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Vol 20, No 6 (2021)

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Original studies

Low-frequency magnetotherapy with a running magnetic field of the POLYMAG-02M apparatus in the rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19

Larinsky N.E., Larinskaya I.K., Byalovsky Y.Y.


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 is an infectious viral disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus with high morbidity and mortality, especially among the elderly and those with concomitant factors such as diabetes mellitus, chronic lung and heart disease. For patients who have undergone coronavirus pneumonia, given the severity of the disease, rehabilitation measures are needed to restore the consequences of the disease.

AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of low-frequency magnetic therapy with a running magnetic field in the complex of rehabilitation treatment of patients who have undergone pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) at the stage of convalescence.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Examination and treatment of 42 patients (24 men and 18 women) aged 40 to 65 years, who had community-acquired pneumonia (J16.8) caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), were carried out. The first (main) group of patients included 22 people who underwent physical therapy, aeroinotherapy, low-frequency oscillatory massage of the chest in an electrostatic field, intravenous laser blood irradiation, high-frequency oscillation of the chest and carbon dioxide baths. Against this background, starting from the 20th day after discharge from the hospital, this group of patients received low-frequency, low-intensity magnetotherapy from the POLIMAG-02M apparatus. The second (control group) included 20 patients who received the same treatment, except for magnetotherapy from the POLIMAG-02M apparatus.

RESULTS: The course of rehabilitation treatment led to an increase in the functional capabilities of the cardio-respiratory system in patients of both groups, an increase in chest excursions, an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs, the normalization of the act of breathing and ventilation of the lungs, and an improvement in the psychosomatic status of patients. In the main group, these changes are more pronounced than in the control group, which is associated with the inclusion of low-frequency magnetotherapy with a running magnetic field in the complex treatment.

CONCLUSION: The use of low-frequency magnetic therapy with a running pulsed magnetic field in the complex of rehabilitation measures for patients who have undergone pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 virus significantly improves the somatic status of patients, increases exercise tolerance, and optimizes the function of external respiration. The data obtained make it possible to recommend the inclusion of the factor in clinical guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone COVID-19.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):485-490
pages 485-490 views

Retrospective analysis of meteopathic reactions in sanatoriums of the Moscow region

Gerasimenko M.Y.


BACKGROUND: When choosing a place of rest and rehabilitation, especially in cardiac patients, it is necessary to take into account the season and climate change to prevent the development of severe meteopathic reactions.

AIMS: To study the peculiarity and frequency of meteopathic reactions in sanatorium-resort organizations of the Moscow region, depending on the season and the region of residence of the vacationer.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted based on the medical documentation of vacationers from various regions of Russia who are undergoing sanatorium treatment in sanatoriums of the Moscow region to identify the frequency and severity of meteopathic reactions.

RESULTS: it was found that the severity of meteopathic reactions correlates with the age and gender of the vacationer, permanent place of residence, time of year and duration of outdoor stay.

CONCLUSION: With age, the percentage of meteopathic reactions increases, reaching 90%, and is compared in men and women after 60 years is equalized. At a younger age, the meteorological stability of women is higher than that of men. The place of residence and the season directly affect the manifestation of meteopathic reactions. In the conditions of the Moscow region with a north-westerly wind, meteorological stability increases. An adequate stay of a person in the open air from 1–2 to 4 hours a day leads to a decrease in meteorological stability.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):491-502
pages 491-502 views

Features of the formation of postoperative scars under the influence of rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic paraproctitis in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies

Kovalev S.А., Kotenko K.V.


BACKGROUND: The study of the features of the formation of postoperative scars under the influence of rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic paraproctitis in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies expands our understanding of the pathological condition and methods of its treatment.

AIM: To study the effect of various rehabilitation programs on the formation of postoperative scars in patients with chronic paraproctitis in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study summarized and analyzed the experience of surgical treatment of 180 patients with chronic paraproctitis using minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies and rehabilitation programs in the early postoperative period. Laser ablation of the fistula tract — the classic FiLaC technology was performed in 90 patients; modified FiLaC technology — 90. Each of the subgroups was divided into 3 groups: group 1 (main) included 30 patients who underwent a 4-component rehabilitation complex from the second day after the operation; group 2 (comparison) — 30 patients who underwent a 2-component rehabilitation complex from the second day after the operation and group 3 (control) — 30 patients, without an additional physiotherapeutic rehabilitation program. A comprehensive assessment of the features of the formation of postoperative scars was carried out as a criterion for the effectiveness of treatment, one of the tools of which was a complex transrectal ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, Dopplerography and sonoelastography at different stages of treatment.

