Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 87, № 13 (2017)


Problems of Reducing Environmental Damage Caused in the Past Century by Mining Facilities and Ways of Their Solution in the Far Eastern Federal District

Krupskaya L., Zvereva V., Golubev D., Bubnova M., Tagirova V.


Given are the results of many-years’ research aimed at implementing the major state policies in the field of environmental development of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation, eliminating environmental damage accumulated due to past mining activities, and restoring disturbed natural ecosystems. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to justify the need to develop a method for reclamation of the surface of the tailing dumps of bankrupt mining enterprises of the Far Eastern Federal District to ensure their environmental safety. Innovative proposals have been developed to reduce negative impact of toxic mining wastes on the environment, the novelty of which has been confirmed by patents of the Russian Federation.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3107-3114
pages 3107-3114 views

A New Sorption Method for the Production of Bacillus subtilis α-Amylase with the Use of FAF Microfine Anion Exchanger

Belakhov V., Garabadzhiu A.


A new sorption method for the production of highly purified hydrolytic enzyme α-amylase from Bacillus subtilis with the use of FAF microfine anion exchanger was developed. The α-amylase enzyme obtained is suitable for the preparation of enzymatic drugs.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3115-3122
pages 3115-3122 views

Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Microcystins from Cyanobacterial Biomass: Optimization of the Sample Preparation Procedure

Chernova Е., Russkikh I., Afonina E., Keltsieva О., Ostrovskii V., Podolskaya Е., Zhakovskaya Z.


The sample preparation procedure for determination of microcystins from biomass by the LC–MS method was optimized. Treatment of freeze-dried biomass samples with acetonitrile prior to the main extraction was effectively used for decreasing the amount of protein-like matrix compounds in extracts. Use of acetonitrile–water mixtures during the main ultrasound-assisted extraction allowed increasing the total microcystins amount in the resultant extracts compared to the traditional extraction using 75% methanol.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3123-3132
pages 3123-3132 views

Assessment of the Impact of Technogenic Processes Occurring at the Central Concentrating Mill Tailing Dump (Komsomolsky Tin-Ore District) on the Hydrosphere in a Wide Temperature Range

Zvereva V., Frolov K.


The results of physicochemical modeling of oxidation of sulfide minerals in the Central Concentrating Mill tailing dump (Komsomolsky tin-ore district) with account taken of the cementation zone in the temperature range from–25 to +45°C are given. The Eh-pH parameters for the formation of micropore solutions in technogenic systems have been determined at different host rock–sulfide ratios (95: 5, 90: 10, 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, 20: 80, 10: 90, 5: 95). Crystallization of hypergene minerals from the micropore solutions have been considered, their qualitaitve and quantitative ion compositions have been determined, and their effect on the hydrosphere has been assessed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3133-3136
pages 3133-3136 views

Physicochemical Modeling of Sulfide Oxidation Processes in Tailing Dumps of the Kavalerovsky District and Their Impact on the Hydrosphere (Primorsky Krai)

Zvereva V., Pyatakov A.


Oxidation of tailings in the tailing dump of Vysokogorskoe deposit (Kavalerovsky district) in the temperature range from 0 to +45°C was simulated with successive exclusion of each of the sulfide minerals present therein (pyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite). The Eh-pH parameters for anthropogenic mineral formation were determined at different host rock–sulfide ratios (95: 5, 90: 10, 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, 20: 80) in the tailings. Crystallization of supergene minerals was analyzed, qualitative and quantitative ionic compositions of solutions were determined, and their impact on the hydrosphere was assessed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3137-3143
pages 3137-3143 views

Polysubstituted Ionol Derivatives as Inhibitors of Lipid Peroxidation

Osipova V., Kolyada M., Kudryavtsev K., Berberova N., Pimenov Y., Milaeva E.


