development of social situations and anticipating their outcomes was revealed. There is a close feedback between the characteristics of disharmonious types of attitude to the disease, which cause sensitized interpsychic orientation, and a complex indicator of social intelligence. Conclusion. The revealed types of attitude to the disease cause an overestimated egocentric orientation, combined with vulnerability, preoccupation with thoughts about the impression made in connection with the disease. There are difficulties in concentrating on perceptual details, there is a selective fixation on subjectively significant aspects of the content of communication, which hinders social meta-analysis and disadapts in society.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Socio-psychological and personal characteristics of the manifestation of workaholism

Ryadinskaya E., Volobuev V.


Introduction. The most important sphere of a modern person’s life, which takes up a large amount of time, is work activity, which can lead to an inability to fully devote time to communicating with loved ones and avoiding one’s own unresolved life and psychological problems. Theoretical analysis. An analysis of works in the field of workaholism studies shows that more attention is paid to this problem abroad than in Russia. However, the available studies in the domestic scientific space indicate the tendency of the Russian-speaking population to the risk of developing workaholism. Еmpirical analysis. The study of socio-psychological and personal factors of workaholism revealed that a significant part of the subjects can be attributed to «forced» workaholics who do not seek to «go to work» for various reasons, but they have to work hard. On the basis of a hierarchical set of studied socio-psychological and personal factors of workaholism, a portrait of a «true» workaholic was modeled, where such radicals as: «the desire for public approval», «anxiety», and «the need for a sense of self-worth» are the most pronounced. Conclusion. Analysis and generalization of the results made it possible to identify true and forced workaholics and, on the basis of correlation analysis, to build an “ideal” psychological profi le of a workaholic, including a set of socio-psychological and personal characteristics of the manifestation of workaholism in the hierarchical sequence of its radicals. A promising direction for further research is the construction of multifactorial models of the relationship between the value of the indicator of labor dependence, socio-psychological factors and personal characteristics, on the basis of which it is supposed to develop a formula for calculating predisposition to workaholism.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):67-73
pages 67-73 views

Some factors of subjective economic well-being

Suchkov E.


Introduction. One of the main motivations of the human community is the desire for well-being, and its subjective feeling is the basis of a full-fledged life of the individual, which is why the study of subjective economic well-being (SWB) is an urgent task of modern psychology. The term “SWB” first appeared thanks to the works of B. Strumpel and A. Campbell. The concept was defined as the result of a social comparison of the actual status of a person with his needs and perception of his own position. The purpose of this work is to analyze the influence of certain factors on the personal subjective economic well-being: income, education, health. The article provides an analytical review of the works of foreign and domestic authors devoted to the discussion of three significant factors of subjective economic well-being: income, education, health. Theoretical analysis. Comparative analysis allows us to determine the impact of income, education and health on SWB. Empirical analysis. The analysis helps to identify the positive and significant impact of the three selected factors on the SWB. Conclusion. The research results have shown that the selected three factors of SWB in developed countries are the foundation of people’s well-being. But the influence of these same factors in developing countries may be significantly lower and further research is required to confirm this fact.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Psychological readiness of the NPP operational shift to work in emergency situations as a condition of its group reliability

Tolstikov V.


Introduction. The article analyzes the phenomenon of psychological readiness of operational shifts of the nuclear power plant (NPP) to work in emergency situations. The study of operational shifts of nuclear power plants in this direction was conducted for the first time. Theoretical analysis. Psychological readiness is a condition for the formation of such a characteristic of an operational shift as group reliability, which, in turn, is the most important prerequisite for a safe and reliable work shift. Theoretical analysis indicates that group reliability of an operational shift is a characteristic that is actualized precisely in the conditions of the development of an emergency situation. Willingness to work effectively in emergency situations is a factor that significantly increases the chances of adequate actions in real conditions. Еmpirical analysis. The empirical study found that the overwhelming majority of the investigated operational shifts characterized by an average and above average level of psychological readiness for action in an emergency situation, while no shifts with a low or high level were revealed. Conclusion. Such results may indicate that this psychological condition of group reliability in operational shifts of the NPP is sufficiently well-formed. Nevertheless, the psychological service should work to strengthen the psychological readiness of units for action in emergency situations.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

The founder of the Saratov University psychological school S. L. Frank (on the occasion of 145th anniversary of the scientist)

Yuzhaninova A.


The article is devoted to the 145th anniversary of the outstanding philosopher of the 20th century S. L. Frank (28.01.1877–10.12.1950), who preserving the pre–revolutionary traditions of teaching psychology as part of philosophy at the historical and philological faculties of Russian universities, in 1918 for the fi rst time in Saratov began teaching psychology at Saratov University, thus becoming the founder of the regional psychological school. An apologist for philosophical (idealistic) psychology, Frank invited Professor A. A. Krogius (1919), an experimental psychologist known in Europe, to work at the Saratov Department of Philosophy, thereby creating conditions for a versatile psychological education. In the spring of 1919, through Frank’s eff orts a philosophical department was opened at Saratov University, which began professional university training of psychologists for the first time in the region. In the autumn of 1919, with Frank’s participation, Saratov psychology was institutionalized for the first time – the Department of Philosophy and Psychology appeared at the university. After Frank’s expulsion from Russia in 1922, his name and works as alien to the Marxist worldview in his homeland began to be hushed up. His merit to Saratov psychology was also consigned to oblivion for a long time. This work was carried out in order to express grateful memory to the founder of the Saratov University Psychological School.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):85-93
pages 85-93 views

Humor as an effective tool for teaching a foreign language at the university

Ivanova V.