RESULTS: All patients tolerated the course of treatment well: there were no cases of interruption of rehabilitation programs. The dynamic analysis of the data showed a statistically significant result: the best — in patients of the main group against the background of a 4-component rehabilitation program, the formation of postoperative scars accelerated, the formation of a mature scar occurred earlier, the risks of developing postoperative complications and relapses of the disease decreased.

CONCLUSION: The use of rehabilitation programs in patients with chronic paraproctitis in the early postoperative period after minimally invasive surgical hospital-replacing technologies can improve clinical results due to the complex physiotherapeutic effect. Complex transrectal ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, Dopplerography and sonoelastography in patients with chronic paraproctitis is an effective non-invasive diagnostic method: monitoring the formation of a postoperative scar and assessing the ongoing treatment.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):503-510
pages 503-510 views


Hyaluronidase: efficacy and safety of use in cosmetology

Ikonnikova E.V., Golanova O.A., Kruglova L.S.


With an increase in requests for the correction of aesthetic imperfections with dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid, cases of adverse events and complications have become more frequent. Hyaluronic acid in the form of a dermal filler is one of the most popular procedures in aesthetic medicine and has a high safety profile. Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid is an integral part of the extracellular matrix, fillers based on it can also cause complications. The use of an antidote in the form of hyaluronidase allows you to correct possible adverse reactions such as hypercorrection, the Tyndall effect, the formation of granulomas, and the development of tissue ischemia. Hyaluronidase is widely used in all branches of medicine, including the treatment of adhesions in the body, is used in in vitro fertilization, improves the absorption of drugs into the lesion in the treatment of cancer patients, and is also successfully used in the treatment of dermatological patients. In cosmetology, the use of enzyme helps to cope with such severe phenomena as tissue ischemia due to intravascular occlusion by the drug. And the use of ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to correct adverse events using the enzyme strictly in the focus of the filler, thereby improving the quality of the treatment.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):511-516
pages 511-516 views

Physical factors in the medical rehabilitation of children with atopic dermatitis

Lyan N.A., Khan M.A., Turova E.A., Bokova I.A.


The results of numerous studies allow us to conclude that atopic dermatitis is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases in children. Most often, atopic dermatitis debuts at an early age and its prevalence in the child population can reach 10–30%. Scientific forecasts, as well as data from various researchers, indicate not only a significant increase in the number of patients, but also a worsening of the course of atopic dermatitis, which causes a high medical and social significance of the problem of this disease. The main manifestations of the disease are itching, typical morphology and localization of skin rashes, dry skin, chronic recurrent course. Also, atopic dermatitis is a very serious chronic disease that can be emotionally difficult for patients and their family members. Emotional factors often increase the manifestations of the disease. With the appearance in recent years of modern active and effective, but sufficiently safe corticosteroid drugs approved for use in children, real progress has been noted in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. However, the use of elimination measures and diets, the exclusion of food allergens, taking antihistamines, local and systemic pharmacotherapy does not always allow to stop inflammation and achieve long-term remission. Non-drug methods of treatment of atopic dermatitis have recently been given great importance due to the high frequency of undesirable effects when using medications. The main objectives of physiotherapy for atopic dermatitis are: normalization of the central and autonomic nervous system, hyposensitization, soothing, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, resorbing, trophic, antipruritic and restorative.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):517-524
pages 517-524 views

Обзоры литературы

Peculiarities of the course of COVID-19 in patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases (literature review)

Sharipova M.М., Ivkina M.V., Arkhangelskaya A.N., Gurevich K.G.


An electronic search for publications on the features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with the most common chronic noncommunicable diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity) was carried out using the Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka databases, RSCI, as well as journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission. The review analyzed the effect of comorbidity on the prognosis of a new coronavirus infection (complication rate, severity of the course, mortality). It has been shown that previous noncommunicable diseases are a significant risk factor for adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19, and if the effect of arterial hypertension is not confirmed by all authors, then type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as any degree of obesity, are important prognostic signs of an unfavorable course of the new coronavirus infections.

Thus, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients suffering from chronic noncommunicable diseases need more careful monitoring and preventive measures aimed not only at preventing infection with the new coronavirus, but also at slowing the progression of these pathologies and their complications.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):525-534
pages 525-534 views

COVID-19 and trace elements (literature review)

Romanov A.O., Sharipova M.М., Ivkina M.V., Arkhangelskaya A.N., Gurevich K.G.


