Vol 29, No 12 (2022)


Occupational risk factors for health disorders in dairy production (review)

Aleshina Y.A., Novikova T.A., Lutsevich I.N., Baregamyan L.A.


In the context of modern challenges and threats of Russian Federation food security, minimizing the occupational risk to the health of workers in the production of food products becomes more important. A descriptive review of the sources of scientific information contained in Russian and international search systems (eLIBRARY.ru, RSCI, CyberLeninka, Google Scholar, PubMed) from 2003 till 2021 was conducted. The review comprises of original articles on quantitative observational studies including the challenges faced for the study. With more than 100 sources that have been analyzed, the work highlights information from 35 publications that predominantly reflects the search problem.

It has been established that working conditions in the production of dairy products are characterized by a multifactorial negative impact on workers, the main adverse factors are namely, production noise, extreme low or high air temperature, insufficient lighting, air pollution of the working area with harmful chemicals and dust, and physical overload. The impact of harmful working conditions causes an overstrain of the functional systems of the body of workers that is manifested as diminished working capacity in the dynamics of the work shift and health disorders. During periodic medical examinations, workers were diagnosed with diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory organs, nervous, musculoskeletal systems, and connective tissue, diseases of the ear and mastoid process, and pathologies of the reproductive system.

The results of the review indicate the urgency for further comprehensive studies of quantitative indicators of risk factors and patterns of their impact on the health of workers, the results of which can form the basis for the development of reasonable prevention measures.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):821-830
pages 821-830 views

Association of alcohol consumption with telomere length in humans: a systematic review

Panchenko A.V., Agumava A.A., Pavlova L.E., Panchenko A.V., Timina M.F.


Telomeres are complex nucleoprotein structures with specific proteins of noncoding terminal regions of linear chromosomes of eukaryotic cells. Telomere DNA consists of a large number of short sequence repeats (TTAGGG in vertebrates). Telomeres protect chromosomes from their fusion and degradation, limit the proliferative potential of the cell, participate in the segregation of chromosomes during cell division, etc. Reduction of telomeres length is an important factor with significant impact on cell viability and function, aging, and leads to the development of various diseases including cancer.

Alcohol abuse has a significant impact on a person's health. Ethanol consumption by a human potentially affects the length of chromosome telomeres on the cellular level.

Current review represents systematic analysis of studies on the effect of alcohol consumption on telomere length in humans. PubMed and eLIBRARY.RU databases were explored for the combinations of the terms ("Ethanol" OR "Alcohol") AND "Telomer" with a limitation on the publication date until 01 January 2011. The search resulted in 269 studies. In accordance with the preset criteria, total 238 studies were excluded from the analysis, and 3 publications were excluded due to unavailability of full text. A total of 28 epidemiological and clinical studies were included for this study review.

The association of alcohol consumption with shortening of telomeres was reported in 16 of the studies conducted with various populations and cohorts including individuals with alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, and some genetic variants of alcohol metabolism enzymes. 12 studies reported alcohol consumption was not associated with change in telomere length.

The analysis of reviewed studies allows to conclude that they are ambiguous and that there is further urgency to study the effect of alcohol on telomere length by engaging modern methods for its determination.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):831-854
pages 831-854 views


Assessment of metabolic activity and energy supply of peripheral blood lymphocytes

Zubatkina O.V., Dobrodeeva L.K., Samodova A.V., Kruglov S.D.


BACKGROUND: T-cells have the capability to change their metabolism in response to activation signals. Resting T-cells primarily use the oxidation of higher fatty acids and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria for their energy needs, whereas activated T-cells switch to aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis, using glucose, and glutamine as substrates, respectively.

AIM: To determine the metabolic activity and energy supply of peripheral blood lymphocytes in predominantly healthy northerners by measuring the intracellular content of HIF-1α (hypoxia-induced factor 1α), SIRT3 (sirtuin 3), and ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 39 volunteers, residents of the Arkhangelsk region (23 women and 16 men, 23–62 years old), were selected, and examined for this experiment. We established the total number of peripheral blood lymphocytes with CD-typing of lymphocytes (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD71+) by indirect immunoperoxidase reactions, the content of HIF-1α and SIRT3 in the lymphocyte lysate employing enzyme immunoassay, the concentration of ATP by luminescent analysis through luciferin-luciferase reaction. Statistical analysis was conducted in "Statistica 10.0", cluster analysis was applied using the k-means method. Mean values (M) and standard deviations (SD) were calculated, the normal distribution was tested by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Lilliefors criterion. Student's t-test was calculated, and the differences were considered statistically significant at p <0.05.

RESULTS: The study revealed that the metabolic activity of lymphocytes associated with HIF-1α regulation differs significantly in the examined volunteers,, while in the group with a lower total number of lymphocytes and their subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD71+) there is a predominant glycolytic orientation of metabolism with proliferated cells energy supply.

CONCLUSION: Metabolic activity which can be determined by the HIF-1α/SIRT3 ratio, and the energy supply of lymphocytes have a substantial impact on their differentiation, proliferation, and functioning.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):855-863
pages 855-863 views

Prevalence of disadaptive eating behavior among sports university students

Davletova N.С., Tafeeva E.A.


BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have proven the importance of studying the actual nutrition of student youth. However, the prevalence of maladaptive eating behavior (EB) among student-athletes and non-athletes remains unexplored.

