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Том 60, № 2 (2017)

Aircraft Equipment

Flight duration, potential and relative efficiency of an electric multicopter

Sverdlov S.


In this paper, it is proposed the flight duration to be assessed by the potential value and the helicopter number. The data on the available power and the relative efficiency for a number of multicopter models are provided.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):163-168
pages 163-168 views

Structural Mechanics and Strength of Flight Vehicles

Nonlinear deforming of laminated composite shells of revolution under finite deflections and normal’s rotation angles

Dmitriev V., Biryukov V., Egorova O., Zhavoronok S., Rabinskii L.


The discretization of the boundary value problem for laminated composite shells is based on the finite difference approach using the regular mesh with the constant grid step and the difference operators of the second order of accuracy. The dynamic relaxation method is proposed for the solution of the nonlinear problem. The evolutionary equations of the dynamic relaxation are constructed, and the optimum parameters of the converging linear iterative process are estimated.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):169-176
pages 169-176 views

The influence of the noise field on parametric oscillations of flexible square plates

Krylova E., Yakovleva T., Bazhenov V.


This paper examines the impact of the external field intensity of white noise on the nonlinear dynamics of square plates under the longitudinal load. It is shown that in some cases, the noise of high intensity is able to reduce the number of frequencies in the oscillation spectrum of the system.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):177-183
pages 177-183 views

Flight Dynamics and Control of Flight Vehicles

Comprehensive approach to mathematical modeling and helicopter flight task optimization

Onushkin Y., Sizov D., Poluyakhtov V.


A comprehensive approach is proposed that allows modeling the flight of helicopter over the entire range of flight speeds. We also consider a technique for optimizing the trajectory corresponding to the flight task taking into account the terrain and operating conditions.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):184-189
pages 184-189 views

Precision tracking algorithms of civil aircraft by radar information

Sychev M.


The problem of radar tracking of air traffic management by multiple model algorithms is discussed. Three types of multiple model algorithms are described. The various types of hypotheses combining algorithms are discussed. The simulation results are presented.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):190-197
pages 190-197 views

Aero- and Gas-Dynamics of Flight Vehicles and Their Engines

Coupled CFD/CSD simulation of the helicopter main rotor in high-speed forward flight

Dehaeze F., Barakos G., Garipova L., Kusyumov A., Mikhailov S.


The helicopter main rotor in forward flight is considered in this paper. The results for rigid blades and elastic blades are compared by the method of coupled simulation. The influence of the structural damping coefficient on the blade in-flight deformation is also considered.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):198-205
pages 198-205 views

Aircraft and Rocket Engine Design and Development

Numerical determination of the gas-dynamic behavior of vane cascades with various deflection angles of the trailing edges of longitudinal ribs of an advanced gas-turbine engine thrust reverser

Varsegov V., Shabalin A.


The work comprises numerical investigation of the influence of the deflection angles of the trailing edges of longitudinal ribs on the gas-dynamic behavior of vane cascades of a thrust reverser located in the secondary flow of a bypass turbofan engine (BTFE). Verification of the numerical model was performed on the basis of experimental research.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):206-213
pages 206-213 views

Influence of the helicopter flight design speed on the selection of working process parameters for GTE

Grigor’ev V., Zagrebel’nyi A.


This paper considers issues of designing a gas-turbine engine in the helicopter system at the early design stages. The optimum and rational values of engine working process parameters at different flight speeds of the flight vehicle (FV) are analyzed. Several characteristics of mathematical models (MM) that form the helicopter–engine system, are described.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):214-218
pages 214-218 views

Influence of combustion chamber geometry and compression ratio on the main parameters of a diesel aircraft engine

Gureev V., Khairullin A., Varlamov F., Gumerov I., Khafizov R.


This paper considers the problem of increasing the fuel efficiency of a diesel aircraft engine and decreasing the smokiness of its exhaust gases (EG) by means of the experimental determination of optimum compression ratio and combustion chamber dimensions. Necessity for matching of these parameters in a wide variation range of load and crankshaft speed was identified and proved.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):219-222
pages 219-222 views

To selection of the model fluid for hydrogen simulation in testing of seals

Ivanov A., Moskvichev A.


The paper discusses the applicability of cold gaseous nitrogen as a model working fluid in testing the hydrogen pump seals for power plants by three-dimensional modeling.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):223-228
pages 223-228 views

Trends in research of hydrodynamic damping in rotor supports of gas turbine engines

Falaleev S.


The paper studies different types of dampers for rotor supports of gas turbine engines (GTE). The advantages of hydrodynamic dampers are shown. Hydrodynamic dampers for GTE rotor supports are studied. A new design and technique of calculation are proposed for an adjustable hydrodynamic damper.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):229-235
pages 229-235 views

Problems and prospects of using gas and hydrodynamic lubricants in support seals of aircraft engine rotors

Balyakin V.


This paper examines the ways of increasing the life of face seals of rotor supports. Factors that should be taken into account in design of seals, are studied.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):303-307
pages 303-307 views

Layout of the power plant with an odd number of engines on the wing of the middle-range passenger aircraft

Gusev V.


The layout of the power plant on the wing of a twin-fuselage passenger aircraft with an odd number of engines is compared with the single-fuselage aircraft-prototype. The advantages of the twin-fuselage layout being proposed are revealed.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):308-311
pages 308-311 views

Aircraft and Rocket Engine Theory

Thermal state of the shell for supersonic part of the ramjet nozzle

Zarubin G., Zimin V., Kuvyrkin G.