The whole world has been living in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus for more than 2 years. Despite the unprecedented measures aimed at finding new means of prevention and treatment, the development and implementation of vaccines, COVID-19 continues to be a significant medical and social problem. This is due to the peculiarity of SARS-CoV-2 to constant changes in the virus as a result of mutations and the formation of new strains. It affects the effectiveness of vaccination and treatment, necessitating preventive measures, primarily aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of the immune system that protects the host from various pathogens, including viruses. An important role in the state of the immune system is played by some micronutrients, which include zinc, selenium, iron and copper. Zinc and selenium have pronounced immunoregulatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties, iron is necessary for the growth and development of some cells of the immune system, and copper, in addition to its antiviral effect, reduces the risk of secondary infection in viral diseases. At the same time, according to the literature, more than 2 billion people in the world suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. In addition, there is often a combined deficiency of minerals, which necessitates its diagnosis and correction. Most of the studies we analyzed emphasize the importance of using micronutrients in people at risk, as well as in patients at the very beginning of the disease, in order to strengthen the immune system in the condition of a laboratory-confirmed deficiency.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):535-549
pages 535-549 views

Guidelines for practitioners

Balneotherapy as a promising method for the correction of dermatologic adverse events of cancer therapy

Polonskaia A.S., Shatokhina E.A., Kruglova L.S.


Cancer treatment with chemotherapy, targeted and immunotherapy is associated with a wide spectrum of dermatologic adverse events. Xerosis (dryness) of the skin is the most prevalent skin side effect in oncologic patients, which occurs both during treatment with "classic" chemotherapy drugs and modern cancer drugs, such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Despite the high prevalence of this side effect, current approaches to the correction of skin xerosis in cancer patients are very limited. At the same time, in the absence of adequate supportive treatment of xerosis, the formation of persistent fissures, eczematization and secondary infection is observed, which may lead to antitumor therapy regimen modification. Thus, optimization of prophylactic and treatment strategies for xerosis in patients treated with anticancer drugs remain an important interdisciplinary problem. Balneotherapy is a promising method for the correction of skin xerosis due to a complex positive effect on the level of skin hydration, a decrease in the intensity of inflammatory processes, a beneficial effect on the state of the skin barrier function, as well as an increase in antimicrobial protection. Available data on the use of balneotherapy in the supportive treatment of skin xerosis as a dermatological adverse event of anticancer therapy confirms the high efficacy and safety, as well as good tolerability of this method in cancer patients.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):551-558
pages 551-558 views

Clinical notes and case reports

Experience in the use of low-temperature plasma in the therapy of radiation reactions.

Evstigneeva I.S., Kozyreva V.O., Gerasimenko M.Y.


The use of low-temperature plasma is a modern and developing direction in medicine, including rehabilitation. Low-temperature plasma (LTP) has a high antiseptic, wound-healing activity, and is also a safe method of physical exposure. In the in-patient facility of clinical unit of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation named after Prof. Yu.N. Kasatkinа, a patient was treated with low-temperature argon plasma after selective right cervical lymph node dissection, resection of the mandible, and tissues of the oral floor with defect plasty with a fibular autograft for cancer of the gingival mucosa of the mandible on the right pT4aN0M0, stage IVa. In the process of EBRT (external beam radiation therapy), the patient developed a complication in the form of a local radiation reaction with the formation of a fistulous opening in the area of the postoperative scar. The fistulous opening and the affected area were treated with a cooled air-plasma flow. During the continued use of LTP, the termination of pyorrhea, a decrease in hyperemia and edema in the area of tissues damaged by ionizing radiation were noted. The patient was promptly continued radiation therapy.

Thus, the use of this therapeutic factor in the program of medical rehabilitation is an effective way of local impact on the pathological focus, allows you to achieve a quick reparative effect, eliminates and prevents the development of bacterial complications. In addition, the use of an air-plasma flow contributes to the rapid relief of manifestations of radiation reactions, having a beneficial effect on damaged tissues, as well as shortening the rehabilitation period for severe cancer patients in the postoperative period and during the course of EBRT. The results of LTP action have a positive effect on the general condition of patients and improve their quality of life.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):559-566
pages 559-566 views

CO2-laser treatment of atrophic scars

Petrii M.A., Shatokhina E.A., Kruglova L.S.


Linear atrophy of the skin or striae (striae distensae) is a widespread cosmetic defect that leads to a significant decrease in patients` quality of life. To date, one of the most effective modalities of striae distensae treatment are laser therapy methods. A wealth of clinical experience has been accumulated in the use of ablative laser techniques, namely the carbon dioxide CO2 laser (10600 nm) in the treatment of striae albae. This article presents a review of current literature and a clinical observation of a patient with different types of linear atrophies.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2021;20(6):567-572
pages 567-572 views

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