AIM: to assess the prevalence of maladaptive EB among students of a sports university.

METHODS: a survey was conducted of 768 students of the Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism using the Eating Behavior Assessment Scale (EBAS). Statistical analysis of the results was performed using SPSS Statistics v. 19.0 (IBM, USA).

RESULTS: Оnly 41.1±1.8% of students of a sports university have no signs of maladaptive EB. The presence of deviations according to the subscales of EBAS was revealed in 72.9±4.5% of martial artists, 57.8±4.6% of athletes of complex coordination sports and 55.8±4.2% of cyclic sports, 55.0±3.2% of players and 59.4±3.7% of non-athletes. However, no statistically significant gender differences were found. Clinical symptoms of maladaptive EB were detected in 10.3±2.3% of non-athletes and 8.6±1.2% of athletes. At the same time, in student-athletes of individual sports, they were detected 1.7 times more often than in team sports (χ2=22.36; df=9; р=0.008). Psychological characteristics and stereotypes of behavior characteristic of people with maladaptive EB were found in 33.1±3.6% of non-athletes and 28.5±1.9% of student-athletes.

CONCLUSION: Among the university sports students, there is a high prevalence of maladaptive EB among combat athletes. Whereas, among athletes, and female athletes of team sports, as well as young men and women who do not participate in sports, clinical symptoms of maladaptive EB have been relatively uncommon, however, psychological and behavioral stereotypes typical of persons with maladaptive EB are more often detected, which can be considered as a high predisposition to the development of such conditions.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):865-874
pages 865-874 views

Particulate matter in the ambient air as a risk factor of bronchial asthma in adults

Fatkhutdinova L.M., Timerbulatova G.A., Zaripov S.K., Yapparova L.I., Ablyaeva A.V., Saveliev A.A., Sizova E.P., Zalyalov R.R.


AIM: to study the role of fine suspended particles in the atmospheric air in the formation of allergic, non-allergic and mixed phenotypes of bronchial asthma in adults.

METHODS: The analysis of atmospheric air pollution by fine particles in Kazan was carried out according to the database of social and hygienic monitoring of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014–2020. To study the relationship between the level of atmospheric air pollution with fine particles and bronchial asthma in adults (18–65 years old), a retrospective analysis of the incidence of bronchial asthma (ICD-10 codes J45.0, J45.1, J45.8) was carried out during the same period among the population of Kazan. The regional medical information system "Electronic Health of the Republic of Tatarstan" was used. Statistical modeling was carried out using the method of mixed models based on the Poisson distribution or the negative binomial distribution.

RESULTS: The average annual absolute risk of bronchial asthma in the adult population of Kazan was 0.51 per 100 people aged 18–65 years, an increase of 0.09 per 100 people (17.6%) per year (p=0.039). An increase in the annual maximum concentrations of PM2,5 by 10 µg increased the absolute risk of non-allergic bronchial asthma by 0.066 per 100 people aged 18–65 years (p=0.043). Similar dependences, but without statistical significance at the level of p <0.05, were found for such exposure parameters as the mass concentration of РМ10 and the mass of particles deposited in the tracheobronchial and alveolar sections of the lungs. For allergic and mixed asthma, no statistically significant relationships with mass concentrations and deposited doses of suspended particles were found.

CONCLUSION: Air pollution with fine suspended particles increases the risk of developing a non-allergic phenotype of adult bronchial asthma, which may be associated with specific pathogenetic mechanisms, including the reaction of the epithelium to the deposition of fine particles.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):875-887
pages 875-887 views

Physiological status of reproductive age girls under conditions of technogenic impact in the Kola North

Belisheva N.K., Martynova A.A., Korovkina A.V.


BACKGROUND: An investigation to determine the reproductive health disorders commonly found in adolescent females residing in the North peninsula of Kola, Russia. Insubstantial studies on the physiological status of the reproductive aged females living in a territory that has become highly polluted due to the dust particles of apatite-nepheline ore, determines the relevance of this study and involves the identification of indicators of premorbid state.

AIM: To examine the physiological status of reproductive aged females living under chronic stress condition caused by exposure to both anthropogenic as well as Arctic environment with an objective to reveal possible pre-nosological deviations as indicators of premorbid state.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted an observational, longitudinal analytic "3 waves” panel study (2019, 2020, 2021) involving 54 female students 16–20 years old from medical college in the city of Apatity, Russia. Physiological status was assessed in accordance with the content of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system hormones, metabolites of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, vitamin D, lipids, and carbohydrates using percentile distribution of indicator values. Significance of the differences was determined by comparative analysis of two dependent variables using the Wilcoxon criterion.

RESULTS: Deviations from the optimal values of physiological state indicators were revealed in more than 25% of the females, which manifested themselves in increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol, thyrotropic hormone, and depleting secretion of somatotropic hormone, thyroxine with reduced content of antioxidant protection enzymes. In 95% of females, hypovitaminosis of vitamin D was detected whereas 50% of females were found with diminished values of low-density lipoproteins.

CONCLUSION: Pre-nosological deviations of the physiological status in the conditions of technogenic pollution testify to the oppression of the body’s protective systems and are predictors of morbidity and are subject to individual correction.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(12):889-900
pages 889-900 views

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