Volume 23, Nº 2 (2023)


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Simulation of scattering properties of modular metasurfaces in the 16–25 GHz range and comparison with experimental results

Mazinov A., Padalinsky M., Boldyrev N., Starosek A.


Background and Objectives: Metasurfaces are coatings consisting of elementary resonators that reemit incident UHF electromagnetic waves. By varying the parameters and arrangement of these resonators, it is possible to tune the electrical properties of the metasurface as a whole. This produces a number of practically important characteristics that are difficult to achieve with conventional attenuation coatings, and therefore prospective in the tasks of shielding of electronic devices and attenuation of the reflected signal. As there are many possible configurations of resonators, numerical experiments are needed for an effective comparative analysis. We investigate metasurfaces consisting of rectangular stripline resonators arranged on a dielectric substrate in a checkerboard pattern in two configurations. The aim of the study is to obtain scattering diagrams in numerical experiments and compare them with real structures. Materials and Methods: In this paper a computer simulation of the interaction of metasurfaces with the microwave radiation in open space is carried out using the CST Studio package with a time domain solver. Calculations were performed for several frequencies in the range of 16 to 25 GHz. Experiments were then carried out with real structures at the same frequencies, using a bistatic method of measurements. The structures, with single resonators measuring 2×4.2 mm matching the frequency range, consisted of etched copper-plated FR4 sheets overlaid on a metal plate. Results: The results show that the value of the normal component of the reflected electromagnetic wave decreases as the incident frequency approaches the resonance frequency. Also, side lobes, with a frequency-dependent magnitude, are observed. The scattering diagrams obtained with real samples show the same characteristic features with differences caused by physical particularities of the receiving antenna as well as the presence of diffraction effects. Both structures examined have shown high incident wave scattering, which is clearly indicated by the redistribution of the central lobe in diagrams. Comparison has shown that the simulated metasurfaces have similar patterns to the experimental diagrams. Conclusion: The comparative analysis has demonstrated a satisfactory fit of the simulation to the experiment. Further studies with structures of this type are planned in the future. It may be noted that the CST Studio package has worked well and will be used in future studies.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):102-111
pages 102-111 views

Phase-sensitive amplification of an optical signal in the modulation instability sidebands with single-frequency pump

Konyukhov A., Melnikov L.


Background and Objectives: The use of optical amplifiers in optical communications systems is currently of great interest. An optical signal can be amplified using semiconductor amplifiers, erbium or Raman amplifiers. Unfortunately, a linear laser amplifier adds spontaneous emission noise to the signal, degrading the signal-to-noise ratio. The use of phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers allows increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Phase-sensitive amplifiers provide phase and amplitude squeezing that gives additional opportunities for signal regeneration and coding. Phase-sensitive amplification can be realized using four-wavemixing in highly nonlinear fibers. The resonant frequency for the parametric gain depends on the phase matching conditions for interacting waves. In real fibers, the resonant frequency is randomly shifted by fluctuations of the fiber dispersion. Dispersion fluctuation leadstothe degradation ofthe gain and narrowing ofthe gain bandwidth. Resonantfrequenciesforthe parametric gain can be extended using diameter modulation along the fiber length. Modulation of the fiber diameter gives rise to the modulation of the fiber dispersion. Periodic variation of the fiber dispersion leads to the excitation of the multipeak modulation instability spectrum. The signal wave can be amplified in modulation instability sidebands. Previous studies of the parametric gain in dispersion oscillating fibers are focused on the phase-insensitive amplification. In the present work, the phase-sensitive amplification in modulation instability sidebands is considered. Materials and Methods: We consider a truncated three-wave model for the parametric amplification of a continuous signal in the presence of strong single-frequency pump wave and weak idler wave. The dispersion and nonlinearity coefficients are calculated for the highly-nonlinear optical fiber with the W-shaped refractive index cross-section. Using numerical simulation, the gain coefficient for the signal wave was calculated in the terahertz frequency detuning range. Both the sine-wave modulation and the multi-frequency modulation of the fiber dispersion are considered. Results: We have found that the phase-sensitive amplification can be realized in high-order modulation instability sidebands. Single-frequency pump is sufficient to excite quasi-phase-matching sidebands. The amplification or depletion of the signal wave depends both on the individual phases of the interacting waves and on the phase of the dispersion oscillation. This effect makes it possible to manipulate the position of the depletion bands within the modulation instability sidebands. Resonant frequencies of the modulation instability sidebands depend on the modulation period. But the gain bandwidth depends on the type of modulation. Multifrequency modulation allows extending the gain bandwidth. We have found that high-order modulation instability sidebands can contain several narrow depletion bands, which frequency depends on the phases of the interacting waves and the phase of the dispersion oscillation. Conclusion: Modification of the phase-matching conditions in optical fibers with a variable dispersion allows improving the performance of parametric amplifiers. We have proposed the use of dispersion oscillating fiber for the generation of a comb of multiple spectral sidebands with phase-sensitive gain. When compared with the other possible schemes such as phase matching induced by the fourth-order dispersion coefficient, we expect that our proposed technique is more tolerant with respect to the longitudinal stochastic fluctuations of the fiber properties.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):112-119
pages 112-119 views

