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Vol 44, No 6 (2018)


Cluster Self-Organization of Intermetallic Systems: New 143-Atom Icosahedral Nanocluster-Precursor and the Self-Assembly of a Crystalline Framework (Ba,Ca)46Li102 (R\(\bar {3}\)c, hR888)

Shevchenko V.Y., Blatov V.A., Ilyushin G.D.


A combinational-topological analysis of the crystalline structure (Ba,Ca)46Li102 (R\(\bar {3}\)c, hR888, V = 30 978 Å3) are performed by computers (the TOPOS software package). The framework-forming the 143-atom icosahedral nanocluster ico-K143 with a diameter of 20 Å is established by the method of the complete decomposition of a 3D atomic lattice into cluster structures. ico-K143 nanoclusters of a symmetry of g = \(\bar {3}\) are shown to be three-layered: Li @12(Li12) @32(Li12Ba20) @98(Ba32Li66). The second shell corresponds to the Bergman cluster with 32, 90, and 60 peaks, edges, and faces, respectively. The third new type of icosahedral shell consisting of 98 atoms is characterized by 98, 288, and 192 peaks, edges, and faces, respectively. The chemical composition of the third shell is made up of Ba32Li66. In the third shell, 32 Ba atoms were located above all the 32 atoms of the Li12Ba20 shell. The symmetry and topological code of the self-assembly of 3D structures from iсo-K143 nanoclusters-precursors are simulated in the following form: primary chain → layer → framework. The iсo-K143 nanoclusters formed densely packed 2D layers 36 positioned with a shift along the c axis. The distance between centers of iсo-K143 clusters is determined by the translation vector value ahex = 19.913 Å. The large voids in the 3D framework are occupied by 12-atom Ba3Li9 clusters with the symmetry g = 32.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):503-510
pages 503-510 views

Cluster Self-Organization of Intermetallic Systems: 124-Icosahedral Three-Layered Cluster 0@12(Ga12)@32(Ga12Na20)@80(Ga60Na6K14) for the Self-Assembly of the Crystalline Framework of Na26K8Ga104 (R\(\bar {3}\)m, R414)

Shevchenko V.Y., Blatov V.A., Ilyushin G.D.


A combinational-topological analysis and simulation of the crystal structure of Na26K8Ga104-hR414, R\(\bar {3}\)m, V = 8109 Å3 are performed by computer methods (the TOPOS software package). The framework-forming 124-atom three-layered icosahedral nanocluster ico-K124 = 0@12(Ga12)@32(Ga12Na20)@80(Ga60Na6K14) with a diameter of 17 Å and the symmetry g = \(\bar {3}\) is established by the method of the complete decomposition of a 3D atomic lattice into cluster structures. The second shell corresponds to the Bergman cluster with 32, 90, and 60 peaks, edges, and faces, respectively. The chemical composition of the shell is Ga12Na20. The third shell consisting of 80 atoms is characterized by 80, 210, and 132 peaks, edges, and faces, respectively. The chemical composition of the shell is made up of Ga60Na6K14. Sixty atoms of Ga in the shell are located in the same manner as 60 carbon C atoms in the fullerene С60. All 20 positions above the Ga6 hexagons are occupied by 6 Na atoms and 14 K atoms. The symmetry and topological code of the self-assembly of 3D structures from iсo-K143 nanoclusters-precursors are simulated in the following form: primary chain → layer → framework. iсo-K124 nanoclusters form densely packed 2D layers 36. The large voids in the 3D framework are occupied by 10-atom GaGa9 clusters with the symmetry g = 3m.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):511-517
pages 511-517 views

On the Formation of the Minimal-Energy Surface in the Solid-State Reactions of the Formation of Chromium Carbide

Shevchenko V.Y., Gordeev S.K., Oryshchenko A.S., Sokolov V.N., Lebedev L.A., Sychev M.M., Khristyuk N.A.