Polysubstituted derivatives of sterically hindered phenol were found to reduce accumulation of hydroperoxides in the lipid extract from fish feed after 8-week incubation. Feeding of juvenile Russian sturgeon with fish food containing these compounds showed no negative effect on hydrobionts. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments revealed inhibition of hepatic lipid oxidation in juvenile Russian sturgeon in the presence of new bis-pyrrolidine derivatives of 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol. A reliable positive correlation was observed between the concentration of hydroperoxides in the lipid extract from fish feed and accumulation level of secondary enzymatic oxidation products of hepatic lipids in hydrobionts.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3144-3150
pages 3144-3150 views

Study of the Insecticidal Activity of Aryl Substituted Derivatives of Xylose and of Xylobiose in the Search for Environmentally Friendly Pesticides

Belakhov V., Garabadzhiu A., Boikova I., Novikova I.


A series of aryl substituted derivatives of xylose and xylobiose was synthesized. Biological tests revealed high insecticidal activity in the resulting compounds.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3151-3155
pages 3151-3155 views

Environmental Problems of Laser Initiation

Gerasimov S., Ilyushin M., Shugalei I., Smirnov A., Kapitonenko Z.


Initiation of energetic compounds by optical radiation is considered. In comparison to the traditional initiation ways, optical initiation is safe and environmentally benign.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3156-3159
pages 3156-3159 views

Assessment of the Climate Change Impact on the Quality and Quantity of Drinking Water Sources in Armenia

Margaryan L.


Nowadays the climate change impact on water resources has become evident worldwide. More vulnerable are freshwater resources, the feeding of which depends on atmospheric precipitation and snowmelt water. Freshwater reduction deteriorates water supply and increases water demand. In the recent decade, a significant reduction of the river run-off against the base period has been recorded in Armenia. The reduced river run-off has affected the hydrochemical balance of water resources.

In the present work, we have studied the changes in the river run-off and hydrochemical parameters in the water sources of the Geghi, Meghriget, Marmarik, and Gegharot rivers in Armenia. The resulting data have shown that the climate change reduces the water resources and changes the chemical composition of the river water. The sources of the investigated rivers became enriched with calcium, and the concentrations of iron and manganese in the Gegharot river extremely rise in autumn and exceed the WHO drinking water standards.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3160-3165
pages 3160-3165 views

Water Quality in Watercourses of the Transboundary Narva River Basin

Frumin G., Fetisova Y.


A procedure has been developed for the assessment of transboundary river water quality. The procedure is based on the calculation of the chemical index and classification of water quality. The quality of river waters is assessed by measuring a set of chemical parameters in water samples, followed by data representation in the form of the chemical index CJ which characterizes generalized water quality. A classification system has been proposed for the estimation of contamination of transboundary water bodies on the basis of a “broken bar” model. Using the developed procedure, year-to-year, within-year, and seasonal dynamics of water quality in watercourses of the transboundary Narva River basin have been determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3166-3172
pages 3166-3172 views

Air Pollution and Self-Purification by Precipitation in the Russian Arctic

Svistov P., Talash A., Semenets E.


Unusual precipitation fell out in the Russian Arctic. There were globally background concentrations of the main components (distilled water) with a ion sum of 1.1–3.6 mg/L, increased amount of chlorides (despite continuous ice cover), and high concentration of trace elements (the sum of heavy metals was 140 μg/L, i.e., 13% of the minimum ion sum, whereas the total mineral content was the lowest). Increased concentration of heavy metals in the Central Arctic was also observed at a higher ion sum (77 mg/L). The highest acidity was estimated at pH 4.7.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3173-3182
pages 3173-3182 views

Complex Iron Phosphate Anions and Their Salts as Products of Chemisorption of Phosphates by Crystalline Iron Oxides

Kudeyarova A., Elfimov E., Alekseeva T.


Chemisorption of phosphate anions by crystalline iron oxides is confined to those sites of the sorbent surface where substitution of silicate (in hydrohematite) or hydroxo and aqua (in hydrogoethite) ligands by phosphate ions is possible. In these sites, new crystalline spherical entities were detected, which were able to pass into the liquid phase. The new formations were identified as ammonium salts of сomplex iron-phosphoric acids. Binding of ammonium cations from solution indicates that the primary phosphate chemisorption products are complex iron phosphate anions capable of being transferred to solution and destructuring iron oxides.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3183-3189
pages 3183-3189 views

New Aspects of the Role of Organisms and Detritus in the Detoxification System of the Biosphere

Ostroumov S.


