The effectiveness of the application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” materials and electrophoresis for the treatment of obstructive pathology of the accessory sinuses of the nose

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The objective of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of the treatment of obstructive sinonasal pathology including electrophoresis with the use of the domestic hydrogel materials for the local application characterized by the prolonged liberation of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and stimulatory therapeutic agents. The study included 32 patients given conservative therapy for the management of exacerbation of chronic obstructive sinonasal pathology. We used the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” depot-materials for the topical application composed of the biopolymeric sodium alginate impregnated with lidocaine for local anesthesia (1.5±0.3 mg/ and antiseptic dioxydin (0.5±0.1 mg/ for the treatment of obstructive pathology of the accessory nasal sinuses. The treatment was effected in the non-invasive mode, i.e. without punctures, catheterization, and surgical interventions, using only physiotherapeutic methods, such as electrophoresis with the endonasal application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” biopolymers. The local application of this hydrogel-based material in combination with pharmaco- and physiotherapy resulted in the significant reduction of the extent of the obstructive process in the accessory nasal sinuses and decreased the requirements for parenteral antibacterial and analgesic preparations. Neither adverse effects nor complications of the proposed treatment were documented whereas the duration of therapy was reduce by 5-8 days. The effectiveness of local therapy of the obstructive pathology (rhinosinusitis) was achieved by the local application of the hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” materials exhibiting the antiseptic, stimulatory, and draining properties of its acting components, sodium alginate biopolymer and antiseptic dioxydin. The former suppresses the inflammatory reactions, improves sanation of the sinuses, and stimulates regenerative processes in the mucous membrane, while the latter is possessed of the antibacterial and bactericidal activities. It is concluded that the introduction of these agents into hydrogel-based “Kolegel-ADL” and the combination of this material with physiotherapy makes it possible to reduce the requirements in medications for parenteral use. Moreover, it decreases the risk of possible allergic reactions and toxic effects associated with medicamental therapy.

About the authors

Natal'ya A. Khar’kova

Budgetary health facility of Voronezh region “Voronezh City Clinical Hospital No 17”

Voronezh, 394036


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