A solid-state material based on chromium carbide with a unique microstructure with the topology of triple periodic minimal energy surfaces (TPMES) formed as a result of reaction-diffusion transformations is described for the first time. The results of this study are offering opportunities to create novel types of materials with a regular microstructure.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):518-523
pages 518-523 views

Study of the Non-Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic

Huynh Ngoc Minh ., Vuong B.X., Minh D.Q.


The glass ceramic with the crystals of lithium disilicate Li2O · 2SiO2 (LS2) as the main crystal phase is one of the prospective materials in the field of restorative dentistry. In this study, the crystallization kinetics of LS2 glass ceramic obtained from the base glass of the system SiO2–Li2O–Al2O3–K2O–P2O5 were investigated by the non-isothermal method using differential thermal analysis at four different heating rates. The DTA curves showed different exothermic crystallization peaks over the temperature ranges of 645–683 and 807–845°C. The lithium metasilicate, Li2O · SiO2 (LS), and the lithium disilicate, crystallized over these respective temperature ranges, was established by XRD technique. The crystallization kinetic parameters were calculated by the Kissinger plot and Augis-Bennett equations for non-isothermal analysis. The calculated activation energy of crystal growth, EC1= 236 kJ/mol, EC2 = 340 kJ/mol, and the Avrami parameters, n1 = 1.46–1.67, n2 = 2.73–2.91, together with the results from SEM observations, indicated that the crystallization mechanism of LS was substantial surface crystallization while the crystallization mechanism of LS2 was dominant bulk crystallization. The calculated activation energy of glass transition was also determined EV = 516 kJ/mol.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):524-530
pages 524-530 views

Studies on Er2O3 and Yb2O3 Concentration Limit in Alumophosphorosilicate Glass

Lipatov D.S., Abramov A.N., Guryanov A.N., Lobanov A.S., Bubnov M.M., Iskhakova L.D., Likhachev M.E.


This study determines the limiting concentrations of Er2O3 and Yb2O3 in aluminum-phosphorosilicate (APS) glass containing similar concentrations of aluminum and phosphorus, where the signal amplification in the lightguides is still possible. The structural group of AlPO4 is evaluated as a codoping additive to quartz glass, which causes an increase in the concentration limit for the embedding (solubility) of the oxides of rare earth elements (REEs). The concentration ratios Er2O3/AlPO4 and Yb2O3/AlPO4 that provide a high amplification efficiency and a low level of optical loss in lightguides are determined.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):531-537
pages 531-537 views

Space-Selective Stabilization of Bismuth Active Centers inside Porous Glass Using Laser Pulses

Zhong L., Sergeev M.M., Zakoldaev R.A., Koval V.V., Kostyuk G.K., Girsova M.A., Antropova T.V.


The experimental results are presented for a laser-induced modification of the structure of porous glass (PG) preliminarily doped with an aqueous nitric-acid solution of Bi(NO3)3. It is established that the laser-induced local stabilization of bismuth active centers (BACs) in the bulk of PG plates is possible, which is confirmed by the change in the luminescence in the irradiation zone.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):538-541
pages 538-541 views

Investigation of Some Physico-Chemical Properties in Multi-Component Se–Te–Sn–Sb (0 ≤ x ≤ 6) Quaternary Chalcogenide Glassy System

Vandita Rao ., Lohia P., Mehta N., Dwivedi D.K.


In the present work we report physico-chemical properties in novel Se78 – xTe20Sn2Sbx (x = 0, 2, 4 and 6) glassy system prepared by melt quench technique. Various physico-chemical properties such as co-ordination number, lone pair of electrons, number of constraints, density, molar volume, compactness, mean bond energy, cohesive energy, glass transition temperature and covalence character has been estimated. The compositional dependence of aforesaid physico-chemical properties has been investigated. It has been observed that average number of constraints, mean bond energy, glass transition temperature are found to increase where as number of lone pair of electrons and electro negativity decreases with increases of Sb content in the Se78 – xTe20Sn2Sbx (x = 0, 2, 4 and 6) glassy alloys.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):542-550
pages 542-550 views

Infrared Spectra of KU1 and KS-4V Quartz Glass Irradiated by Fast Neutrons

Islamov A.K., Ibragimova E.M., Faizullaev B.S., Ruziev E.T.