Ex vivo study of the kinetics of ovarian tissue optical properties under the influence of 40%-glucose

Selifonov A., Rykhlov A., Tuchin V.


Background and Objectives: The reproductive system of women is a subject of diverse multidisciplinary research worldwide. These are oncological diseases, infertility of an unspecified nature, ovarian cryopreservation to preserve fertility, improvement of early diagnosis of diseases, etc. Elucidation of the mechanisms of diffusion of tissue water and hyperosmotic agents in luteal phase ovarian tissues controlled by аngiogenic growth factors can bring us closer to understanding biophysical processes in general. Materials and Methods. The work used spectroscopy of diffuse reflection, a free diffusion model and the modified Bouguer–Lambert–Beer law. Results. The diffusion coefficient of 40% glucose/tissue water intothe ovariantissue ofthe luteal phase D andthe diffusion time τ have been determined, which was D = (8.6 ± 1.4)·107 cm2 /s and τ = 50.4 ± 1.7 min with a samplethickness of(0.8 ± 0.1)mm. The efficiency of optical clearing of cat ovariantissues with 40% glucose immersion has been determined. Conclusions. Studies have shown that 40%-glucose is an effective optical clearing agent for topical use in differentiating normal and pathological ovarian tissues and in clinical applications.

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):120-127
pages 120-127 views

Assessment of spatiotemporal heterogeneity of two-dimensional images on the example of photoplethysmograpic imaging of hemodynamics

Sagaidachnyi A., Volkov I., Tsoy M., Fomin A., Mayskov D., Antonov A., Zaletov I., Skripal A.


Background and Objectives: The problem of representation of multidimensional data on a two-dimensional plane arises during the processing of a series of two-dimensional images in the spatiotemporal and time-frequency domains. When implementing time-frequency analysis, each point of the object is characterized by a function of two arguments, therefore, to visualize the results on a two-dimensional plane, it is necessary to reduce the data dimension. Materials and Methods: This paper describes a method for color coding the correlation of spectral features at each point of a two-dimensional dynamic image. The novelty of the proposed method in the using of the wavelet correlation function of the reference area with all other regions of interest of the object. In this case, the correlation value is color-coded and forms a correlation map in each of the analyzed spectral ranges. Results: This allows to select areas that have similar time-frequency spectra of investigated characteristics of the object. The application of the method is considered on the example of the analysis of the microhemodynamics of the human hand using photoplethysmographic imaging. The analysis was carried out in the spectral range (0.005–2 Hz), covering both cardiac and low-frequency hemodynamic oscillations of the respiratory, myogenic, neurogenic, and endothelial ranges. In general, there is a tendency to a decrease of correlation of the spectrum with distance from the reference area and with a decrease in the analyzed signal frequency. It is shown that photoplethysmographic signals recorded in the area of the distal phalanx of the finger are predominantly representative of cardiac oscillations in microhemodynamics of other areas of the hand (correlation of about 0.7) and less representative with respect to endothelial, neurogenic, myogenic and respiratory oscillations (correlation of about 0.4). Due to the established high spatial inhomogeneity of the spectral features, it is recommended to use several reference areas when using contact photoplethysmographic measurements. Conclusion: The considered method of visualizing the spatial correlation of spectral features can find practical application also in the field of hemodynamic analysis using laser Doppler, laser speckle contrast, thermographic or hyperspectral imaging.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):128-140
pages 128-140 views