The review covers new aspects of the participation of organisms in the detoxification system of the biosphere. Problems of detoxification of toxic environmental pollutants are analyzed. New author’s experimental data in combination with a large amount of information in the scientific literature gave rise to a new concept of the role of biogenic detritus and related nutrients in environmental detoxification (ex-living matter concept). This may be useful for the development of new technologies for remediation and decontamination of the environment.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3190-3198
pages 3190-3198 views

Water Quality and Conditioning in Natural Ecosystems: Biomachinery Theory of Self-Purification of Water

Ostroumov S.


General principles of the theory of polyfunctional role of biota in self-purification of water in aquatic ecosystems have been formulated. The theory includes the following elements: (1) energy sources for self-purification of aquatic ecosystems; (2) main functional units of the self-purification system; (3) main selfpurification processes; (4) contributions of major taxa to self-purification of aquatic ecosystems; (5) reliability of the system and mechanisms ensuring it; (6) self-regulation of biota; (7) response of the system to external stimuli (impacts); (8) analogy between an ecosystem and a bioreactor; (9) conclusions for nature conservation practice. The theory covers both freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3199-3204
pages 3199-3204 views

Hypergene and Technogenic Formation of Minerals Depending on the Sulfur Content of Tailings in the Tailing Dump of the Krasnorechensk Concentrating Mill (Dalnegorsk District, Primorsky Krai)

Zvereva V., Kostina A.


Using Selektor program for simulation of chemical equilibria, physicochemical modeling of the EhpH parameters of forming solutions, composition of minerals crystallizing therefrom, and stability fields of these minerals was performed in dependence to the amount of flotation and sulfide sulfur in tailings exposed to water in systems that are open and closed to the atmosphere. This problem is considered for the first time for the given region.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3205-3211
pages 3205-3211 views

Polysaccharides as Effective Sorbents for Lead and Cadmium

Uryash V., Kokurina N., Gruzdeva A., Larina V.


Sorption of lead and cadmium cations from solutions of their salts on amorphous cellulose, potato starch, apple pectin, and chicory root inulin was studied. Sample preparation was performed in conditions (pH and stirring time and intensity) similar to those in the stomach and intestines of a typical person. The sorption properties of the studied polysaccharides with respect to both the individual heavy metals and their mixtures is variable. The sorption properties series are cellulose ≈ pectin < starch< inulin for Pb2+ and cellulose < pectin < starch ≈ inulin for Cd2+.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3212-3219
pages 3212-3219 views

Imbricin, an Antifungal Antibiotic of Non-Medical Application: Preparation, Physicochemical Properties, Structural Features, and Industrial and Agricultural Uses (Review)

Belakhov V., Yakovleva E., Kolodyaznaya V., Boikova I.


Published data on the preparation, physicochemical properties, and structural features of imbricin, an antifungal antibiotic of non-medical application, were systematically described. Directions of practical application of imbricin in various areas of industry and agriculture were summarized.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3220-3232
pages 3220-3232 views

Role of Neutral Fraction of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Migration of Metals in Surface Waters: II. Neutral Metal Complexes in Water Bodies of Different Types

Linnik P., Zhezherya V., Linnik R.


The results of long-term studies on the contents and seasonal dynamics of neutral carbohydrate metal complexes in the surface water bodies of different types (lakes, rivers, reservoirs) are summarized. It is established that the weight fraction of the mentioned complexes characteristically varies significantly depending on the type of the water body and the component composition of dissolved organic substances. In water bodies with a highly colored water, the relative contents of dissolved metals in neutral complexes are low due to their preferential binding to anionic complexes with humic substances. In small eutrophic water bodies with a relatively low content of humic substances, the carbohydrate concentrations are the highest and, accordingly, the weight fractions of metals in their neutral complexes is also very noticeable. The molecular weight distributions of neutral metal complexes are discussed. The neutral complexes with the molecular weight ≤5.0 kDa form a significant part of metals associated with carbohydrates. The seasonal dynamics of these metal complexes are discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3233-3243
pages 3233-3243 views

Issues of the Study of Detritus in Aquatic Systems

Sadchikov A., Ostroumov S.


