The application of the method of pulsohemoindication for diagnostics of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome




As many as 80% of the people suffer from pain in the lumbar-sacral region during their lifetime, even though 80-90% of them experience relief within 6 weeks after its onset. A peculiar feature of this condition is it most frequently affects the able-bodied persons at the mean age of about 40 years. The cause of such selective action thus far remains unknown. The frequency of chronic pain in the back does not further increase with age, nor does it correlate with the prevalence of age-specific degenerative changes in the spinal column [1, 2]. Despite the universally accepted importance of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome, the well-defined criteria for differential diagnostics of this condition from other vertebgrogenic pathologies, anxiety and depressive disorders, and referred visceral pain remain to be developed [3]. The present study was designed to elucidate and differentiate etiology of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome with the use of the “Asgard” hardware and software system for electropuncture diagnostics by the method of pulsohemoindication and therapy (Moscow Medico-Technical Institute, “FVD”) (fig. 1). The study included an attempt to develop the highly effective tests for screening diagnostics of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome. The method of pulsohemoindication (PHI, multi-lead oxyhemometry) belongs to the class of non-invasive techniques for functional diagnostics and therapy. It is first and foremost intended for the evaluation of the changes in the functional state of the organism under the influence of short-term effects of medication, electromagnetic or acoustic impacts, and psychoemotional stress as well as for the optimization of the choice of the corrective treatment and relevant therapeutic procedures [4]. The study gave evidence of the possibility and effectiveness of the method of pulsohemoindication (PHI, multi-lead oxyhemometry) for the purpose of physiotherapy and rehabilitative medicine due to the convenience of its application for screening diagnostics of the leading pathogenetic factor responsible for the development of chronic lumbar-sacral pain syndrome in individual patients. Moreover, it can be used to choose the optimal therapeutic modality and follow up its outcome. The present article describes the innovative pulsohemoindication (PHI) technique to be applied for diagnostic purposes and the choice of the therapeutic strategy in the practical work of physicians providing rehabilitative, physiotherapeutic, reflexotherapeutic, and neurotherapeutic aids.


Natal'ya Kartashova

State budgetary health facility of the Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

Moscow, Russia, 129110

O. Dement’eva

State budgetary health facility of the Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

Moscow, Russia, 129110

K. Larionov

State budgetary health facility of the Moscow region “M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute”

Moscow, Russia, 129110

M. Gerasimenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology“, Russian Ministry of Health

N. Tsvetkov

Moscow Medical Technical Research Institute “FVD”


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