IR absorption spectra of quartz glass with varying contents of hydroxyl OH groups, namely, KU1 (1000 ppm OH) and KS-4V (≤0.1 ppm OH) are compared prior to and after exposure to fast neutron fluences of 1018–5 × 1019 cm–2. The appearance of the IR absorption band of 2260 cm–1 regardless of the large difference in the content of OH groups in nonirradiated KU1 and KS-4V glass is related to the bending vibrations of the bridging ≡Si−O−Si≡ bonds. A decrease in the amplitude of the band at 2260 cm–1 and shift of its maximum by 20 cm–1 to the IR range is caused by the decrease in the bridging ≡Si−O−Si≡ bond angle with the growth of the neutron fluence. The asymmetric band at 3674 cm–1, which is related to OH groups, is observed only in nonirradiated KU1 glass. An increase in the number of OH groups in KU1 glass and the formation of OH groups in KS-4V glass after the accumulation of the neutron fluence of ≥1019 cm–2 rationalizes the slow accumulation of the intrinsic defects such as nonbridging oxygen atoms and oxygen vacancies in both brands of the glass in the range of the neutron fluence.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):551-556
pages 551-556 views

Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Molten Alumophosphate and Borosilicate Glass Containing Imitators of High-Active Wastes from SNF Processing

Remizov M.B., Kozlov P.V., Vlasova N.V., Belanova E.A., Rudenko A.V., Kataev A.A., Red’kin A.A., Tkacheva O.Y., Dokutovich V.N., Filatov E.S., Zaikov Y.P.


Thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of borosilicate and alumophosphate glass containing imitators of highly active waste (HAW) from the processing of spent nuclear fuel VVER-440 are studied by the methods of coaxial cylinders and impedance spectroscopy from room temperature to 1200°С. For all glass samples, their thermal conductivity increases with temperature growth; however, the thermal conductivity of phosphate glass increases above the glass transition point more significantly to 2.0 W/m K at 1200°С. The thermal conductivity of borosilicate glass containing HAW imitators ranges within 1.40–1.65 W/m K in the temperature range 600–1200°С. The electrical conductivity of alumophosphate and borosilicate glass changes mainly with the concentration of sodium oxide and changes significantly with temperature. The influence of the concentration of the components of HAW imitators on the electrical conductivity of the melts is small in the studied range.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):557-563
pages 557-563 views

Shrinkage of Bismuth-Containing Porous Glass During the Sintering Process and the Viscosity of Quartz-Like Glass Based on Them

Stolyar S.V., Antropova T.V., Girsova M.A., Konon M.Y., Anfimova I.N., Kurilenko L.N.


Shrinkage during the sintering of porous glass (PG) of different backgrounds and the viscosity of quartz-like glass (QG) sintered until the pores collapse are measured. The samples are obtained as a result of acid leaching of phase-separated sodium borosilicate glass. The initial PG and the samples that are doped with bismuth nitrate from a water-salt solution are studied. It is found that the heat treatment of the matrices at 750°C leads to an increase in their thermal stability. The viscosity of the matrices sintered at 870°C is practically independent of their pretreatment temperature. The viscosity of bismuth-containing quartz-like glass (BQG) decreases with an increase in the matrices’ treatment temperature.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):564-568
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Study of Bismuth-Containing Composites Based on Thermally Modified Porous Glass with Low Additions of P2O5 and Fluorine Ions by the Near Infrared Spectroscopy Method

Girsova M.A., Golovina G.F.


