
Effectiveness and safety of empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) in patients with solid tumors receiving cytotoxic therapy: final results of the DEFENDOR study
Snegovoy A.V., Kononenko I.B., Radiukova I.M., Orlova S.A., Sultanbaev A.V., Dubovichenko D.M., Dergunov A.S., Saidullaeva A.F., Repina N.N., Gronskaia I.A., Rossokha E.I., Starostina T.V., Akimova O.V., Vasil'eva I.A., Godzhieva Z.A., Garanina O.I., Gorchkhanova K.I., Machekhina I.S., Gracheva A.S., Danilova A.E., Dmitrakova T.N., Dmitriev V.N., Dmitrochenko M.V., Dylinova O.V., El'kova V.O., Zhelezniak A.V., Zubova I.V., Ivanov A.N., Kaleikina L.P., Komoza I.V., Korolev D.N., Lebedeva L.N., Lebedinets A.A., Mamedguseinova N.N., Miagkova V.S., Matiushina E.I., Narovenkova K.V., Nikolaeva V.M., Novikov D.V., Polonskaia G.E., Rebrina O.V., Safronova M.A., Semenova A.S., Semenova I.A., Skotnikov R.A., Solov'eva E.P., Tat'ianenko A.N., Teterich A.A., Timin V.N., Tolmacheva I.A., Tiugina I.A., Khodkevich A.V., Tsarakhova F.V., Chapko I.S., Shegurova M.M., Shakurova N.R., Shalina A.I., Shumilkina E.A., Iakuba D.V., Ibragimova T.M., Feoktistova P.S., Sorokina I.V., Berezina A.M., Kiseleva P.V., Mironenko O.N., Prosianikova O.N.
Sostoyanie zabolevaemosti, smertnosti i onkologicheskoy pomoshchi pri zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniyakh kozhi v Navoiyskoy oblasti Respubliki Uzbekistan
Kudryavtsev I.Y., Aksel' E.M., Kerimov R.A.
Alopecia prevention during chemotherapy: from the benchmark to real clinical practice. A prospective study
Lyadova M.A., Nersesova T.A., Zhuravleva A.A., Fedorinov D.S., Dudnik A.A., Denisova E.A., Nosova M.V., Pardabekova O.A., Lisitsyna K.N., Tuleiko V.M., Bikmurzina O.A.
Comprehensive rehabilitation of cancer patients: A review
Gameeva E.V., Stepanova A.M., Tkachenko G.A., Gridnev O.V., Sviridov S.V., Shestopalov A.E.
The use of erythropoietins in oncology
Ziganshina L.E., Poddubnaia I.V., Sychev D.A.
Features of development of metachronous and synchronous tumors in the population of Belgorod region associated with the consequences of the Chernobyl accident
Kovalenko B.S., Golivets T.P., Podvyaznikov S.O.
Osobennosti kliniko-morfologicheskikh kharakteristik i lecheniya retsidiva raka yaichnikov IV stadii
Mel'ko A.I., Ushakov I.I., Kira E.F., Shamkina V.O., Gaytukieva R.A.
Molecular genetic markers of ovarian cancer tumor cells and their microenvironment, study methods, and clinical value: A review
Kalfa M.A., Golovkin I.O., Lazarev A.E., Golubinskaya L.P., Gritskevich O.Y., Zyablitskaya E.Y.
The surgical treatment of locally advanced angiosarcoma of the anterior mediastinum. A clinical case
Novikov D.V., Chekini A.K., Avturkhanov T.M., Mkrtumyan R.A.
Press-release. «Sanofi» makes a contribution in improving availability of treatment in women with breast cancer in Russia in accordance with international standards
What drug combinations are best for preventing and treating anemia in people with cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary (PLS))
Lienhard D.A.
Malignant neoplasms in HIV patients in Russia: the story over a 20-year period
Nekrasova A.V., Rassokhin V.V., Falaleeva N.A., Grivtsova L.Y., Gusev D.A.
Malignant neoplasms associated with HIV infection. Problems and solutions (problem outline)
Kaprin A.D., Voronin E.E., Rassokhin V.V., Rozenberg V.V., Nekrasova A.V., Falaleeva N.A., Ivanov S.A., Grivtsova L.Y.
Primenenie eritropoetina posle vysokodoznoy khimioterapii s transplantatsiey autologichnykh gemopoeticheskikh kletok
Ptushkin V.V., Zhukov N.V., Minenko S.V.
Nutritional status of children with cancer and hematological malignancies during treatment in FSBI Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev (screening results)
Vasilyeva E.S., Vashura A.Y., Litvinov D.V.
Vozmozhnosti ul'trazvukovoy tomografii pri otsenke mestnogo rasprostraneniya pervichnoy melanomy kozhi
Chekalova M.A., Allakhverdyan G.S., Demidov L.V., Kokosadze N.V., Kharatishvili T.K., Khatyrev S.A.
Endoskopicheskaya diagnostika i lazernaya destruktsiya raka gortani
Ungiadze G.V., Poddubnyy B.K., Belousova N.V., Kontsevaya A.Y.
Intensity of repeated disability due to brain malignancies in the female population in Moscow for 2017–2021
Zaparii S.P., Potapenko O.I.
Erythropoietin or darbepoetin for patients with cancer (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Lienhard D.A.
Long-term effects of pediatric cancer therapy: 35-year clinical experience
Zaeva G.E., Valiev T.T., Gavrilenko T.F., Moiseenko E.I., Medvedovskaya E.G., Mikhailova S.N., Sinyagina Y.V.
Sostoyanie zabolevaemosti, smertnosti, onkologicheskoy pomoshchi pri zlokachestvennykh novoobrazovaniyakh gastroenterologicheskoy lokalizatsii v Navoiyskoy oblasti Respubliki Uzbekistan
Kudryavtsev I.Y., Kerimov R.A.
Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie aspekty organizatsii protivorakovoy bor'by v Respublike Sakha (Yakutiya) (1991-2001 gg.)
Kipriyanova N.S., Aksel' E.M., Poddubnaya I.V.
The place and role of oral microflora in the pathogenesis of oral mucositis in malignant neoplasms (literature review)
Zavyalov A.A., Tyryshkin A.I., Olesova V.N., Pashchenko N.A., Gurkova M.M.
Prospects for the treatment of neurofibromatosis type 1: A review
Mustafin R.N.
Anti-anemia drugs shorten survival for some cancer patients (Russian Translation of Cochrane Plain Language Summary – PLS)
Ziganshin A.U.
Analiz sostoyaniya onkoginekologicheskoy pomoshchi v navoiyskom regione (Respublika Uzbekistan)
Kudryavtsev I.Y., Kerimov R.A.
Opyt primeneniya Regional'noy programmy v g. Krasnodare
Mitashok I.S.
CAR NK-сells for the treatment of hematological malignancies: A review
Gribkova I.V.
Rol' epoetina beta (RekormonR) v terapii anemii u patsientov s solidnymi opukholyami
Kazantseva M.V., Davidenko I.S.
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