Competitive bidirectional pathways of vascular tone regulation via arachidonic acid metabolites

Verveyko D., Verisokin A., Lagosha S., Brazhe A.


Background and Objectives: The processes taking place in each element of a neurogliovascular unit will have repercussions in the entire unit. Astrocytes produce arachidonic acid, and its metabolites play a key role in neurogliovascular dynamics with a possibility for bidirectional control, specifically EETs and PGE2 have a vasodilatory effect while 20-HETE acts as a vasoconstrictor. We develop a minimalistic model of model of neurogliovascular unit which takes into account the effect of arachidonic acid metabolites on the blood vessel radius, determining the blood flow and further activity of the elements. Materials and Methods: In order to test the model, we simulate two scenarios of model behavior, including an external influence leading to an increase in neuronal potassium, and an external influence on EETs. Results: We have proposed a mathematical model of the neurogliovascular unit, which accounts for IP3-dependent calcium dynamics in the astrocyte, neuronal activity, and vascular dynamics, and relies on arachidonic acid and its metabolites as vasoactive substances. Numerical simulations have demonstrated the plausibility of such a control loop involving the elements of the neurogliovascular unit and associated with the influence of arachidonic acid metabolites on vascular tone and indirectly on synaptic activity. We conclude that the model can be used for further theoretical studies of the regulatory mechanisms pertaining to cerebral perfusion.

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):141-149
pages 141-149 views

Fluorescent nanosized PAMAM dendrimers: One-step formation of a bright blue fluorophore on terminal groups and its optical properties

Mordovina E., Berdenkova V., Bakal A., Tsyupka D., Kokorina A., Podkolodnaya Y., Goryacheva O., Goryacheva I.


Background and Objectives: Polyamidoamine dendrimers (PAMAM) are nanoscale monodisperse compounds with a multifunctional terminal surface. Structural features of PAMAM, such as a nanosize of high homogeneity, highly developed terminal surface and cavities in the structure open up wide possibilities for their application. The most promising use of PAMAM is for biomedical purposes, in particular for the targeted drug delivery (for example, anticancer drugs). The interaction of PAMAM with target cells can be assessed using fluorescent imaging. This suggests the preliminary modification of PAMAM with various fluorescent molecules or the development of approaches to increase the intrinsic fluorescence of PAMAM. Materials and Methods: In this paper, we will consider a one-step modification of PAMAM based on the double cyclization reaction of PAMAM terminal groups and citric acid. Two approaches are chosen for modification: hydrothermal and boiling methods. The methods of optical spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering will be used as the main research tools. The methods used make it possible to determine the efficiency of fluorophore formation under given conditions. Results: In this work, we have proposed and implemented a one-step modification of PAMAM with a bright blue fluorophore (1,2,3,5-tetrahydro-5-oxo-imidazo[1,2-a] pyridine-7-carboxylic acid, IPCA), which is formed by a double cyclization reaction between citric acid and terminal ethylenediamine fragments of PAMAM. It has been shown that as a result of modification the hydrodynamic diameter of PAMAM does not change, the fluorescence intensity increases significantly (the quantum yield increases from < 1 to 28%), ζ-potential changes from 42 ± 5 to −24 ± 4 mV. Conclusion: Reaction of PAMAM and citric acid leads to the appearance of bright-blue fluorescence, which is significantly higher than the intrinsic fluorescence of PAMAM. A combination of bright fluorescence and a multifunctional terminal surface make it possible to further use the obtained structures for biovisualization.

