卷 13, 编号 2 (2014)


The insured person as an object of medical sociological monitoring

Reshetnikov A.


The article presents methodology of medical sociological monitoring of health condition of insured person as a subject of territorial system of mandatory medical insurance. The application of results of medical sociological monitoring will make it possible for administration of territorial foundation of mandatory medical insurance to implement target policy in the system of mandatory medical insurance.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):3-9
pages 3-9 views

The study of interrelationship between social conditions and health in foreign sociology

Izutkin D.


The article presents analysis of foreign sociological studies concerning problem of interrelationship between social conditions of life activity and health. The multi factorial characteristics of the mentioned studies is established. The determinative significance of social economic status in impacting to health of different groups of population. The critical assessment is given concerning the results of study from the position of necessity of complex approach to the problem mentioned above.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):9-12
pages 9-12 views

On the issue of complementarity of research publications (according to sociological journals publications)

Navrotskii B., Sedova N.


Russia In Russia, sociology of medicine began to develop relatively not long ago and interest to it increases permanently. The dynamics of publications on sociological issues of health and medicine in national scientific periodical testify this process. The subject matter of publications includes such blocks as social factors of health preservation, social risk of health of children and adolescents, social problems of disability, social status of professional group of medical workers, social problems of medical care. The researchers report in their publications mostly about results of specific sociological studies concerning particular issues. The analysis of similar publications in national reviewing journals permits drawing a conclusion about complementarity of problems of sociology of medicine to wide range of general sociological studies.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):13-17
pages 13-17 views

The implicature of lie of male and female physicians

Groshev I.


The article considers the issue of lie of male and female physicians. The causes of lie of physician and characteristics of application of various types of lie are analyzed. The gender differences in disposition of applying lie are presented. The general and specific characteristics in the structure of pattern of lie situation determined by gender differences are demonstrated.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):18-23
pages 18-23 views

The role of medical department of pharmaceutical company in interaction with medical

Tolmachev A., Efimenko S.


The actual condition of pharmaceutical industry in Russia is remarkable for high mutual need of medical community and pharmaceutical companies in cooperation. At that, the current alterations in the regulative legal area lead to increase of regulatory restrictions elated to interaction of personnel of companies and physicians. Against this background the medical department becomes an important section supporting mutually advantageous relationships with medical community. However, among physicians and personnel of pharmaceutical companies the clear-cut understanding of the role and mission of this department is still absent. The development of understanding of this kind both in companies and medical community can enhance effectiveness of functioning of medical department and make cooperation more prolific for both parties. The article proposes several directions concerning development of functioning of medical department. Among them - development of understandable system of effectiveness management, system of operational procedures and job description and analysis of expectations of medical community and commercial departments concerning cooperation of medical department.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):24-29
pages 24-29 views

On the issue of social dominant in origin of disease (position of clinician)

Dimov A.


The actual condition of medicine demonstrates that biomedical model of disease has exhausted itself. The sociology of medicine proposes to consider disease as a biosocial occurrence. The article substantiates biopsychosocial model of human disease from the clinical methodological position.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):30-36
pages 30-36 views

The analysis of factors determining quality of medical care: application of sociological survey of physicians

Matitsin N., Bogachanskaia N., Slusar I., Averchenko E., Baranov A., Kazakova A.


The investigation of aspects (factors) determining quality of medical care permits to find out mechanisms of effecting them in the process of quality management. The results of international studies were outlined and applied in sociological survey concerning six aspects (factors) effecting quality of medical care: orientation to patient, personnel, organization of process, information and knowledge, resources application, process management. The sociological survey of physicians gave an opportunity to carry out a preliminary evaluation and to reveal necessary directions of profound analysis of particular aspects (factors) effecting quality of medical care. According the results of sociological survey of physicians the tools were determined to enhance effectiveness of quality management in medical organization.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):37-42
pages 37-42 views

The awareness of physicians of primary health care about gout

Karnakova M., Kaliyagin A.


The questionnaire was organized on sampling of 50 district therapists and 21 rheumathologists concerning issues of diagnostic and treatment of patients with gout. The results of study testify publication data about low awareness of physicians of primary health care about gout. The modern techniques of diagnostic and treatment are applied insufficiently by physicians of both specialties.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):42-46
pages 42-46 views

The analysis of information awareness of physicians of antenatal clinics about auxiliary reproductive technologies

Alekseyeva V., Mashina M.


The obstetricians gynecologists in antenatal clinics and polyclinics encounter in their practice barrenness of female patients. The survey revealed that about 25% of respondents are not aware about extreme actuality of infertile marriage. More than half of respondents have quite vague idea about auxiliary reproductive technologies and what they are except extra-corporal fertilization. Among respondents, 45% have no knowledge about indications and contraindications for extra-corporal fertilization and find it difficult to enumerate all complications of auxiliary reproductive technologies.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):46-48
pages 46-48 views

The evaluation of results and perspectives of further reformation of emergency medical care service within the framework of the priority project “Health”

Filippov Y., Tarichev V., Nikitin D., Abaeva O.


The article presents the analysis of impact of implementation of the priority national project “Health” on main indicators of functioning of emergency medical care service in the Nizhniy Novgorod region as exemplified by station of emergency medical care of Nizhniy Novgorod and department of emergency medical care of the Balahni central district hospital.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):49-51
pages 49-51 views

The role of sociological surveys in evaluation the degree of dependence of alcohol by representatives of indigenous population of the Republic of Altai

Kojevnikov A.


The article considers the role of sociological techniques of survey in establishing attitude of representatives of indigenous population of the Republic of Altai to alcohol consumption. The indicator information is received concerning occurrence of menace to health and social security of the examined part of indigenous population. These results characterize medical social situation in particular territory as complicated and needing target search of causes of origin of the given problem.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):52-54
pages 52-54 views

The particular aspects of problem of stigmatization and discrimination of living with HIV-AIDS

Cherniavskaia O., Ioannidi E.


The article presents the results of medical sociological study carried out in the Volgograd region in 2012-2014. The purpose of study was to explore actual condition of problem of stigmatization and discrimination of persons living with HIV-AIDS. The analysis was applied to prevalence of these occurrences in different social groups; causes facilitating their origin and conservation and main characteristics. The face-to-face anonymous questionnaire survey was applied to several categories of citizen of Volgograd and Volgograd oblast: HIV-negative residents (219 respondents), HIV-positive residents (116 respondents) and medical personnel (92 respondents). It is established that nowadays stigmatization and discrimination of persons living with HIV-AIDS are rather prevalent in society especially in its male portion. However, these occurrences are of latent character. The study established invert correlation between level of knowledge of problem of HIV-AIDS and intensity of stigmatization and discrimination. The HIV-infected persons are subjected to both external and internal stigmata. The occurrence of stigmatization are present and in medical community. In particular, occurs such emotional manifestation of external stigmata as fear of possibility to be infected that can impact quality of medical services to HIV-positive patients. The overcoming of stigmata in the system of medical care to HIV-infected patients can enhance the level of knowledge of problem of HIV-AIDS and increase the level of social guarantees to medical personnel.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):55-57
pages 55-57 views

The relationship between health condition and material welfare: gender dimension

Popova I.


The article considers approaches to studying interrelationship between gender, health and material welfare in the Russian conditions in 1990-2000th years. The data of Russian and foreign studies of this issue is analyzed. The main explanations of gender inequities in health are related, from one hand, to inequity in social economic positions and from other hand to differences in behavior regarding male and female health. The conclusion is made concerning necessity of development of gender oriented social policy considering institutional factors of gender inequities, health included.
Sociology of Medicine. 2014;13(2):58-63
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