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Vol 27, No 2 (2024)

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Immune-related dermatological adverse events of antitumor immunotherapy with PD-1, PD-L1, CTLA-4 inhibitors

Syryseva A.Y., Shatokhina E.A., Polonskaia A.S., Kruglova L.S., Pokataev I.A., Galkin V.N.


The discovery of a new group of modern anticancer drugs was a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Immune checkpoint inhibitors that block cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4), programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), and programmed cell death receptor ligand (PD-L1) may improve prognosis for patients with malignant neoplasms with a high level of microsatellite instability. Despite the high effectiveness of these drugs, immune checkpoint inhibitors can lead to dysregulation of immune responses and the occurrence of adverse reactions associated with an increase in the activity of immunocompetent cells in the body.

The aim of this review is to analyze the available data on the immune-related dermatological adverse events during treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):121-133
pages 121-133 views


Rare dermatosis is disseminated actinic superficial porokeratosis

Schava S.N., Shishkina M.A.


Porokeratoses are a very rare group of dermatoses, acquired or hereditary, of unknown etiology, characterized by a violation of keratinization. The disease is manifested by one or more atrophic spots, each of which is surrounded by a characteristic hyperkeratotic, ridge-like border called a "horny plate". There are several forms of this pathology, among which there are sporadic cases and family variants with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance of various penetrance.

This article presents a clinical case of the occurrence of superficial disseminated actinic porokeratosis in a 59-year-old woman after prolonged exposure to the sun. The eruptions were represented by small spots, rounded, pinkish-yellow-brown in color with an atrophic center, surrounded by a raised narrow roller with a groove on the surface, have no tendency to merge, symmetrically arranged. Screening for diseases that cause immunosuppression (human immunodeficiency virus, hematological malignancies) and renal insufficiency did not reveal pathology. Histological examination showed a typical well-limited plume of parakeratotic cells (horn plate), hypogranulosis, dyskeratotic cells or vacuolated keratinocytes, which made it possible to make a final diagnosis.

Considering that insolation in this case is a causally significant factor and the likelihood of malignant neoplasms against the background of dermatosis remains, it is extremely important for such patients to use sunscreens with a high degree of protection as part of complex therapy, as well as regular skin examinations.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):135-141
pages 135-141 views

Human leukocyte antigen class II (DRB1 and DQB1) alleles frequencies in patients with various forms of pemphigus among the Russian population

Olisova O.Y., Lepekhova A.A., Dukhanin A.S., Teplyuk N.P., Shimanovsky N.L.


BACKGROUND: Autoimmune bullous dermatoses are known to be the most severe blistering conditions of skin. HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles might play a crucial role in their onset. In pemphigus HLA class II molecules stimulate the division of T helper cells, which in turn stimulate B cells to produce antibodies to epidermal keratinocytes causing acantholysis. The HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles’ frequencies studied in pemphigus in a vast variety of populations worldwide. However, as of yet, this mechanism was not investigated in Russian population.

AIM: To estimate the prevalence of the HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 alleles at a low- and high-resolution levels in patients with various forms of pemphigus. We observed 86 patients with pemphigus vulgaris, 13 ― with pemphigus foliaceus, 6 patients with paraneoplastic pemphigus and 92 healthy volunteers.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: HLA typing for DRB1 and DQB1 was performed with 50 nanogram DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction.

RESULTS: At a low-resolution level HLA-DRB1*4 and DRB1*14 alleles were statistically significant more frequent in pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus patients compared to those in control subjects, whereas HLA-DRB1*11, DRB*16, and DRB1*3 alleles were more frequent in healthy volunteers. At a high-resolution level, DRB1*04:02 allele was observed to show its statistically significant higher frequency in all variants of pemphigus, including paraneoplastic pemphigus. However, DRB1*14:05 HLA allele was more frequent in pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus patients, whereas DRB1*11:04 one was found to be 3.7 times more frequent in healthy controls. Additionally, at a low-resolution level for HLA-DQB1 alleles no statistically significant results were observed. However, at a high-resolution level the chances for more frequent indication of DQB1*03:02 allele were 7.09 times higher in pemphigus foliaceus group and 2.49 higher in pemphigus vulgaris patients compared to healthy volunteers. Moreover, DQB1*05:03 was identified more frequently in pemphigus vulgaris and paraneoplastic pemphigus groups of patients, whereas DQB1*03:01 allele was shown to be increased in the group of healthy donors.

CONCLUSION: HLA-DRB1*4, DRB1*14, DRB1*04:02, DRB1*14:05, DQB1*03:02 and DQB1*05:03 alleles might be considered as the genetic markers for pemphigus vulgaris susceptibility, while HLA-DRB1*11, DRB*16, DRB1*3, DRB1*11:04 and DQB1*03:01 allelic groups appear to be protective for Russian population.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):143-153
pages 143-153 views

Diagnosis and treatment of oral mucus lesions: case series of four patients

Teplyuk N.P., Stepanov M.A., Dodina M.I., Damdinova B.S.



