
Modeling the Parachute System Deployment for the Rescue System of a Normal Category Airplane
Ledyankina O., Mikhailov S., Nedel’ko D.
Influence of Simplifying a Geometrical Model of the Gas Turbine Engine Combustion Chamber on the Results of Numerical Modeling
Aleksandrov Y., Sabirzyanov A., Yavkin V.
Modeling of helicopter flight imitation in the vortex ring state
Toropov M., Stepanov S.
Control of a Piezo Actuator to Adjust the Reflective Surface of the Space-Based Reflector
Kabanov S., Mitin F., Krivushov A., Ulybushev E.
Numerical Modeling of Helicopter Main Rotor Behavior near a Small-Scale Helideck by the Vortex Method
Aparinov A., Kritskii B., Setukha A.
On a problem of reducing the hydrodynamic drag in the pipelines of power plants
Anisimova I., Gortyshov Y., Ignat’ev V.
Development of a Technique to Reduce Porosity in Composite Structures at the Limited Autoclave Pressure
Samipour S., Batrakov V., Konstantinov D.
Influence of the disperse phase properties on characteristics of the shock wave passing the direct shock from pure gas in the gas mixture
Gubaidullin D., Tukmakov D.
Fluid film break-up modeling using adaptive mesh refinement models
Sipatov A., Karabasov S., Gomzikov L., Abramchuk T., Semakov G.
Influence Analysis of the Second Bypass Air Bleed Parameters on the Engine Performance
Agul’nik A., Kravchenko I., Gorbunov A., Novoselova A., Sklyarova A.
Application of a discrete-continuous model of strength analysis to solve the identification problem of a thermally loaded structure
Kostin V., Huang S., Valitova N.
Computationally effective mathematical model of airplane flight
Kudryavtsev D., Aminev D., Sviridov A.
Physical Modeling of Electromagnetic Interference in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle under Action of the Electric Transport Contact Network
Nuriev M., Gizatullin R., Gizatullin Z.
Physical modeling of electromagnetic interferences in the unmanned aerial vehicle in the case of high-voltage transmission line impact
Nuriev M., Gizatullin Z., Gizatullin R.
Research of technological capacities of the process of long-length skin forming by combination of roll-bending and peen forming processing
Malashchenko A.
Influence of Boundary Conditions on Characteristics of the Two-Phase Double-Circuit Coaxial Jet in Its Initial Section
Zuev Y.
To selection of the model fluid for hydrogen simulation in testing of seals
Ivanov A., Moskvichev A.
Technique of physical modeling of lightning strike effects on aircraft
Gizatullin Z., Gizatullin R., Nuriev M.
The 3D Computational Investigation of Film Cooling Effectiveness for Turbine Nozzle Vanes with “Meridian Constriction” and Shaped Film-Cooling Holes
Gorelov Y., Tyul’kov K.
Numerical determination of the gas-dynamic behavior of vane cascades with various deflection angles of the trailing edges of longitudinal ribs of an advanced gas-turbine engine thrust reverser
Varsegov V., Shabalin A.
Hyperbolic Paraboloid for a Ruled Preform of an X-Fitting: Calculation of Parameters
Khaliulin V., Savitskii V., Zhukov A., Gimadiev R.
Exploring the Detached-Eddy Simulation for Main Rotor Flows
Dehaeze F., Barakos G., Kusyumov A., Kusyumov S., Mikhailov S.
Difference schemes in computations for chemically non-equilibrium processes in the rocket engine nozzles
Kryukov V., Abdullin A., Demin A.
1 - 23 из 23 результатов
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