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Volume 86, Nº 1 (2022)


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Embedding theorems related to torsional rigidity and principal frequency

Avkhadiev F.


We study criteria for the finiteness of the constants $C$ in integral inequalities generalizing the Poincare–Friedrichs inequality and Saint-Venant's variational definition of torsional rigidity. The Rayleigh–Faber–Krahn isoperimetric inequality and the Saint-Venant–Polya inequality guarantee the existence of finite constants $C$ for domains of finite volume. Criteria for the existence of finite constants $C$ for unbounded domains of infinite volume were known only in the cases of planar simply connected and spatial convex domains. We generalize and strengthen some known results and extend them to the case when $1< p<2$. Here is one of our results.
Suppose that $1\leqslant p <2$ and $\Omega=\Omega^0\setminus K$, where $K\subset \Omega^0$ is a compact set and $\Omega^0$ is either a planar domain with uniformly perfect boundary or a spatial domain satisfying the exterior sphere condition. Under these assumptions, a finite constant $\Lambda_{p-1}(\Omega)$ exists if and only if the integral $\int_\Omega\rho^{{2p}/{(2-p)}}(x,\Omega) dx$ is finite, where $\rho(x,\Omega)$ is the distance from the point $x$ to the boundary of $\Omega$.

Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):3-35
pages 3-35 views

Plancherel–Rotach type asymptotic formulae for multiple orthogonal Hermite polynomials andrecurrence relations

Aptekarev A., Dobrokhotov S., Tulyakov D., Tsvetkova A.


We study the asymptotic properties of multiple orthogonal Hermite polynomialswhich are determined by the orthogonality relations with respect to two Hermite weights (Gaussian distributions) with shifted maxima. The starting point of our asymptotic analysis is a four-term recurrence relation connecting the polynomials with adjacent numbers. We obtain asymptoticexpansions as the number of the polynomial and its variable grow consistently (the so-called Plancherel–Rotach type asymptotic formulae). Two techniques are used. The first is based on constructing expansions of basesof homogeneous difference equations, and the second on reducing difference equationsto pseudodifferential ones and using the theory of the Maslov canonical operator.The results of these approaches agree.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):36-97
pages 36-97 views

On improved bounds and conditions for the convergence of Markov chains

Veretennikov A., Veretennikova M.


We continue the work of improving the rate of convergence of ergodic homogeneousMarkov chains. The setting is more general than in previous papers: we are able to get ridof the assumption about a common dominating measure and consider the case of inhomogeneousMarkov chains as well as more general state spaces. We give examples where the new boundfor the rate of convergence is the same as (resp. better than) the classical Markov–Dobrushininequality.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):98-133
pages 98-133 views

Minimal supplements of maximal tori in their normalizers for the groups $F_4(q)$

Galt A., Staroletov A.


Let $G$ be a finite group of Lie type $F_4$ and $W$ the Weyl group of $G$. For every maximal torus $T$ of $G$, we find the minimal order of a supplement of $T$ in its algebraic normalizer $N(G,T)$. In particular, we find all the maximal tori that have a complement in $N(G,T)$. Let $T$ correspond to an element $w$ of $W$. We find the minimal orders of the lifts of the elements $w$ in $N(G,T)$.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):134-159
pages 134-159 views

Unconditional bases in radial Hilbert spaces

Isaev K., Yulmukhametov R.


We prove necessary and (separate) sufficient conditions for the existence of unconditional basesof reproducing kernels in abstract radial Hilbert function spaces that are stable under division,in terms of the norms of monomials.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):160-179
pages 160-179 views

The quasi-algebraic ring of conditions of $\mathbb C^n$

Kazarnovskii B.


An exponential sum is a linear combination of characters of the additive groupof $\mathbb C^n$. We regard $\mathbb{C}^n$ as an analogue of the torus$(\mathbb{C}\setminus0)^n$, exponential sums as analogues of Laurent polynomials,and exponential analytic sets ($\mathrm{EA}$-sets), that is, the sets of common zerosof finite systems of exponential sums, as analogues of algebraic subvarieties of the torus.Using these analogies, we define the intersection number of $\mathrm{EA}$-sets andapply the De Concini–Procesi algorithm to construct the ring of conditions of the correspondingintersection theory. To construct the intersection number and the ring of conditions, weassociate an algebraic subvariety of a multidimensional complex torus with every$\mathrm{EA}$-set and use the methods of tropical geometry. By computing the intersectionnumber of the divisors of arbitrary exponential sums $f_1,…,f_n$, we arrive at a formulafor the density of the $\mathrm{EA}$-set of common zeros of the perturbed system $f_i(z+w_i)$,where the perturbation $\{w_1,…,w_n\}$ belongs to a set of relatively full measurein $\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$. This formula is analogous to the formula for the numberof common zeros of Laurent polynomials.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):180-218
pages 180-218 views

Extremal interpolation with the least value of the norm of the second derivative in $L_p(\mathbb R)$

Shevaldin V.


In this paper we formulate a general problemof extreme functional interpolation of real-valued functions of one variable (forfinite differences, this is the Yanenko–Stechkin–Subbotin problem) in terms of divided differences. The least value of the $n$-th derivative in$L_p(\mathbb R)$, $1\le p\le \infty$, needs to be calculated over the class of functions interpolatingany given infinite sequence of real numbers on an arbitrary grid of nodes,infinite in both directions, on the number axis $\mathbb R$ for the class ofinterpolated sequences for which the sequence of $n$-th order divideddifferences belongs to $l_p(\mathbb Z)$. In the present paper thisproblem is solved in the case when $n=2$. The indicated value is estimated fromabove and below using the greatest and the least step of the grid of nodes.
Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya. 2022;86(1):219-236
pages 219-236 views

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