Introduction. The need for research is due to the deterioration of the psychological well-being of students in the conditions of periodic introduction of self-isolation and distance learning. Teachers of higher education point out that, even after returning to the traditional format of education, many students continue to experience anxiety and tension, especially when performing tasks aimed at teaching oral foreign language speech. To ease such tension and overcome the difficulties caused by it, it is necessary to use various forms of humor in the learning process. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses theoretical approaches to the use of humor in teaching and summarizes the experience of using different types of humor in the practice of teaching English to future IT professionals. Empirical analysis. The empirical research method has been used in the form of a group survey of 67 1st–year students on the basis of SPbSUT. The research task is to find out how students feel about the use of humor in foreign language classes. Conclusion. This study confirms that most students (86%) support the use of humor in classes at the university and note its positive impact. In addition, according to the results of the survey, it was revealed which forms of humor students consider to be the most effective in teaching a foreign language, and which are considered unacceptable by them.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):94-98
pages 94-98 views

Formation of the communicative competence of Russian and foreign electrical students during the socio-cultural project

Malkova M.


Introduction. The problem of the formation of communicative competence among Russian and foreign students in the classroom in a foreign language requires the introduction of an integrated approach to learning. Such an innovative form of education as a project, namely, a socio-cultural project that includes professional tests, provides an opportunity for intercultural mutual enrichment and the use of language knowledge in everyday and professional communication. Theoretical analysis of the material on this issue led to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce professional tests in Russian and foreign languages into the practice of training future engineers. Empirical analysis. The author of the article offers an experimental experience – intercultural interaction in the system of professional trials of Russian and foreign students. Foreign students get acquainted with the basics of electrical engineering already at the stage of pre-university training, which contributes to the development of interest in their future specialty. Russian students gain experience of communication in a foreign language as part of their professional activities. Conclusion. The novelty of this form of education lies in the fact that the cooperation of Russian and foreign students is not limited to one-time joint professional practices, but is combined into a sociocultural professionally oriented project.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Discussion competence in the structure of modern engineer training

Mikheev S.


Introduction. In the course of the study we have identified a contradiction consisting, on the one hand, in the increased requirements to the level of communicative training of technical specialists in post-industrial society. On the other hand, there is an almost complete lack of research on the problem of forming a discussion competence of future engineers. Based on the abovementioned, the author has formulated the goal of this paper. It consists in defining the place of the discussion competence in the structure of modern engineer training, caused by the networking and socio-technical transformation of technical activity. Theoretical analysis. The generalization of philosophical and pedagogical approaches to the study of engineering activity (EA) allowed us to classify the functions of a modern engineer according to the nature of the tasks to be solved. The classification revealed that under the influence of networking and socio-technical transformation of engineering activity there is a growing demand for engineers who are ready to implement professional tasks based on socio-technical functions. The correlation between the engineers’ mastery of the discussion competence and the effectiveness of their implementation of sociotechnical functions: design, research, organizational and managerial, was revealed. Conclusion. The study made it possible to draw a general conclusion about the need to distinguish the discussion competence as an independent element in the structure of universal competences and to include discussion training in the curriculum of technical universities in two directions: traditional (offline discussions) and network (online discussions).
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Humanization of the continuity of modern society social reorganization on the basis of the idea of recreating the USSR in the students' mind

Ozerova O.


Introduction. The relevance of the problem of humanizing the continuity of the social reorganization of modern society on the basis of the idea of recreating the USSR in students' mind is due to rapid changes in the political climate and many challenges of our time that require prompt and immediate solutions. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to reveal the process of updating the worldview of students on the basis of humanistic identification in the process of interaction of the social progress and regression. Destructive factors of development and radical and palliative mechanisms of successive identification are highlighted. The lines of social progress are analyzed on the basis of the identification methodology. Empirical analysis made it possible to confirm the theoretical provisions obtained during the survey. Conclusion. Multicultural orientation of vocational education requires humanization of the principles of social reorganization of modern Russia. This process can be used most effectively through the reconstruction of the USSR image in the views of students in modern forms and establishment of a successive connection with the past. At the same time, the development of social progress is carried out in the space of a new freedom, the restriction of which is a mechanism for the revival of accountability in the course of a return to genuine historical memory and modernization of society.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):111-115
pages 111-115 views

E. Demolins' concept of pedagogy in the context of the reform movement “New Education”

Semenov I.


Introduction. The dispersion of didactic systems, the abundance of which is present in the modern world, prompts us to make some demarcation of these phenomena by analyzing a separate theory – natural education, using the example of the school (de)-Roche [fr. L’Ecole des Roches] of Edmond Demolins [fr. Edmond Demolins]. Theoretical analysis of the conducted research is based on the works of foreign and domestic scientists, mainly on the work «The Elementary School Teacher» by Edmond Demolins. Based on the analysis, a competence matrix of a «new education» teacher was developed, which meets the requirements of competitiveness and validity in the profession. In addition, based on the study of original and translated texts, the author outlined the position of contemporaries of the «school reform» in relation to the traditional teacher and the system of knowledge transfer to students in general. Conclusion. The assessment of the best practices of the «new education» represented by the Roche School of Edmond Demolins, allowed us to draw a number of conclusions that have theoretical and applied significance within the framework of the current direction of reforming national education. Firstly, the importance of the inner core of the student and the expediency of his free are stated. Secondly, it emphasizes the need for educational organizations to meet the needs of the student.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(1):116-120
pages 116-120 views