卷 11, 编号 2 (2012)


pages 3-3 views

The evolution of sociology of medicine

Reshetnikov A.


The evolution of sociology of medicine A.V Reshetnikov The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university, Moscow The article deals with the main stages of becoming of sociology of medicine as an independent scientific discipline. The actuality of medical sociologic monitoring of reorganization in public health system is demonstrated. The necessity of introduction of a new specialty "sociologist of medicine" is explained.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):4-10
pages 4-10 views

The methodological foundation of studying the phenomenon of patient in sociology of medicine

Efimenko S.


The article summarizes the views of classics and modern sociologists concerning issues of physician-patient relationship. The actuality of implementation of integration of sociological approaches under development of theoretical and methodological basics of research studies in public health is emphasized.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):10-14
pages 10-14 views

The problematic, methodology and practical sense of initiative studies in national sociology of medicine

Sedova N.


The decennial experience of initiative studies in the field of sociology of medicine is analyzed using the materials of dissertation council of the Volgograd state medical university. The conclusion is made that all studies are characterized by interdisciplinary character dictated by the very subject of such a unique science as sociology of medicine. Possibly, the experience of these years will make it possible to make changes in the Passport of specialty 14.00.52 to broaden the circle of issues under study. It is proposed to discuss this issue on the pages of the Journal "Sociology of medicine".
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):15-17
pages 15-17 views

The gender problematic in sociology of medicine

Kovaleva M., Barkovskaya A.


The analysis of ratio of techniques of gender sociology and sociology of medicine substantiated the conclusion that in sociology of medicine certain ideas of gender sociology are quite effective to be applied. Among them, the article indicates at the impact of psycho-physiological differences on social image of health and disease, the gender differences in health culture and doctoring culture, the gender differentiation in structuring of public health systems of different levels (i.e. international, federal, regional).
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):17-18
pages 17-18 views

The clinical studies of anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines: the sociological assessment of formation of cohorts of volunteers

Reshetnikov A., Khaitov R., Efimenko S., Gudima G., Sidorovitch I., Karamov E., Bogatchanskaya N., Pavlov S.


The clinical studies are one of the most important directions in developing safe and effective vaccine against HIV-infection/AIDS. The significant components of process of clinical tests of candidate vaccines against HIV-infection/AIDS are medical sociological and ethical issues related to formation of volunteers’ cohorts, getting their informed consent, safety and security of volunteers and their counseling about decreasing the risk of HIV-infection. The article discusses the characteristics of medical sociological and ethical aspects of clinical studies of vaccines against HIV-infection/AIDS.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):19-24
pages 19-24 views

HIV-infection in the classifications of infectious diseases by sociological criteria

Yagodina A., Serova I., Merzlova N.


The authors complement the present multi-level classifications of communicable diseases by sociological data concerning population feedback to the danger of infection. The classical principle of drawing nosology independence of diseases from species characteristics of agent is applied. The implementation of sociological techniques to classify communicable diseases makes it possible to compare the culture of personal infection security, preferences and choice of different population groups involved being a part of epidemic process. An effort is undertaken to classify communicable diseases based on sociological data concerning the degree of phobicity. The level of tolerance of HIV-infected patients among representatives of different ethnic groups was considered.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):25-28
pages 25-28 views

The quality of life as a category of sociology of medicine

Viyazmin A., Sannikov A., Vamkina J., Mikliyayeva Y.


The article deals with the integral characteristic of quality of life as a medical sociological category from the perspective of sociology of medicine. The review is presented considering the research studies of qualitative and quantitative analysis of quality of life in medical practice. Key words: quality of life, health concept, sociology of medicine The review is presented considering the research studies of qualitative and quantitative analysis of quality of life in medical practice.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):28-29
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The sociology of medicine for sociologists: the concept of training course

Surmatch M.


The article presents the genuine training course "the sociology of medicine and public health" included into education plan on specialty "Sociology" of the faculty of philosophy and social sciences of the Belorussian state university for 2011-2012. the main purpose of the course is to acquire by students the systematic knowledge about health as a subject of sociologic investigation. The role and place of medicine and public health in community life, the essence, characteristics and functions of health care system as a social phenomenon are also included as topics. The mastering of techniques of sociologic studying of health and public health is considered. The expected competences to be acquired by students in case of successful stud н of the course are enumerated.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):30-31
pages 30-31 views

The study of components of social status of physician in the system of medical sociological monitoring

Tsyplenkova L., Slyusar I., Shyut K.


The article presents the results of medical sociological questionnaire of medical personnel of ambulatory polyclinic institutions of Moscow. The social demographic and professional official characteristics of respondents were analyzed. The degree of satisfaction with professional work and salary were studied. The social psychological climate in the staff and relationship within the "patient-physician" system were investigated. The issues of value benchmarks of physicians and prestigiousness of profession of physician were considered too.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):32-34
pages 32-34 views

The personnel management in medical organizations: the sociological analysis features

Efimenko S., Zaiytseva N.


The article deals with the analysis of impact of the system of personnel management in medical organizations on the effectiveness of activities of both single worker and organization as a whole. The effectiveness of activity of medical organization personnel is conditioned not only by professional and personal qualities of worker but also by one’s work experience and indicators of staff adaptation. At that, the carrying out of complex sociological surveys of characteristics of functioning of institutions in the management context makes it possible to evaluate the characteristics of manpower, indicators of quality of provided services and general trends in development of public health system.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):35-38
pages 35-38 views

The resurrection of zemstvo medicine: the realities and perspectives

Viyatkina N., Vakhromeyeva A.


