卷 21, 编号 1 (2017)


Positive effect of autologous immune peptides applications in the surgical treatment of inflammatory-destructive periodontal lesions

Zorina O., Gankovskaya L., Balykin R., Ivanyushko T., Svitich O., Grechenko V.


Clinical efficacy of autologous complex immune peptides (ACIP) shown in patients with inflammatory and destructive periodontal lesions. The level of gene recognition expression receptors of innate immunity (TLR4) was studied and beta-defensin (hBD-3) periodontal mucosal epithelial cells and TGF b-1 concentration in gingival fluid. Innate immunity factors analysis was spend before and after surgery using osteoplastic material (ACIP) in dynamics. ACIP immune regulatory effect on the performance of innate immunity was shown.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Development of a new metal alloy based on palladium within the framework of practical implementation of the concept of development of the domestic dental materials science

Parunov V., Kareva M., Tykochinskiy D., Lebedenko I.


The article shows the creation of the new Russian alloy based on palladium for metal-ceramic dental prostheses "Palladini UNI” puteam comprehensive analysis of the influence of alloying elements on the phase structure of the palladium alloys, physical and mechanical properties and coefficient of thermal linear expansion.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):7-10
pages 7-10 views

Evaluation indicators peripheral blood leukocyte animal intramuskular implantation samples nano-modified titanium dioxide surface-treated peptide warnerin

Shuliatnikova O., Rogoznikov G., Porozova S.


The growth trend in the implementation ofdental implant dentist practice entails an extension of indications and a simultaneous increase in the number of complications, mainly inflammatory. In the article the variant of the decision pereimplantitov problems. A fundamental factor in the development of inflammatory complications of dental implant plays a biofilm inevitably formed on the implant material in the area of soft tissue periodontal. It is possible inhibition of microbial film by using in combination a low molecular weight cationic peptide Warnerin and nanomodified implant surface with titanium dioxide in anatase form system. The experimental laboratory study investigated performance leukocyte test animals with an intramuscular implant specimens nanomodified titanium dioxide processing peptide Warnerin. The results of the experiment showed no changes in indicators leykoformuly beyond the limits of normal values. The implanted samples nanostructured titania coatings without causing slight leukocytosis, whereas implantation of a nanomodified surface, including the peptide Warnerin treatment is not accompanied by a statistically significant increase in the number of leukocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes venous blood of experimental animals. The proposed solution to the problem ofpereimplantitov can be used in clinical dentistry for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory postoperative complications in patients with acquired defects of maxillofacial area and after dental implant surgery.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):10-14
pages 10-14 views

Mandibular distractions in jaws deformations - as a sufficient method or in combination with orthognatic surgery

Ivanov A., Chikurov G., Starikova N., Nadtochiy A., Agapov P.


Aim: improvement of mandibular distraction osteogenesis and rehabilitation algorithm of patients with combined jaws deformities caused by mandible hypoplasia. Matherial and methods: we report treatment results of 6 patients with the combined jaws deformities and mandible hypoplasia (developmental and congenital). All of the patients have undergone Steiner cephalometric analysis on the presurgical stage, after mandible distraction osteogenesis (DO) and after orthognathic surgery. The assessment of callus formation was done by ultrasound. All patients have undergone orthodontic treatment during retention period after distraction. The need of orthognathic surgery was defined at the end of retention period. Final evaluation was provided accordingly to functional and esthetic results. Results. Distration speed adjustments were the case in 5 patients to get normotrophic type of bone regeneration. Mean allongation was 17±5 mm. All of the patients had fully matured bony regenerate after mandibular distraction. That gave the opportunity to provide bimaxillary ortognathic surgery and genioplasty simultaneously with distractors removement in 3 patients. In 2 patients was performed only genioplasty with distractors removement. In 1 case with preoperative distraction computer planning there was no need of any additional surgical procedures. Acceptable functional and esthetic results were achieved after DO and orthodontic treatment. Conclusion. The combination of surgical methods (DO and ortognathic surgery) and early orthodontic treatment allow complete recovery. Use of sophisticated algorithm of DO, including computer planning, conservative surgical methods and curvilinear distractors as well as the ultrasonic assessment of distraction, allow to get fully matured bone regenerate and predictable treatment results in all cases. Sometimes the DO alone permits to avoid additional surgical procedures.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):14-21
pages 14-21 views

Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands in patients of older age groups

Lobeyko V., Iordanishvili A., Zaborovskiy K.