One of the pressing issues in dermatovenerological and stomatological practices pertains to diseases of the oral mucosa. This challenge is primarily attributed to the intricacies associated with diagnosing these conditions in their early stages, the resemblance of clinical presentations to various oral mucosal lesions, and the potential lack of awareness among healthcare practitioners. Diseases such as lichen planus, herpes simplex, erythema multiforme exudative with skin lesions and vulgar pemphigus are characterized by a particularly persistent long-term course, thereby reducing the patient's ability to work and the overall quality of life. A multitude of endogenous and exogenous factors can influence the state of the oral mucosa. Endogenous factors encompass genetic predisposition, endocrine disturbances, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, neurogenic disorders, autoimmune conditions and infectious diseases. Exogenous factors, as a rule, include taking medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics), galvanism, excessive use of alcohol and narcotic substances, and others.

It should be noted that the condition of the oral mucosa is also influenced by a wide range of different trigger factors.

The narrative delves into the complexities of diagnosing these conditions early on and explores the challenges inherent in devising effective treatment strategies.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):155-168
pages 155-168 views

Features of the gas transport function of blood in hyperpigmentations of the skin

Glushkova M.V., Sarkisian O.G., Sidorenko O.A., Stradanchenko A.S.


BACKGROUND: Acquired hyperpigmentation is widespread in the population and significantly affects the quality of life of the patients. It is known that one of the clinical signs of skin hyperpigmentation is localized hyperkeratosis in the lesion associated with a high level of cell proliferation and cell saturation with melanin. Cellular proliferation and hyperkeratosis are associated with increased local metabolism rates.

AIM: Study of erythrocyte gas transport function in women with skin hyperpigmentation compared to the control group.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: To achieve the objective, the concentrations of lactic acid, pyruvic acid and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels in venous blood erythrocytes were investigated.

RESULTS: The phenomenon of skin hyperpigmentation is accompanied by a restructuring of blood cell metabolism aimed at preserving oxygen and energy homeostasis of skin structures. The obtained data indicate redistribution of oxygen in cellular structures and tissues, which is accompanied by a significant increase in lactate concentration and formation of local tissue hypoxia.

CONCLUSION: The formation of skin pigmentation is considered as a physiological mechanism in response to inflammation, mainly associated with ultraviolet radiation. The general strategy of the course of the inflammatory process under normal regulation or dysregulation has similar features, but there are also differences. It seems necessary to further study systemic adaptation mechanisms in dysregulation and formation of skin hyperpigmentation.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):169-177
pages 169-177 views

On the issue of the effectiveness and bioequivalence of isotretinoin Lidose

Olisova O.Y., Kukes I.V.


BACKGROUND: Acne is one of the most common types of dermatoses. Systemic isotretinoin treatment, which affects all mechanisms of acne pathogenesis, is the most effective drug for severe acne treatment. This study presents scientific data on the innovative formulation of isotretinoin for acne treatment using the patented Lidose technology. The use of lidose isotretinoin allows for the reduction of the amount of isotretinoin used by the patient by 20% without losing its therapeutic effectiveness.

AIM: This study aimed to analyze comparative studies of bioavailability and relevant pharmacokinetic parameters, which made it possible to prove that initial dosages of 8 and 16 mg of lidose isotretinoin (Aknecutan) are bioequivalent to 10 and 20 mg of the usual isotretinoin preparations. The study also aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the drug.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over the past 7 years, 1044 patients (women, n = 651, 62.4%; men, n = 393, 37.6%) have received acne treatment using new formulations of isotretinoin (lidose isotretinoin, Aknecutan) for moderate to severe acne at a daily dose of 0.4–0.8 per 1 kg of body weight with a total drug dose of 100–120 mg/kg per course of therapy.

RESULTS: The study demonstrated the bioequivalence of 8 and 10 mg lidose isotretinoin (Aknecutan) to the usual preparations of 10 and 20 mg isotretinoin, respectively. After therapy, clinical remission was achieved in all patients, which required 7–12 months of treatment, depending on the daily drug dose. Among the side effects, cheilitis and retinoic dermatitis of the face was observed, which were completely resolved by use of moisturizing creams and moisturizing sticks. An increase in the levels of liver enzymes, triglycerides, and lipoproteins was observed in 5–10% of patients, which did not exceed 20–30% of the norm and did not require discontinuation of therapy. After the treatment, these indicators returned to normal levels. Other side effects were extremely rare. Notably, disease relapses are most often caused by a low total dose of the drug or the presence of endocrinological and gynecological diseases.

