
Organic Catalysis: Synthesis of Propylene Carbonate by the Carboxylation of Propylene Oxide in the Presence of Phenols and Fluorinated Alcohols
Elman А., Zharkov S., Ovsyannikova L.
3,3-(Butane-1,4-diyl)bis(1,2-dimethyl-1H-imidazole-3-ium)bromide–cerium(IV) ammonium nitrate: A novel reagent for mild synthesis of 12-aryldibenzo[i,b]pyrano[4,3-b]chromenone of benzyl alcohols
Gharib Z., Nikpassand M.
Modification of Polymyxin B1 by Water-Soluble Functional Copolymers of Vinyl Alcohol
Shalygina V., Vlasova E., Gaydukova V., Anan’eva E., Panarin E.
Oxidative dimerization of alcohols in the presence of nitroxyl radical–iodine catalytic system
Kashparova V., Kashparov I., Zhukova I., Astakhov A., Ilchibaeva I., Kagan E.
Study of the Rheological Properties of Aqueous Solutions of Porphyrin Polymers
Alopina E., Usacheva T., Ageeva T., Koifman O.
Benzyl alcohol-based synthesis of mono- and bis-dihydropyridines in the presence of Al(HSO4)3, sodium nitrite, and sodium bromide under solvent-free conditions
Fekri L., Nikpassand M.
Metal Extracts as Precursors for the Production of Metal Powders and Coatings via the Extraction-Pyrolytic Method
Yukhin Y., Titkov A., Logutenko O., Mishchenko K., Lyakhov N.
Synthesis of novel phosphono peptidomimetics
Abdurakhmanova E., Lukashuk O., Golovchenko A., Brovarets V.
One-pot electrochemical synthesis of acid anhydrides from alcohols
Kashparova V., Papina E., Kashparov I., Zhukova I., Ilchibaeva I., Kagan E.
Synthesis of pyridinecarboxaldimine grafted to magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4@SiO2) and its application in the aerobic oxidation of primary alcohols catalyzed by CuBr2/TEMPO
Zhang Y., Sun X., Guo Z., Su L., Zhao J.
Dispersion Oxidative Polymerization of Pyrrole in Aqueous Solutions of Polyvinyl Alcohol
Mezhuev Y., Plyushchii I., Korshak Y., Shtil’man M., Gritskova I.
Enthalpy parameters of molecular interactions of dl-α-alanyl-dl-α-alanine with polyhydric alcohols in the aqueous solution
Badelin V., Mezhevoi I.
2-Ethoxy-2,3-dihydro[d][1,2]oxaphosphole 2-oxide in the synthesis of dialkyl(diaryl)(2-hydroxybenzyl)phosphine oxides
Tatarinov D., Kuznetsov D., Kostin A., Mironov V.
Conductive Coatings Based on Polyvinyl Alcohol and Graphene Oxide
Berkovich A., Zheleznova A., Panova T.
Oxidized nanodiamond batches as filler for composite films based on polyvinyl alcohol
Soboleva O., Porodenko E., Sergeev V.
Hydroalumination of terminal β-acetylene alcohols with lithium aluminum hydride
Garibyan O., Makaryan G., Ogannisyan M., Chobanyan Z.
Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphates Bearing Propargyl Substituents
Verkhoturova S., Nalibaeva A., Arbuzova S., Kazantseva T., Zinchenko S., Mikhailenko V., Chernysheva N., Bishimbaeva G., Gusarova N., Trofimov B.
Kinetic features of the reaction of polyvinyl alcohol with epichlorohydrin in an alkaline medium
Semenova M., Mezhuev Y., Osadchenko S., Shtil’man M.
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