
Synthesis, Structure, and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Functionally Substituted Chalcones and Their Derivatives
Khlebnikov A., Seilkhanov T., Arinova A., Isabaeva M., Nurkenov O., Ibraev M., Schepetkin I.
Microwave assisted aqueous phase synthesis of benzothiazoles and benzimidazoles in the presence of Ag2O
Sakram B., Rambabu S., Ashok K., Sonyanaik B., Ravi D.
Efficient synthesis of pyranochromene derivatives via three-component reaction of 4-hydroxy-6-methylpyran-1-one with aromatic aldehydes and cyclic 1,3-diketone catalyzed by ZnO nanoparticles
Anaraki-Ardakani H.
Synthesis, structure, and antimicrobial activity of N,6-diaryl-4-methyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxamides
Gein V., Zamaraeva T., Fedotov A., Balandina A., Dmitriev M.
Synthesis of new daunorubicin N-derivatives by one-step reductive amination
Artyushin O., Sharova E., Vinogradova N., Genkina G., Moiseeva A., Khodak A., Brel V.
Synthesis and Structure of 3-Aryl-2,4-dibenzoyl-5-hydroxy-5-methylcyclohexanones and 2-Benzoyl-5-hydroxy-5-methyl-3-phenylcyclohexanone
Nosova N., Vagapov A., Gein V., Gein L., Slepukhin P.
New method of synthesis of functionally substituted aromatic aldehydes
Gazizov M., Ivanova S., Ibragimov S., Bagauva L., Khairullin R., Medvedeva K.
Synthesis of N’-substituted derivatives of 5-(4-methylphenyl)isoxazole-3-carbohydrazonamide
Potkin V., Dikusar E., Petkevich S., Zvereva T., Levkovskaya G., Rozentsveig I.
Synthesis of 5-Aryl-4-acyl-3-hydroxy-1-(2-furylmethyl)-3-pyrrolin-2-ones
Gein V., Nosova N., Shishkin A., Gein L.
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