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):150-156
pages 150-156 views

Systematics of the Coulomb barrier characteristics resulting from M3Y nucleon-nucleon forces for reactions with heavy ions

Gontchar I., Chushnyakova M., Khmyrova N.


In the literature, often the capture cross sections for spherical heavy-ions are calculated by virtue of the characteristics of the s-wave barrier: its energy, radius, and stiffness. We evaluate these quantities systematically within the framework of the double-folding model. For the effective nucleon-nucleon forces, the M3Y Paris forces with zero-range exchange part are used. The strength of this part is modified to fit the barrier energy obtained with the density-dependent finite-range exchange part. For the nucleon density, two options are employed. The first one (V-option) is based on the experimental charge densities. The second one, C-option, comes from the IAEA data base; these densities are calculated within the Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov approach. For both options, the analytical approximations are developed for the barrier energy, radius, and stiffness. The accuracy of these approximations is about 3% for the barrier energy and radius and about 10% for the stiffness. The proposed approximations can be easily used by everyoneto estimatethe capture cross sections within the parabolic barrier approximation.

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):157-166
pages 157-166 views

Correlation relations for graphene and its thermal radiation

Davidovich M., Glukhova O.


Background and Objectives: The thermal radiation of a graphene sheet is considered, as well as the power absorbed by the specified sheet per unit surface in the thermodynamic equilibrium with vacuum radiation. From the comparison of these values, correlation relations are established for fluctuations in the surface current density in graphene and in a 2D conductive sheet similar to it, described by surface conductivity. These relations should be used in the theory of dispersion interaction of structures with graphene, using the Rytov–Levin and Lifshitz method of introducing fluctuation sources into Maxwell’s equations. Model and Methods: We consider the equilibrium of a graphene sheet with a Planck thermal field from the principle of detailed equilibrium. From this we get correlation relations. With their use, we obtain the density of thermal radiation. Results: The thermal radiation densities of a graphene sheet at different temperatures have been obtained, as well as the specific heat transfer between two graphene sheets at different temperatures. Conclusion: The obtained correlations may be used for calculations of dispersion forces.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):167-178
pages 167-178 views

Investigation of the process of recrystallization calcium carbonate microparticles grown on polycaprolactone nanofibers using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction

Koronevskiy N., Inozemtseva O., Sergeeva B., Ushakov A., Sergeev S.


Background and Objectives: A method for the mineralization of polycaprolactone nanofibers with microparticles of calcium carbonate (vaterite) is presented. The proposed composite material can be used as a tissue engineering scaffold and a drug delivery vehicle for regenerative medicine. Materials and Methods: The process of recrystallization of vaterite microparticles formed on polycaprolactone fibers into calcite is studied using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Results: The dependences of the mass and quantitative fractions of vaterite/calcite microparticles depending on the duration of the experiment have been compared. Conclusion: The total recrystallization time for vaterite microparticles with an average diameter of 1.2 ± 0.4 microns is 24 hours, and the effective time of their use as a container for targeted drug delivery is limited to 18 hours.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):179-187
pages 179-187 views

Irreversibility of time and reversibility of motion in dynamic equations of physics

Tsoy V.


Background and Objectives: The equations of dynamics of particles and waves admit solutions with the reverse flow of time. Therefore, it is generally assumed that the physical dynamics does not reflect the irreversibility of time. This article considers the inversion of time in dynamic equations of particles and waves. Methods: Thetransformations of dynamic equations including the time flow inversion were seen to conclude about time irreversibility. Conclusion: Transformations with reversedtime have been seen inthe dynamic equations ofmotion. Thesetransformations show that real inversion of time is impossible. It the inverse motion of the particle and waves in the space is possible only on the straight flow of time.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics. 2023;23(2):188-194
pages 188-194 views

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