Bismuth-containing composite materials are synthesized by the impregnation of matrices of thermally modified porous glass in 0.5 M water solutions of bismuth nitrate followed by the heat treatment of the bismuth-containing composite material in a wide temperature range of 50 to 870°C. The samples which differ by the regime of the thermal modification of porous glass (PG) (120, 400, and 600°C, duration 1 or 2 h) and the temperature of the heat treatment are studied by the near infrared spectroscopy. Dehydroxylation and glass surface concentration with impurity boron atoms occur with the growth of the heat treatment temperature. Bands caused by the absorption of Bi+ ions, bismuth active centers associated with silicon, and Bi4 and Bi3 bismuth dimers are found.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):569-574
pages 569-574 views

XRD Study of Structurally Inhomogeneous Modified Xerogels Based on Liquid Glass

Skorikova N.S., Loginov D.V., Sidorova O.V., Fofanov A.D., Kudina E.F.


The structural state of metal epoxysilicate and metallosilicate nanocomposites obtained by the sol-gel technology from systems based on alkali silicate solutions is studied. Hybrid nanocomposites prepared based on liquid glass (LG), in the initial state and after modification by copper salts (CuCl2 and CuSO4) and/or by the second component such as ED-20 epoxy resin, are considered. Based on the data of the XRD analysis and scanning electron microscopy, it is shown that the modified xerogels are structurally inhomogeneous, whereas the change in the microwave exposure time used in the synthesis stage to homogenize the mixture and intensify the physicochemical interaction processes affects the size and character of the packing of inhomogeneities. For the studied samples, the coordination numbers, coordination sphere radii, and their variances are calculated and analyzed.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):575-585
pages 575-585 views

Synthesis and Study of Zeolites Modified by Silver Nanoparticles and Clusters: Biological Activity

Golubeva O.Y., Ul’yanova N.Y., Zharkova M.S., Shamova O.V.


The biological activity of zeolites with Rho, Beta and paulingite structures modified with silver nanoparticles and clusters of 3 and 6 wt % is studied. The antimicrobial activity is studied with respect to gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli ML35p and gram-positive bacteria MRSA ATCC 33591 (Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotic resistant strain) by serial dilutions in a liquid nutrient medium. The effect of drugs on the viability of eukaryotic cells is examined using a marker of the metabolic activity of resazurin cells (Alamar Blue). In the experiments, the cells of transplanted ascites carcinoma of the Ehrlich zmouse were used, as well as the normal, untransformed peritoneal macrophages of mice. It is shown that the activity of modified zeolites is determined by the form of silver present in them (nanoparticles, clusters), by its localization (intracrystalline cavities or outer surface of the framework), and by the structural type of the zeolite matrix.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):586-590
pages 586-590 views

Subliquidus Phase Relations in the Low-Alumina Section of the Na2O–Al2O3–P2O5 System and the Radioactive Waste Vitrification

Martynov K.V., Nekrasov A.N., Kotelnikov A.R., Shiryaev A.A., Stefanovsky S.V.


The formation of crystalline phases during cooling of the Na2O–Al2O3–P2O5 melts obtained in corundum crucibles at a temperature of 1100°С and at atmospheric pressure from a pre-prepared glass with the composition close to that used for immobilization of highly active radioactive waste (RW) is studied. It is shown that under slow cooling, the crystallization process is accompanied by changes in the liquidus compositions of the melts leading to their transformations into glasses with compositions that, in some cases, are very different from the initial ones. A new topology of the melting diagram of a low-alumina section of three-component system is proposed, the melt’s compositions are determined, and the temperatures of phase equilibria, which play a crucial role in industrial technologies, are estimated. The formation of crystalline phases under the slow cooling of the Na2O–Al2O3–P2O5 melts should be taken into account in the vitrification of real RW.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):591-600
pages 591-600 views

Ceramic Interfacial Coating on Carbon Fibers Based on Polycarbosilane and Oligovinylsilazane

Khaskov M.A., Zelenina I.V., Sorokin O.Y., Gulyaev A.I.