CONCLUSION: The innovative lidose isotretinoin is one of the most highly effective and safe systemic retinoids for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. Comparative studies of bioavailability and corresponding pharmacokinetic parameters have demonstrated the bioequivalence of the new formulation of isotretinoin (Aknecutan) for acne treatment, which fully corresponds to that of the original preparation.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):179-187
pages 179-187 views

Clinical and pathogenetic assessment of cyclosporine efficacy in the complex therapy of non-segmental vitiligo patients

Nikulina A.S., Lomonosov K.M.


BACKGROUND: Vitiligo is a chronic disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the appearance of depigmented spots on various areas of the skin, rarely on mucous membranes, and discolored hair due to destruction and reduction of melanocytes. While not life-threatening, vitiligo significantly impacts the psychoemotional aspect. Studies assessing the quality of life of vitiligo patients reveal the presence of depression in these individuals. In addition to depression, a high susceptibility to anxiety, stigmatization, sleep disturbances, adaptation, and problems in personal relationships have been identified. The prevalence of depression and anxiety among vitiligo patients is comparable to other dermatological conditions such as atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, and urticaria. This underscores the need to seek new means and methods for treating this condition.

AIM: Clinical assessment of the effectiveness of using cyclosporine in combination with UVB 311 nm and monotherapy with UVB 311 nm for vitiligo.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 40 patients with progressive vitiligo. All patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 (20 individuals) underwent a course of cyclosporine therapy in combination with UVB therapy, while Group 2 (20 individuals) received monotherapy with UVB 311 nm. The duration of the treatment was 6 months. The extent of the affected area relative to the body surface area was evaluated using the VES index (Vitiligo extent score) on a vitiligo calculator. The impact of the disease on the quality of life was assessed using the VitiQoL scale (vitiligo-specific quality-of-life instrument).

RESULTS: All patients included in the study completed the full course of treatment. Group 1 (20 individuals) underwent a course of cyclosporine therapy in combination with UVB therapy, while Group 2 (20 individuals) received monotherapy with UVB 311 nm. Patients in the combined therapy group experienced earlier stabilization of the skin process compared to those receiving monotherapy with UVB 311 nm. Additionally, Group 1 demonstrated more pronounced repigmentation of vitiligo lesions and significant improvement in quality of life compared to Group 2.

CONCLUSION: Cyclosporine in combination with narrowband phototherapy at 311 nm demonstrated good clinical efficacy and significant improvement in quality of life for non-segmental vitiligo patients. Cyclosporine is well-tolerated, has a low spectrum of side effects, and can be used long-term for patients with active vitiligo.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):189-199
pages 189-199 views

Retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of UVB-311 in atopic dermatitis

Kochergin N.G., Abdulridha A.


BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis is a widespread skin disease based on immune and genetic mechanisms of chronic inflammation formation. The disease most often develops in early childhood, has a frequent recurrent course, age-related clinical features. In this regard, the disease is characterized by a wide variety of treatment methods, the effectiveness of which varies and is a highly debated topic at the present time.

AIM: to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of standard local and systemic therapy of atopic dermatitis in combination with UVB 311 nm.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 case histories of patients with atopic dermatitis of varying severity who were in the clinic of skin and venereal diseases in the period from 2022 to 2023 were analyzed. Of these, 50 patients received combined systemic and topical therapy with UVB 311 nm (the first group), and 50 patients received only standard topical and systemic therapy (the second group). Systemic and topical therapy of atopic dermatitis included, according to clinical recommendations, corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, antihistamines.

RESULTS: As a result of combined therapy with UVB 311 nm, patients showed a decrease in the SCORAD index by 1.7 times after 1 month of therapy, by 8 times after 2 months, and by 30 times after 6 months. In the second group, the SCORAD index decreased 1.2 times after 1 month from the start of therapy (p=0.0004), 3 times after 2 months (p=0.0001), 20 times after 6 months (p=0.003). Side effects in the first group were detected only in 5 (10%) patients: 2 (4%) patients had skin burning, 2 (4%) had skin itching, 1 (2%) patient had photodermatitis in the form of erythema of the skin. These adverse reactions were of a short-term nature and quickly passed if the recommendations were followed without canceling the procedures.

CONCLUSION: UVB 311 nm therapy for atopic dermatitis has a higher therapeutic effect, is well tolerated, has minimal early side effects, and leads to clinical remission faster than standard systemic and local therapy.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):201-208
pages 201-208 views

Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) in patients with atopic dermatitis

Marchenko V.A., Kochergin N.G., Dodina M.I.


BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis is the most common diseases in dermatology, among the main pathogenetic mechanisms of development of which a complex interaction of a genetically determined defect in the barrier function of the skin, an overactive state of the immune system is considered, and a neurogenic theory of disease development is not excluded, which is based on the relationship of anxiety-stress reactions and neuropsychiatric stresses with the occurrence of pathological changes on the skin. Modern atopic dermatitis therapy is characterized by the appointment of a large number of medications according to clinical recommendations, and the associated increase in allergic and toxic-allergic reactions dictates the need to search for new non-drug treatments for this disease. In order to prevent the pathological effects of stress, as well as to increase resistance to its damaging effects, activation of opioidergic mechanisms may be useful.

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of the transcranial electrical stimulation technique in patients with atopic dermatitis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A controlled study was conducted among 60 patients with moderate atopic dermatitis, 33 women (55.0%) and 27 men (45.0%) aged 19 to 72 years. Transcranial electrical stimulation was carried out by a pulsed bipolar electrical stimulator with an acoustic effect "TRANSAIR-07", stimulation was carried out by an electric current with a frequency of 77.5 Hz and a duration of 3.5 ms. Patients underwent 10 procedures, 1 time a day, lasting 30 minutes, with a current of 1−3 mA. SCORAD, EASI, IGA, DLQI, HADS, and BDI scales were used to assess the dynamics of clinical manifestations. The assessment was carried out on the first and last day of treatment.

RESULTS: During statistical data processing, when comparing the scales in the first and last days of the procedures, depending on the patient groups: the 1st group was the main one, received transcranial electrical stimulation treatment in combination with therapy, according to clinical recommendations, the 2nd group was the control group, received treatment according to clinical recommendations, without the use of transcranial electrical stimulation, significant improvement of itching indicators, clinical manifestations and improvement of quality of life after 4 weeks of therapy in both groups. A statistically more significant dynamics of the indicators of the main clinical scales in favor of combination therapy was established: according to the SCORAD scale ― in the main group from 47.50±2.25 to 21.00±1.00, in the control group from 47.00±2.00 to 39.00±1.75; DLQI ― in the main group from 8.00±2.00 to 2.00±0.75, in the control group ― from 8.50±1.50 to 5.00±1.00.

CONCLUSION: The paper presents the positive results of our own research and presents data confirming the clinical effectiveness of transcranial electrostimulation in patients with atopic dermatitis compared with the traditional drug treatment of this disease, which allows us to recommend the treatment regimen we have proposed for widespread implementation in the practice of a dermatovenerologist.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):209-217
pages 209-217 views

Trifarotene: a new chapter in the treatment of acne. An overview of the data on efficacy and safety profile of a fourth-generation retinoid

Snarskaya E.S., Olisova O.Y., Bratkovskaya A.V., Karlovskaya E.D., Ryabihina Y.O.


Vulgar acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that has a significant impact on patients' quality of life. The search for new highly effective and treatments with favorable safety profile remains relevant due to the high incidence in the population.

The launch of a 4th generation retinoid, trifarotene, which has a selective mechanism of action on RAR-γ (γ-retinoic acid receptors agonist), represents a new era in topical therapy of acne vulgaris and is of particular interest to practical healthcare.

A systematic literature overview in PubMed, Google Scholar, and ClinicalTrials.Gov databases was conducted to evaluate the mechanism of action, efficacy, and safety profile of the selective 4th generation retinoid, trifarotene 50 µg/g (0,005%) in dosage form topical cream.

In a systematic overview, 12 contemporary studies (2015–2023) were selected confirming the high efficacy of trifarotene in protocols for the treatment of acne vulgaris with localization on both facial and truncal skin. The drug demonstrates a unique ability to modulate cell adhesion, optimize transepidermal water loss and reduce the activity of membrane metalloendopeptidases, which determines its proven efficacy.

Trifarotene, an innovative 4th generation topical retinoid approved by the FDA in 2019 for the treatment of acne in patients over 9 years of age, opens new possibilities in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Its selective activity to RAR-γ receptors, proven efficacy and favorable safety profile make it a promising agent in therapeutic practice.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):219-230
pages 219-230 views


Photogallery. Combination of syphilis and HIV infection

Prozherin S.V.


In recent decades, the world has seen an increase in the number of patients suffering from syphilis and HIV infection at the same time. There is a traditional opinion that concomitant HIV infection can aggravate the clinical manifestations and course of syphilis. However, in the era of widespread use of antiretroviral therapy, most people living with HIV have a typical course of syphilis. However, with quantitative and/or qualitative HIV-associated immune dysfunction, deviations in the clinical picture of syphilitic infection from its classical patterns are possible. This is evidenced by annual publications in Russian and foreign specialized publications.

We present to your attention a photo gallery of cases of syphilis in HIV-positive patients with characteristic and atypical manifestations.

Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2024;27(2):231-236
pages 231-236 views

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