From humanism to post-humanism: Transformation of ideas of a man in philosophical thought

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about a human in modern philosophical movements of transhumanism and posthumanism. Once the highest value and the king of nature, the man-creator and the ruler of the world has turned into a many-sided and sexless creature that has lost passionarity and claims to leadership. Theoretical analysis. The process of dehumanization, which has globally declared itself in the information society, has formed a new system of values in which a person has ceased to be the center of the Universe, the image and likeness of God, on the contrary, his evolution has not been completed yet, and what he will become is still unknown. In modern realities, this transhumanistic message is realized in the form of a person losing his or her gender identity, striving to merge with nano-biotechnologies in their bodies and turning into a cyborg, creating their own digital twin. Conclusion. The posthuman value system is completely different from the traditional human value system. It is alien to the values of the family, motherhood and childhood, procreation. It is based on the values of technogenic civilization and digital culture. The posthuman is concerned only with his own existence and the quality of the technologies that support it. The man sung by the humanists is gradually leaving the stage of history.

About the authors

Andrey Leonidovich Kraynov

Saratov State Agrarian University

410012, Saratov, Kirova prospect, 4


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