Conducted dynamic observation of 69 patients elderly (61-85 years) suffering from chronic diseases of the salivary glands, which were accompanied by pronounced changes in saliva formation and physiological status. The patients were divided into 3 groups: sufferingfrom various malignant tumors of the major salivary glands (n = 21), valsami - disease Mikulic and Sjogren’s syndrome (n = 16), drug or radiation sialadenopathy (n = 32). At the 1st stage the patients were given conventional treatment from a dentist, which was directed on prevention of occurrence and progression of inflammatory degenerative distroficski processes in tissues of the salivary glands, as well as improvement of salivation - used peptide bioregulator the vezugen, biocorrectors food alhilal and lesmin during the month. Course this treatment was repeated 4 times a year, i.e. quarterly. At the 2nd stage of treatment (after 6 months after 1-stage) patients of all study groups in addition to this therapy was administered anxiolytic Afobazol 4 weeks. Patients were followed for a year from the date of completion of the 2nd phase of integrated treatment. In the course of the treatment was assessed the physiological status ofpatients. To assess the level of daytime stress and nighttime sleep quality, used instrument-hardware complex on the basis of First Beat sensor and Body Guard, the principle of which is based on the analysis of heart rate variability. It was found that all patients suffering from malignant tumors of the salivary glands, as well as valsami, medical and radiation sialadenopathy indicate a high level of daily stress compared to the control group and deterioration in the quality of nighttime sleep. Upon completion of the 1st stage of therapy in patients with chronic diseases of the salivary glands, clinically marked improvement, but no significant changes in the indicators of the level of daily stress and quality of night sleep did not happen. Use at the 2nd stage of treatment in addition to applied therapy anxiolitika Afobazol was effective and resulted in a 19-49. 3 percent to improve treatment outcomes, reduce daily stress and improve nighttime sleep in these patients that have a positive impact on their quality of life.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of indirect restorations of anterior

Maksyukov S., Lemeshko M.


A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of indirect restorations of anterior in 35 patients. Studied the objective criteria of the quality of dental treatment and quality of life Oral Health Impact Profile-OHIP-14RU in the period up to 1 year. It is established that indirect restorations are highly resistant according to the criteria of “form, color, roughness”. In addition, at a high level in the medium term, retain the integrity and conformance of the design. Among the indications for indirect restorations metal-ceramic crowns-dimensional structure or texture of the tooth were observed in 31% ofpatients, multiple fillings, defects of shape, and disposition - 41, 17 and 11% respectively. When using metal crowns, on the stage of the preparatory treatment shows deponirovanie 41,1% of the teeth. In patients who underwent restorations in the front group were made metal-ceramic crowns, at the dispositions ofpulpless 80% of the teeth, just the restoration of the 11th, 21st, 31st and 41st teeth was performed in 58,8%.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Periodontology status and features local cytokine immunity in pregnant women with chronic generalized parodontitis in dynamics of gestational period

Maksyukov S., Prokhodnaya V., Chibichyan E., Pshenichnyy V.


The aim of this work is to assess the condition ofperiodontal tissues and hygiene ofthe oral cavity, as well as local cytokine profile in women with chronic generalized periodontitis (present study included) easy and moderate severity in the dynamics of pregnancy. Material and methods. In the clinical group of 31 pregnant women from the present study included consistently for all three trimestrul pregnancy ELISA determined the concentration in oral fluid interleukins IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor TNF-a, and then determine a causal relationship between cytokine level and course of dental diseases. Results. In the clinical group in the dynamics of the gestational period, the increase in concentrations of IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-a with a large gradient compared to the control group. In pregnant women with present study included moderate compared to the present study included patients with mild severity the content of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-a in saliva significantly increased, respectively, 39m2; 27,2 and 55,5% (p < 0,05), and the concentration of anti-inflammatory mediator IL-4 was decreased on average by 34,4% (p < 0,05). Conclusions. Increased levels ofproinflammatory mediators IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-a in oralfluid ofpregnant women with present study included light and medium severity activates inflammatory and destructive processes that destroy the periodontium and thereby contributes to the progression of dental disease.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Replantation of the head of the mandible in traumatic injuries

Medvedev Y., Adygezalov O.


The article presents data on hospital 30 patients with fractures of the head of the mandible in the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic First MGMU I.M. Sechenov. The technique of reattaching the head of the lower jaw with fixing to the branches of the mandible by means of pins and mini-brackets of superelastic NiTi. The indications for different methods of osteosynthesis. We describe the clinical cases REFERENCE retaining structures with the restoration of the capsule of the TMJ.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Reconstructive otoplasty: precision virtual simulation autoreverse cartilaginous skeleton of the auricle

Chkadua T., Nadtochiy A., Asirova V., Chernen’kiy M., Frolov S., Davydenko P.