In this paper, we present the analysis of the ecological roles of detritus and suspended particulate matter in aquatic ecosystems. New data that have been obtained for freshwater ecosystems of the central part of Russian Federation (Moscow Region, e.g., Mozhaiskoe Reservoir) have been included in the analysis. These new data include the results of studies of samples of water and detritus from the aquatic ecosystems. The review analysis addresses both freshwater and marine ecosystems. The multifunctional important role of detritus in aquatic ecosystems has been shown and exemplified using data for aquatic bodies of different trophic level, from oligotrophic to eutrophic.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3244-3249
pages 3244-3249 views

Aqueous Emulsions of Polysyloxane Polyblock Copolymers as a Basis for Weatherproof Protective Coatings

Erofeev D., Kalinin A., Voznyakovskii A., Shugalei I.


On the way to solving the problem of developing an ecofriendly technology for preparing hydrophobic protective coatings to replace the existing technology involving casting from polymer solutions in toxic organic solvents, amphiphilic organosilicon oligomers, promising emulsifiers for preparing aqueous emulsions of organosilicon polymers, were synthesized. The synthesized oligomers were used to obtain stable aqueous emulsions of a film-forming silicone block copolymer. The resulting emulsions can be used to form hydrophobic protective coatings on the surface of construction materials. It was shown that the contact angle of wetting depends on the specific features of the preparation of the emulsion and reaches a maximum of 134°.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3250-3254
pages 3250-3254 views

Biocidal Activity of Benzothiazole and Arylaminomalonate Derivatives

Egorova A., Egorov D., Nyanikova G., Rogatko D., Garabadzhiu A.


The biocidal activity of some benzothiazoles, arylaminomalonates, and their phosphorylated derivatives against iron-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Siderococcus.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3255-3258
pages 3255-3258 views

Enantioselective Bioreduction of Acetophenone into (R)- and (S)-1-Phenylethanols

Chanysheva A., Vorobyova E., Zorin V.


The possibility of enantioselective bioreduction of acetophenone into (R)- and (S)-1-phenylethanol used in the synthesis of antifeedant, antidiabetic, antidepressant, antirabic, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, and antifungal agents is investigated. The influence of various exogenous reducing agents (isopropanol, ethanol, and glucose) on the yields of the target products and the enantioselectivity of the bioreduction of acetophenone is studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3259-3262
pages 3259-3262 views

Biocide Filters Based on Betulin for Cleaning Drinking Water

Moskalev E., Shamtsyan M., Rabin A.


A technology for applying biocidal agents, betulin and silver, in the amount of 1% on the surface of carbon sorbents has been developed. The effect of the plant steroid betulin on the inhibition of E. coli reproduction on the surface of carbon filter sorbents in comparison with silver coating was evaluated. It is shown that graphite sorbents coated with silver and betulin are practically identical in the number of colonies formed and suppress their multiplication by a factor of 6–7. A composition including a carbon sorbent (active coal and/or foamed graphite) and betulin is obtained, which is recommended as a biocidal agent to replace silver in the manufacture of filters for post-treatment of drinking water.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3263-3265
pages 3263-3265 views

Trophic Status of Peipus Lake

Frumin G., Haldna M., Tammeorg O.


The data of hydrochemical and hydrobiological monitoring of the Estonian water area of Lake Peipsi (Peipus, Chudskoe) during 1985–2016 are presented. The trophic state of the water area has been determined according to different methods. According to the method developed at the Hydrochemical Institute, the trophic state of the Estonian waters of Lake Peipsi during the analyzed period is characterized as “mesotrophic,” whereas other methods (OECD, Ministry for the Environment of New Zealand, the Carlson index, the criteria by O.A. Alekin and I.S. Trifonova) it is “eutrophic.” According to the probabilistic estimate accounting for the total phosphorus concentration, the trophic state of the Estonian water area of Lake Peipsi is characterized as “mesotrophic-eutrophic.”

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2017;87(13):3266-3271
pages 3266-3271 views

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