卷 14, 编号 4 (2015)


The osteopathic status and the functional states of the schoolchildren before and after the osteopathic correction

Matvienko V., Buchnov A., Egorova I.


This paper reports the results of the study designed to elucidate the influence of the osteopathic correction on the functional state of the organism of the schoolchildren. A total of 17 adolescents (17 boys and 10 girls) at the mean age of 10.1±0.7 years were available for the examination. The analysis of the data obtained has demonstrated the significant impairment of the functional state of the central nervous system in all these patients. Moreover, the close relationship was documented between the characteristics of the osteopathic state and the functional state of the organism at large. The study revealed the high effectiveness of the osteopathic correction as a tool for the treatment of functional disorders and the diagnostic value of osteopathic parameters. It is concluded that these advantages of the method can be employed for the choice of the optimal modalities for osteopathic diagnostics and health promotion programs. The results of the study give ground to recommend the methods of osteopathic diagnostics and correction of the general functional state for the enhancement of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative treatment in the adolescents presenting with functional disorders.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):4-7
pages 4-7 views

The specific features of the osteopathic correction of the state of the young women to information stress

Egorova I., Buchnov A., P’er V.


The objective of the present study was the dynamic assessment of the effectiveness of the general osteopathic treatment during the correction of undesirable functional changes in the organism of the women working under conditions of information stress. Both the assessment and the correction were carried out based at the V.L Andrianov Institute of Osteopathic Medicine, Sankt-Peterbutg. The participants of the study were under observation for 6 months during which their functional status was evaluated with reference to the working conditions (computer operators of a large bank). We used the “Mul’tipsikhometer” hardware and software psychodiagnostic system for the psychophysiological testing of 10 practically healthy women at the mean age of 28.7±3.2 years. The following parameters were evaluated: the psycho-emotional state (tests of wellbeing, general activity, and mood, Luscher colour test, “Stress” questionnaire), the state of the central nervous system (methods for the evaluation of the functional lability and balance of the nervous system process) and of the visual analyzer (the critical flicker frequency); the working capacity was estimated by means of the “physiological test of capacity for the work”. The results of these studies indicate that the osteopathic treatment significantly improves the functional status of the women working under conditions of information stress in terms of the normalization of their psycho-emotional state, the 20% increase in the number of the correct answers, the 13.9% and 39.6% enhancement of the emotional capability and dynamism respectively which suggests the equilibration (balance) of the nervous processes in the cerebral cortex and the acceleration of the formation of the performance skills.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):8-11
pages 8-11 views

The application of the method of pulsohemoindication for diagnostics of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome

Kartashova N., Dement’eva O., Larionov K., Gerasimenko M., Tsvetkov N.


As many as 80% of the people suffer from pain in the lumbar-sacral region during their lifetime, even though 80-90% of them experience relief within 6 weeks after its onset. A peculiar feature of this condition is it most frequently affects the able-bodied persons at the mean age of about 40 years. The cause of such selective action thus far remains unknown. The frequency of chronic pain in the back does not further increase with age, nor does it correlate with the prevalence of age-specific degenerative changes in the spinal column [1, 2]. Despite the universally accepted importance of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome, the well-defined criteria for differential diagnostics of this condition from other vertebgrogenic pathologies, anxiety and depressive disorders, and referred visceral pain remain to be developed [3]. The present study was designed to elucidate and differentiate etiology of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome with the use of the “Asgard” hardware and software system for electropuncture diagnostics by the method of pulsohemoindication and therapy (Moscow Medico-Technical Institute, “FVD”) (fig. 1). The study included an attempt to develop the highly effective tests for screening diagnostics of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome. The method of pulsohemoindication (PHI, multi-lead oxyhemometry) belongs to the class of non-invasive techniques for functional diagnostics and therapy. It is first and foremost intended for the evaluation of the changes in the functional state of the organism under the influence of short-term effects of medication, electromagnetic or acoustic impacts, and psychoemotional stress as well as for the optimization of the choice of the corrective treatment and relevant therapeutic procedures [4]. The study gave evidence of the possibility and effectiveness of the method of pulsohemoindication (PHI, multi-lead oxyhemometry) for the purpose of physiotherapy and rehabilitative medicine due to the convenience of its application for screening diagnostics of the leading pathogenetic factor responsible for the development of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome in individual patients. Moreover, it can be used to choose the optimal therapeutic modality and follow up its outcome. The present article describes the innovative pulsohemoindication (PHI) technique to be applied for diagnostic purposes and the choice of the therapeutic strategy in the practical work of physicians providing rehabilitative, physiotherapeutic, reflexotherapeutic, and neurotherapeutic aids.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Variations in the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines under the influence of the combined treatment with the use of barolaserotherapy in the patients of advanced age presenting with knee joint osteoarthrosis