In the article the objectives are to develop a methodology for determining the size and configuration of the ear cartilage according to CT and to optimize surgical treatment ofpatients with defects and deformations of auricles of a various aetiology on the basis of development of a technique of virtual simulation precision Auto Reverse cartilaginous skeleton of the auricle. On the basis of CT studied anthropometric parameters of the cartilaginous part of the ribs - the donor area to obtain the cartilaginous skeleton of the auricle of the required size and configuration. Intraoperative data confirmed the parameters obtained in precision of virtual modeling, which helped to significantly optimize the operation, reducing her time due to the stage of obtaining cartilage grafts and allowing the donor to reduce the damage and severity ofsubsequent deformation of the chest. Suggested activities can be used as precision planning to improve the efficiency of surgical treatment to eliminate defects and deformations of auricles.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Features of preoperative examination and treatment of patients with deformities of the nose of various etiologies. Differentiated approach to the choice of treatment depending on the type of deformation

Chkadua T., Kachmazova M., Lashchinina Y.


The scheme of preoperative preparation, which allows to determine the optimal tactics and volume of surgical intervention, and improve long-term results of surgical treatment ofpatients given the diagnosis of mental and emotional disorders and applied operational methods.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Rationalization of constructional material postrezektsionny of the artificial limb obturator on the top jaw

Shulyatnikova O., Rogozhnikov G., Porozova S.


The acquired defects of the top jaw owing to injuries or surgeries concerning new growths, in most cases lead to violations of functional and esthetic character. Rational prosthetics of this category ofpatients is important in a complex of rehabilitation actions. The greatest difficulty in orthopedic treatment is presented by defects of the top jaw in the presence of the oro-nasal message. The purpose of work was improvement of quality of orthopedic treatment ofpatients with the acquired defects of the top jaw. In article use option for production of difficult and maxillary artificial limbs obturators of the polyamide constructional material reinforced by the nanomodified dioxide of the titan is considered. Production of difficult and maxillary artificial limbs according to indications from the polyamide material Vertex ThermoSens allows to enter an artificial limb into retentsionny zones, remote for rigid materials, that improves his fixing and obturiruyushchy characteristics, lack of metal elements of fixing considerably improves esthetic parameters of an artificial limb. There is technically easily feasible possibility ofproduction of the facilitated designs of difficult and maxillary artificial limbs, without loss of strength characteristics, due to reinforcing of basic material the nanostructured dioxide of the titan. As a result of rational prosthetics ofpatients with the acquired defects of the top jaw psychological and social rehabilitation is reached them.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Regional features dentition in preschool and primary school age in Vladivostok

Yatsenko A., Pervov Y., Trankovskaya L.


The eruption of permanent teeth is one of the main indicators of the normal dentition forming system of children, and also recognized the main criterion for determining the level of biological development of children ofpreschool and early school age. The aim of the work was to study the characteristics of dentition in children of Vladivostok. There was studied the process of eruption of permanent teeth in children 2239 4,5-11 years with I-II health group and residing in Vladivostok. The beginning of eruption is the moment of perforation tooth alveolar gums exposing a tuber or cutting edge. Revealed the frequency of dentition in the child population, which is calculated based on the average age ranges dentition in boys and girls ofpreschool and early school age. Determine the average total number ofpermanent teeth in children of both sexes. It was found that the first permanent teeth begin to erupt in 4,5 years. Throughout the period of the eruption of the girls noted earlier appearance ofpermanent teeth, compared with boys. Girls characteristic right-teething, or boys - left hand. The children of both sexes in the mandibular incisor is marked type of eruption, the maxilla - molar. The first children in the mandibular central incisors appear on the upper jaw - the first molars. The differences in the sequence of teething for the upper and lower jaw. Designed by regional standards dentition may be used in determining the biological age of children is at the individual level as well as in conducting monitoring studies.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):45-49
pages 45-49 views

Methods of eliminating of post-resection defects in children mandible

Afanasov M., Lopatin A., Yasonov S., Kosyreva T.


The review deals with modern concepts on surgical treatment ofpost-resection defects of the mandible in children. The analysis of domestic and foreign literature. Describes the various classification of tumor lesions in children and post-resection defects of the mandible. Highlighted the advantages and disadvantages, and the prospects for recovery of integrity of the mandible in children.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2017;21(1):49-56
pages 49-56 views
