HIV-infection in the classifications of infectious diseases by sociological criteria

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The authors complement the present multi-level classifications of communicable diseases by sociological data concerning population feedback to the danger of infection. The classical principle of drawing nosology independence of diseases from species characteristics of agent is applied. The implementation of sociological techniques to classify communicable diseases makes it possible to compare the culture of personal infection security, preferences and choice of different population groups involved being a part of epidemic process. An effort is undertaken to classify communicable diseases based on sociological data concerning the degree of phobicity. The level of tolerance of HIV-infected patients among representatives of different ethnic groups was considered.

About the authors

A. Yu Yagodina

The Ye.A. Vagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

канд. мед. наук, преподаватель Perm

I. A Serova

The Ye.A. Vagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

д-р филос. наук, проф. каф. Perm

N. B Merzlova

The Ye.A. Vagner Perm state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. Perm


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