Kir’yanova V., Patrukhin A.


Proinflammatory cytokines are known to play an important role in the development of the inflammatory process in the joints and thereby determine both the clinical picture of a given disease and the choice of the therapeutic strategy for its treatment. We have assessed the cytokine-related status in 100 patients of advanced age presenting with knee joint osteoarthrosis depending on the mode of treatment. The results of the study confirmed the positive effect of medicamental therapy with meloxicam and theraflex carried out during 10 weeks on the level of proinflammatory cytokines that was especially well apparent in the patients presenting with stage I and II of the disease. The combined treatment with the above medications and barolaserotherapy made it possible to significantly improve the cytokine status not only in the patients with stages I and II but also with stage III of the disease probably by virtue of the additional activation of the anti-inflammatory cytokine system.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):18-23
pages 18-23 views

The regulatory action of the new instrumental technique for ophthalmochromotherapy on the immune and psychosomatic status during the combined treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Zharikova I., Abramova T., Sulutyan A., Sizikov A., Borodina M., Korchazhkina N.


The objective of the present study was to elucidate the specific effects of the physiotherapeutic treatment of the inflammatory processes underlying rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Bearing in mind the integrated character of the interaction between the nervous and immune systems, we undertook the comparative analysis of various effects of the combined instrumental and physiotherapeutic treatment largely on the central and peripheral regions of the nervous system in the patients presenting with rheumatoid arthritis, i.e. a disease of the dual, autoimmune and psychosomatic, origin. Dynamics of the changes of psychological, immunological, and clinical characteristics in these patients suggested the positive but differently directed effects produced by the methods of lateral phototherapy and low-intensity magnetic therapy on the higher nervous activity, systemic inflammation, and humoral immunity.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):24-28
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The application of the “Orbita” apparatus for teraherz therapy for the purpose of correction of the blood rheological properties in the cases of the stab and slash injuries to the chest

Maslyakov V., Dralina O., Sukhanova O., Barsukov V., Dadaev A.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the influence of the millimeter wavelength (UHF) electromagnetic oscillations on the rheological properties of the blood in the patients presenting with the stab and slash injuries to the chest. The treatment was given to 22 patients with the penetrating stab and slash wounds of the chest without injuries to the internal organs. Also considered were the effects of UHF therapy on the clinical course of the immediate postoperative period. All the patients underwent the primary surgical treatment and drainage of the pleural cavity. The blood loss varied from 200 to 500 ml. The inclusion criteria were a penetrating wound to the chest wall and small hemothorax, the exclusion criteria the blood loss in excess of 500 ml and either combined or multiple injuries. The patients were allocated to two groups. Group 1 was comprised of the patients given UHF therapy (n = 12), group 2 contained the patients treated without UHF therapy (n = 10). The control group consisted of 15 relatively healthy volunteer donors matched for the age and sex with the patients of the two former groups. Blood transfusion was not used, the patients of the two study groups received the comparable amount of infusion therapy. Changes in the rheological characteristics of the blood were detected by measuring its viscosity, variation of deformability indices, and erythrocyte aggregation. The study has demonstrated that UHF treatment of the patients presenting with the stab and slash injuries to the chest can be used to prevent the development of changes in the rheological properties of blood. This therapy is well tolerated by the patients as evidenced by the absence of undesirable adverse effects.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):29-32
pages 29-32 views

The effectiveness of the application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” materials and electrophoresis for the treatment of obstructive pathology of the accessory sinuses of the nose

Khar’kova N.