The formation of a ceramic interfacial coating (IC) on carbon fibers by the polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) method with the use of polycarbosilane and oligovinylsilazane as the preceramic polymer precursors is discussed. It is shown, that the use of a preceramic polymer concentration higher than 3 wt % results in the formation of clumps with an uneven distribution of the ceramic matrix. The use of a preceramic polymer concentration lower than 3 wt %, an inert atmosphere, and time-temperature regime treatment, calculated for a steady heat release and mass loss, results in the formation of a uniform IC and leads to a high level of oxidation resistance of carbon fibers. The oxidation products of carbon fibers with the deposited IC are hollow SiO2 structures.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):601-606
pages 601-606 views

Synthesis of Hydrogenated Silicon Oxycarbonitride from a Gas Mixture of Methyltris(Diethylamino)Silane, Nitrogen, and Oxygen

Fainer N.I., Plekhanov A.G., Maksimovsky E.A., Rumyantsev Y.M.


A synthesis of thin films consisting of hydrogenated silicon oxycarbonitride using high-frequency discharge plasma from a novel organosilicon compound methyltris(diethylamino)silane (MTDEAS) mixed with oxygen and nitrogen are studied. CVD diagrams are obtained as a result of the thermodynamic modeling of the Si–C–N–H–O system in the temperature range from 300 to 1300 K, which makes it possible to optimize the synthesis of film materials such as SiCxNyOz:H. The silicon oxycarbonitride films of various compositions are experimentally obtained in the range of deposition temperatures from 373 to 973 K for different compositions of the initial MTDEAS + O2+ xN2 gas mixture. A change in the chemical composition of the gas mixtures leads to obtaining SiCxNyOz:H films having a large range of functional properties; the refractive index varies from 1.5 to 2.21; the adjustable transparency varies from 92–99.7% in the UV visible and IR spectral regions; and the tunable band gap characteristics vary in the range from 2.5 to 4.5 eV and from 2.9 to 0.7 eV for films grown from MTDEAS + O2+ N2 and MTDEAS + O2+ 2N2 mixtures, respectively. It is shown that the films contain nanocrystals of phases belonging to structures such as Si3 – xCxN4 embedded in the amorphous matrix of hydrogenated silicon oxycarbonitride layers.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):607-615
pages 607-615 views

Features of the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Montmorillonite in an Acidic Medium

Golubeva O.Y.


The process of the hydrothermal crystallization of montmorillonite Na2x(Al2(1 – x),Mg2x)-Si4O10(OH)2 · nH2O (0 < x ≤ 1) is studied in a weakly acidic medium with pH 4–4.5 at 220°С using HF as a mineralizer. The results of the study showed that montmorillonite samples in the acidic medium can be obtained both with the use of the HF mineralizer and without it. Under any conditions of carrying out the synthesis, there is an insignificant amount of corundum in the final product. It is established that a weakly acidic medium favors the formation of a dioctahedral structure of smectites with insignificant isomorphic substitutions (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 1). At a higher aluminum content, the acidic medium does not contribute to the formation of two-dimensional silicon-oxygen layers.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):616-619
pages 616-619 views

Gas Transport Technique for Obtaining Coatings on Corundum Powder

Bogdanov S.P., Khristyuk N.A., Dolgin A.S.


The conditions required for the gas transport of Ti, Zr, Mn, and Cr metals on corundum powders are studied. The core-shell materials are obtained and their properties are studied.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):620-625
pages 620-625 views

Liquid-Phase Synthesis and Investigation of Powders Based on Zirconium Dioxide

Kovalko N.Y., Dolgin A.S., Efimova L.N., Arsent’ev M.Y., Shilova O.A.


Xerogels in the ZrO2(Y2O3)–Al2O3 system are obtained by the coprecipitation method followed by a low-temperature treatment at –25°C for 24 h. The physicochemical properties of the powders of ZrO2(Y2O3)–xAl2O3 (х = 15, 20, and 25 mol %) compositions obtained by burning the xerogels are studied. It is shown that the introduction of 25 mol % of Al2O3 promotes the deceleration of the growth of the particles of the t-ZrO2(Y2O3) tetragonal solid solution. It is established that the obtained powders are characterized by high values of the degree of tetragonality (c/a = 1.438–1.436).

