Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands in patients of older age groups

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Conducted dynamic observation of 69 patients elderly (61-85 years) suffering from chronic diseases of the salivary glands, which were accompanied by pronounced changes in saliva formation and physiological status. The patients were divided into 3 groups: sufferingfrom various malignant tumors of the major salivary glands (n = 21), valsami - disease Mikulic and Sjogren’s syndrome (n = 16), drug or radiation sialadenopathy (n = 32). At the 1st stage the patients were given conventional treatment from a dentist, which was directed on prevention of occurrence and progression of inflammatory degenerative distroficski processes in tissues of the salivary glands, as well as improvement of salivation - used peptide bioregulator the vezugen, biocorrectors food alhilal and lesmin during the month. Course this treatment was repeated 4 times a year, i.e. quarterly. At the 2nd stage of treatment (after 6 months after 1-stage) patients of all study groups in addition to this therapy was administered anxiolytic Afobazol 4 weeks. Patients were followed for a year from the date of completion of the 2nd phase of integrated treatment. In the course of the treatment was assessed the physiological status ofpatients. To assess the level of daytime stress and nighttime sleep quality, used instrument-hardware complex on the basis of First Beat sensor and Body Guard, the principle of which is based on the analysis of heart rate variability. It was found that all patients suffering from malignant tumors of the salivary glands, as well as valsami, medical and radiation sialadenopathy indicate a high level of daily stress compared to the control group and deterioration in the quality of nighttime sleep. Upon completion of the 1st stage of therapy in patients with chronic diseases of the salivary glands, clinically marked improvement, but no significant changes in the indicators of the level of daily stress and quality of night sleep did not happen. Use at the 2nd stage of treatment in addition to applied therapy anxiolitika Afobazol was effective and resulted in a 19-49. 3 percent to improve treatment outcomes, reduce daily stress and improve nighttime sleep in these patients that have a positive impact on their quality of life.

About the authors

V. V Lobeyko

Sant-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and gerontology; S.M. Kirov Military medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
197110, St. Petersburg

Andrey Konstantinovich Iordanishvili

S.M. Kirov Military medical Academy

194044, St. Petersburg, Russia

K. A Zaborovskiy

Research Institute of physical culture and sports

195251, St. Petersburg


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