The objective of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of the treatment of obstructive sinonasal pathology including electrophoresis with the use of the domestic hydrogel materials for the local application characterized by the prolonged liberation of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and stimulatory therapeutic agents. The study included 32 patients given conservative therapy for the management of exacerbation of chronic obstructive sinonasal pathology. We used the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” depot-materials for the topical application composed of the biopolymeric sodium alginate impregnated with lidocaine for local anesthesia (1.5±0.3 mg/sq.cm) and antiseptic dioxydin (0.5±0.1 mg/sq.cm) for the treatment of obstructive pathology of the accessory nasal sinuses. The treatment was effected in the non-invasive mode, i.e. without punctures, catheterization, and surgical interventions, using only physiotherapeutic methods, such as electrophoresis with the endonasal application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” biopolymers. The local application of this hydrogel-based material in combination with pharmaco- and physiotherapy resulted in the significant reduction of the extent of the obstructive process in the accessory nasal sinuses and decreased the requirements for parenteral antibacterial and analgesic preparations. Neither adverse effects nor complications of the proposed treatment were documented whereas the duration of therapy was reduce by 5-8 days. The effectiveness of local therapy of the obstructive pathology (rhinosinusitis) was achieved by the local application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” materials exhibiting the antiseptic, stimulatory, and draining properties of its acting components, sodium alginate biopolymer and antiseptic dioxydin. The former suppresses the inflammatory reactions, improves sanation of the sinuses, and stimulates regenerative processes in the mucous membrane, while the latter is possessed of the antibacterial and bactericidal activities. It is concluded that the introduction of these agents into hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” and the combination of this material with physiotherapy makes it possible to reduce the requirements in medications for parenteral use. Moreover, it decreases the risk of possible allergic reactions and toxic effects associated with medicamental therapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):33-37
pages 33-37 views

The assessment of the effectiveness of the influence of combined magnetic and infrared laser therapy on the eye accommodation apparatus in the children presenting with myopia

Fabrikantov O., Matrosova Y., Khaleeva D.


Myopia remains a most serious challenge for modern ophthalmology. Of primary importance in this context is the prevention of the progress of nearsightedness and control of one of the main factors responsible for its development, namely pathology of the eye accommodation apparatus. We have analyzed the influence of combined magnetic and infrared laser therapy on the eye accommodation apparatus in the children presenting with mild myopia. Special attention was given to the variations of the relative accommodation reserves (RAR) and absolute accommodation volume (AAV). It was shown that both RAR and AAV increased during the period of treatment which suggests the high effectiveness of the proposed combined physiotherapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):37-39
pages 37-39 views

On the problem of the material and technical state of the physiotherapeutic equipment in the network of the inpatient and outpatient facilities for the adult patients

Mel’nitskaya I., Kir’yanova V.


One of the priority problems related to the improvement of the quality and availability of the physiotherapeutic treatment is its adequate technical support including the optimal accommodation of the relevant equipment and its flawless operation. We studied how the regional program for the modernization of health services in Sankt- Peterburg implemented during the period from 2011 till 2012 influenced the instrumentation of the network of the inpatient and outpatient facilities for the adult patients with the necessary physiotherapeutic equipment. The similar problem facing other health facilities is discussed. The ways and means for the optimization of the acquisition costs of the physiotherapeutic equipment are proposed.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):40-43
pages 40-43 views

The educational course “Stabilometry and biological support reaction feedback”

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2015;14(4):44-48
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