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):626-631
pages 626-631 views

Spark Plasma Sintering of Special-Purpose Functional Ceramics Based on UO2, ZrO2, Fe3O4/α-Fe2O3

Papynov E.K., Shichalin O.O., Medkov M.A., Grishchenko D.N., Tkachenko I.A., Fedorets A.N., Pechnikov V.S., Golub A.V., Buravlev I.Y., Tananaev I.G., Avramenko V.A.


The possibilities of creating special-purpose ceramics by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) according to the principle of the low-voltage electro-pulse consolidation of powders under the conditions of an external mechanical load is investigated. Ceramics applicable in the nuclear, medical, and electrotechnical industries are fabricated. A methodological description and special features of the presented technique are provided for the first time in terms of fabricating nuclear ceramics in the form of a pellet product of UO2; composite bioceramics with a theoretical density exceeding 97.6% (based on ZrO2 doped by hydroxyapatite) characterized with controlled (meso-, macro-) porosity and a high compression strength of ~400 MPa; and magnetic ceramics resistant to reverse magnetization based on nanostructured iron oxides (Fe3O4/α-Fe2O3) with a saturation magnetization of 50 emu/g.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):632-640
pages 632-640 views

Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Composite Materials Based on the CaO–Bi2O3–Fe2O3 System

Besprozvannykh N.V., Sinel’shchikova O.Y., Kuchaeva S.K.


The results of the study of novel composite solid electrolytes based on the CаO–Bi2O3–Fe2O3 system are presented. These materials have a mixed electronic-ionic conductivity which increases with the growth of the Fe2O3 content. In the (СаO)0.26(Bi2O3)0.74–Fe2O3 section, a part of the oxygen-ionic component increases with an increase in the Fe2O3 content and, in contrast, the oxygen conductivity decreases in the (СаO)0.2(Bi2O3)0.8–BiFeO3 section. These materials are interesting in terms of their use as elements of electrochemical devices, for example, in solid oxide fuel cells, electrolyzers for obtaining extra pure gases (oxygen, hydrogen), and electrochemical oxygen sensors.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):641-646
pages 641-646 views

Effect of Mechanochemical Activation on the Powder Dispersity of an Aluminum–Magnesium Spinel and Obtaining Dense Nanoceramics

Morozova L.V.


Crystalline hydrate of Al(NO3)3 · Mg(NO3)2 · nH2O salts is obtained by the method of the joint crystallization of the solutions of nitric acid salts of aluminum and magnesium that are taken in the required ratio for the synthesis of an (MgAl2O4) aluminum–magnesium spinel, which was subjected to thermal decomposition at a temperature of 500°C to form a MgAl2O4 compound. The effect of the mechanochemical activation (MA) on the dispersity of the MgAl2O4 powder is studied. The optimal regimes of activation and sintering of the synthesized MgAl2O4 powder for forming dense single-phase ceramics are selected. Mechanical activation makes it possible to obtain ceramics with an open porosity of ~2% and a grain size of 60 to 65 nm at 1400°C, which is lower than the temperature of the solid-phase synthesis of the aluminum–magnesium spinel (1700–1750°C). The physicochemical properties of the sintered ceramic samples of MgAl2O4 are determined.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):647-653
pages 647-653 views

Short Communications

Effect of Formation Conditions on the Functional Composition of the Surface of High-Silica Porous Glass

Tsyganova T.A., Myakin S.V., Kuryndin I.S., Rakhimova O.V.


The possibility of controlling the content and ratio of Brønsted acid to Lewis base centers on the surface of high-silica porous glass (PG) with various compositions based on two-phase alkali-borosilicate glass by varying the conditions of the preparation of PG during the acid work-up of the initial glass is shown. The results demonstrate the possibility to control the features of the surface of the PG, and in particular, the ratio of silanol to siloxane structures.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(6):654-656
pages 654-656 views

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