The analysis of information awareness of physicians of antenatal clinics about auxiliary reproductive technologies

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The obstetricians gynecologists in antenatal clinics and polyclinics encounter in their practice barrenness of female patients. The survey revealed that about 25% of respondents are not aware about extreme actuality of infertile marriage. More than half of respondents have quite vague idea about auxiliary reproductive technologies and what they are except extra-corporal fertilization. Among respondents, 45% have no knowledge about indications and contraindications for extra-corporal fertilization and find it difficult to enumerate all complications of auxiliary reproductive technologies.

About the authors

V. M Alekseyeva

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russia

M. A Mashina

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russia


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