
Study of the Plant Growth-Regulating Activity of Non-Medical Application Antibiotics with the Aim of Finding Eco-Friendly Plant Growth Regulators
Boikova I., Kolodyaznaya V., Belakhov V.
Synthesis, spectroscopic, and antimicrobial study of Ca(II), Fe(III), Pd(II), and Au(III) complexes of amoxicillin antibiotic drug
Al-Khodir F., Refat M.
Levoristatin, Non-Medical Application Antibiotic: Preparation, Physicochemical Properties, Structure, and Directions of Practical Usage (Review)
Belakhov V., Boikova I., Yakovleva E., Kolodyaznaya V.
Results of Examination of the Biological Activity of Nonmedical Antibiotics with a View to Finding Environmentally Friendly Pesticides for Plant Protection
Belakhov V., Boikova I., Novikova I., Kolodyaznaya V.
Imbricin, an Antibiotic of Nonmedical Application: Biological Activity, Environmental Friendliness, and Prospects for Use in Plant Protection
Boikova I., Novikova I., Yakovleva E., Kolodyaznaya V., Belakhov V.
Imbricin, an Antifungal Antibiotic of Non-Medical Application: Preparation, Physicochemical Properties, Structural Features, and Industrial and Agricultural Uses (Review)
Belakhov V., Yakovleva E., Kolodyaznaya V., Boikova I.
Synthesis of new daunorubicin N-derivatives by one-step reductive amination
Artyushin O., Sharova E., Vinogradova N., Genkina G., Moiseeva A., Khodak A., Brel V.
A new non-chloride method of synthesis of antibacterial antibiotic fosfomycin based on the principles of green chemistry
Belakhov V., Garabadzhiu A.
The application of mycelial wastes from microbiological production of antibacterial antibiotics as lubricating oil additives
Belakhov V., Garabadzhiu A.
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