A mathematical model describing the temperature distribution in a non-cooled nozzle shell was constructed. Analysis of this model showed that the extreme temperatures are permissible for some modern and promising heat-resistant composite materials.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):236-242
pages 236-242 views

Analysis of hydrodynamic unsteady turbulent flow structure in an aircraft power plant channels

Kraev V., Myakochin A.


The authors performed an experimental study of the effects of non-isothermal and unsteady hydrodynamic conditions on generation and evolution of turbulence. Measurements of the instantaneous axial and radial velocities and temperature in unsteady conditions, calculation of their average and pulsation magnitude, and their correlation were carried out. A physical model of the hydrodynamic unsteady turbulent flow was formulated based on the analysis of the frequency spectra of pulse parameters.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):243-250
pages 243-250 views

Mathematical modeling of thermal modes of thermosyphons in operation with characteristic heat loads of aircraft equipment batteries

Krasnoshlykov A., Kuznetsov G.


Numerical analysis of thermal conditions for a two-phase closed thermosyphon using the ANSYS FLUENT software package has been carried out. The characteristic temperature distribution, streamlines and velocity vectors for various heat loads have been obtained. The study has found the possibility of using the software package for analysis of the energy transfer processes at high thermal loads.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):251-256
pages 251-256 views

Dynamic behavior of the gas turbine engine regenerator with complanar channels

Trushin V.


This paper expounds a technique for calculating unsteady gas temperatures, air and heat transfer elements of the corrugated plate of a recuperative heat exchanger with complanar channels for start and shut-off modes of the regenerative turbine engine. Under consideration are the distribution of thermal stresses in the plate, heat exchanger service life under stationary conditions, and the allowable number of dynamic “start–shut-off” cycles.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):312-316
pages 312-316 views

Aircraft Instruments and Instrumentation Computer Complexes

Predictive information design for the novel generation of display for the highly-augmented aircraft

Efremov A., Tyaglik M., Irgaleev I., Gorbatenko S.


We consider the task of predictive information design allowed for improvement of flying qualities in precise tracking tasks, in particular for the landing of an aircraft, the dynamics of which is characterized by the transportation time delay.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):257-262
pages 257-262 views

Analysis and synthesis of the information-controlling system channels to prevent critical operating conditions of the helicopter flight

Kuznetsov O., Soldatkin V.


This paper deals with the technical features of designing an information-controlling system to prevent critical operating conditions of the helicopter flight, a technique for evaluating its effectiveness, analysis and synthesis of the measurement channels, forming of warning signals, and information support of the crew in abnormal situations.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):263-269
pages 263-269 views

The effect of detuning of the partial frequency of MEMS gyros sensing elements on the amplitude-frequency response

Pankratov V., Barulina M., Krys’ko A.


The effect of detuning the partial frequencies of MEMS gyroscopes on its amplitudefrequency response is investigated. The formulated mathematical model allows defining requirements for the tolerances on gyros parameters, which determine the values of gyros partial frequencies, at the design stage of the sensor.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):270-277
pages 270-277 views

Aircraft Production Technology

Cyclic folding of composite zigzag structures and calculating of equipment parameters

Khaliulin V.


A novel processing scheme for cyclic production of composite folded structures from continuous sheet of prepreg is presented. A circular transformable mandrel is used as a shaping unit. A technique of calculating the shaping unit parameters is developed. It is based on the analysis of facility kinematics using a vector model of four-axis folded structures transformation process.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):278-285
pages 278-285 views

Design of gating systems in production of gas turbine engine blades

Smykov A., Moiseev V., Chumadin A.


The methodological background of designing the casting technological processes by controlling cast workpieces solidification process is considered for gas turbine engine blades. The general structure of software packages for computer-aided calculations of casting process parameters for the blade class cast product is presented. The example of designing the gating system for a specific product is given.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):317-320
pages 317-320 views

Radio Engeneering and Communication

Studying the positioning accuracy for dynamic (moving) objects with the use of multifrequency oblique-incidence sounding of ionospheric radio channels by chirp signals

Ivanov V., Ivanov D., Ryabova N., Loc L., Katkov E.


The paper presents the methods and algorithms for positioning the dynamic (moving) objects using the oblique-incidence ionospheric sounding by chirp signals. Full-scale experiments have been performed to determine a distance to an object and its location.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):286-291
pages 286-291 views

Physical modeling of electromagnetic interferences in the unmanned aerial vehicle in the case of high-voltage transmission line impact

Nuriev M., Gizatullin Z., Gizatullin R.


A technique has been developed for studying the interference resistance of electronic systems for unmanned aerial vehicles based on physical modeling The paper proposes mathematical models, a scheme of a test stand and examples of parameter calculation for physical modeling of electromagnetic interferences in communication links of the unmanned aerial vehicle in the case of electromagnetic fields of high-voltage transmission lines interference. Examples demonstrating successful implementation of physical modeling for similar tasks ascertain the feasibility of this approach.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):292-298
pages 292-298 views

Technical Notes

On a problem of optimal control of the laminar boundary layer in incompressible flow

Garaev K.


In this paper, it is shown that the optimal injection velocity in the plane critical point is the finite one at the arbitrary velocity distribution on the outer edge of the boundary layer.

Russian Aeronautics. 2017;60(2):299-302
pages 299-302 views

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