Irreversibility of time and reversibility of motion in dynamic equations of physics

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Background and Objectives: The equations of dynamics of particles and waves admit solutions with the reverse flow of time. Therefore, it is generally assumed that the physical dynamics does not reflect the irreversibility of time. This article considers the inversion of time in dynamic equations of particles and waves. Methods: Thetransformations of dynamic equations including the time flow inversion were seen to conclude about time irreversibility. Conclusion: Transformations with reversedtime have been seen inthe dynamic equations ofmotion. Thesetransformations show that real inversion of time is impossible. It the inverse motion of the particle and waves in the space is possible only on the straight flow of time.

About the authors

Valery Ivanovich Tsoy

Saratov State University

410012, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya street, 83


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