The sociology of medicine for sociologists: the concept of training course

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The article presents the genuine training course "the sociology of medicine and public health" included into education plan on specialty "Sociology" of the faculty of philosophy and social sciences of the Belorussian state university for 2011-2012. the main purpose of the course is to acquire by students the systematic knowledge about health as a subject of sociologic investigation. The role and place of medicine and public health in community life, the essence, characteristics and functions of health care system as a social phenomenon are also included as topics. The mastering of techniques of sociologic studying of health and public health is considered. The expected competences to be acquired by students in case of successful stud н of the course are enumerated.

About the authors

M. Yu Surmatch

The Grodno state medical university

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. Grodno


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