The federal program "The zemstvo doctor" is in action from January 1 2012. In accordance with this program, the junior physicians aged up to 35 years and who decided to leave for countryside to work during 5 years will get both 1 million rubles as a compensation payment from the federal authorities and other social benefits from local authorities. The article presents the results of questionnaire survey carried out in February-March 2012. The respondent sampling included interns, resident doctors and students of graduate courses of full-time tuition of therapeutic faculty of the I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university. The purpose of study became carrying out of survey of junior medical professionals about measures targeted to resurrection of zemstvo medicine in Russia and motivation of junior specialists to work in rural area.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):38-40
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The implementation of right to health: particular institutional novellas

Ertel L.


The article presents the analysis of alterations in international legal acts and legislation of the Russian Federation in area of implementation the right to health. The elements of right to health, obligations of the state concerning the observation, defense and support of right to health are demonstrated. The measures concerning the enhancement of legal mechanism of implementation of citizens’ constitutional right to health are considered.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):41-43
pages 41-43 views

The formation of universal human and professional qualities of physician

Sokol A., Shurupova R.


The article considers the professional and humanistic characteristics of modern physician. The trend to disunion of patient and physician caused by technological progression in medicine is marked. The significance of general culture of physician in communication with patient is analyzed. The role of lecturer of medical university in formation of humanistic principles of future physician is emphasized.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):43-44
pages 43-44 views

The main directions of modern studies in medical conflictology

Voltchanskiy M., Fomina T.


Hoy article presents the formulated main conceptual approaches in medical conflictology. The conclusion is made that medical conflictology exists as a basic part of sociology of medicine. This discipline develops in two directions: study of intrapersonal conflicts (directly in medical institutions) and study of institutional conflicts (in relationship between medicine and other social institutes such as mass media, legislative system, education, family, etc.).
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):45-46
pages 45-46 views

The analysis of opinions of female patients and physicians about causes of emergency hospitalization in gynecological department of hospital

Aleksandrova O., Ramnyonok T.


The article presents the results of studying the opinion of female patients received emergency medical care because of acute gynecological conditions in hospital. The opinion of gynecologists of ambulatory policlinic institutions where the mentioned female patients are observed was surveyed too concerning the causes of emergency hospitalization of these patients instead of planning observation and treatment. The survey demonstrated that the female patients consider their attitude to one’s own health and inadequate information from their physicians about the risks of development of gynecologic diseases as main causes of their hospitalization due to emergency indications instead of planned observation and treatment. For their part, the gynecologists indicated as the major cause of emergency hospitalization the lacking of possibility for counseling female patients with gynecologic diseases in need of surgery on conservative treatment in hospital.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):46-49
pages 46-49 views

The generation differences in community of modern physicians

Guschin A., Kondrashov A.


The article discusses the results of study of inter-generation relationships in professional group of physicians. The conclusion is substantiated that in general the physicians representing "the generation of change" are valued by patients in a more positive way than the representatives of other generation groups. However, the patients, assessing emotional background of communication with physician or economic accessibility of medical care are more disposed to prefer the physicians of other generation groups.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):49-50
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The issues of management of public purchases of medical production

Ostrovskiy A., Novokreschenov I., Novokreschenova I.


The article deals with analysis of research publications concerning the issues of resource support of curative preventive institutions of the basis of public order. The genuine sociologic survey of this issue was also carried out. The specifics of management of purchases in actual social economic conditions are demonstrated.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):51-52
pages 51-52 views

The access of labor migrants to health services as a mechanism of integration into host society

Amirkhanyan A.


The article substantiates the need of formation of system of medical service of migrants during their residence in Russia. Nowadays, the development of this system can be supported by particular forms of activities of migrants’ support approved in the Western world. There are among them, for instance, the translation offices under curative institutions, the target involvement of professionals with medical education from the countries of the main migrants’ influx. This kind of support can develop the quality of medical services to labor migrants not speaking Russian language. The proposed form of medical services rendering can promote the increase of risk of propagation of socially dangerous diseases in this category of population residing on the territory of Russia.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):53-54
pages 53-54 views

The evolution of ecological culture in the format of healthy life-style

Shishkina Y.


The actual ecological condition of natural environment is conditioned by long-term and heterogeneous impact of social practices formed complex of behavior models in its totality labeled as ecologic culture. Its scope covers the culture of healthy life-style too. This type of culture determines to a considerable degree the quality of ecological, social and psychophysical health of society.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):55-56
pages 55-56 views

The sociologic study of factors impacting obesity at microand meso-level in the countries of former USSR: multilevel analysis

Roberts B., McKee M., Gasparishvili A., Chow K., Goryakin E., Rotman D., Haerpfer C., Watson K.


The article presents the analysis of results of sociologic survey "Population health in transitional period" (HITT) carried out in 2010. In particular, the problem of obesity, one of the actual issues of modern medicine was studied. The article is addressed to professionals in the field of sociology, statistics, social works and public health and to the widest circle of readers interested to learn about alterations in the social economic situation on the territories of the former USSR.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):57-61
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Valeriy Andreyevitch Mansurov (to 75th anniversary)

Reshetnikov A.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(2):63-63
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