E. Demolins' concept of pedagogy in the context of the reform movement “New Education”

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Introduction. The dispersion of didactic systems, the abundance of which is present in the modern world, prompts us to make some demarcation of these phenomena by analyzing a separate theory – natural education, using the example of the school (de)-Roche [fr. L’Ecole des Roches] of Edmond Demolins [fr. Edmond Demolins]. Theoretical analysis of the conducted research is based on the works of foreign and domestic scientists, mainly on the work «The Elementary School Teacher» by Edmond Demolins. Based on the analysis, a competence matrix of a «new education» teacher was developed, which meets the requirements of competitiveness and validity in the profession. In addition, based on the study of original and translated texts, the author outlined the position of contemporaries of the «school reform» in relation to the traditional teacher and the system of knowledge transfer to students in general. Conclusion. The assessment of the best practices of the «new education» represented by the Roche School of Edmond Demolins, allowed us to draw a number of conclusions that have theoretical and applied significance within the framework of the current direction of reforming national education. Firstly, the importance of the inner core of the student and the expediency of his free are stated. Secondly, it emphasizes the need for educational organizations to meet the needs of the student.

About the authors

Ivan Alexandrovich Semenov

Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya st., 67e, Vladimir, Vladimir region, 600020


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