Reflexive representation of parental relationships as a determinant of adult temporality

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Introduction. Parental attitude is a condition for the child’s development, including his temporal characteristics - features of the attitude to time. Theoretical analysis. The attitude to time as a manifestation of adult temporality is due to the reflective idea of parental attitude towards him. There are differences in perceptions of parental relationships in subjects with temporal dependence, indifference, and plasticity as manifestations of adult temporality. Empirical analysis. The respondents were 209 people aged 25 to 31 years. The method “Ratio to Time Scale” as well as “Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire” were used. It was found that adults with time dependence at a high level have such parameters of reflexive representation of parental attitude as symbiosis, authoritarian hypersocialization and attitude to failures. Whereas respondents with temporary indifference have these indicators at a low level. For subjects with temporal plasticity, the expression of acceptance and cooperation as indicators of a reflective view of parental attitudes is of leading importance. Conclusion. The obtained data can be used to transform the temporality of the personality by correcting the parental attitude or an adult's reflexive representation of it.

About the authors

Sergey Vitalievich Dukhnovsky

Ugra State University

Khanty-Mansiysk, 16 Chekhov St., Khanty-Mansiysk 628012, Russia

Alexander Vasilievich Zaikin

Ugra State University

Khanty-Mansiysk, 16 Chekhov St., Khanty-Mansiysk 628012, Russia


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