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Vol 61, No 1 (2018)

Flight Vehicle Design

Design and Experimental Analysis of Aircrew Design Parameters to Vertical Takeoff and Landing

Gainutdinova T.Y., Gainutdinov V.G.


The calculation of the design parameters of lifting airscrew systems with fixed and tilted rotor, including the investigation of the operation schemes of actuators for the propeller control system, is carried out.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Aerodynamic Design Method of Integrated Aircraft with Submerged Intake Devices and Power Plant Included into Airframe Carrying System

Kornev A.V., Sereda V.A., Migalin K.V.


This paper presents a theoretically and practically grounded architecture of design methods combination. A possibility and completeness of developing integral design solutions and intensifying the design process are provided by redistribution of emphases of numerical and natural experiments.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):14-22
pages 14-22 views

Aircraft Equipment

Optical Design for a Cubesat: Unobscured Telescope, Using Freeform Mirrors and a Curved Detector

Muslimov E.R., Hugot E., Ferrari M., Behaghel T., Pavlycheva N.K.


The possibility of constructing an optical scheme of a telescope for a small satellite based on mirrors with freeform surfaces and a curved photodetector is considered. It is shown that the use of a new element base allows the effective area of the main mirror to be maximized and the field of view up to 9.4 times to be increased in comparison with the classical scheme of the Ritchey–Chretien scheme in ensuring the high image quality.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Flight Dynamics and Control of Flight Vehicles

Parametric Identification of a Return Space Vehicle during Vertical Landing

Afanas’ev V.A., Degtyarev G.L., Meshchanov A.S.


Real values of parameters for a space vehicle and its steering devices are specified by using the motion parameters measured in flight based on solving the differential equations of motion.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):23-31
pages 23-31 views

The Concept and Definition of Integrated Flight Performance for a Small Remotely Piloted Helicopter

D’yakonov D.A., Zavalov O.A., Turkin I.K.


The concept and definition of integrated flight performance for a small remotely piloted helicopter are introduced to obtain real operational values in performing a flight mission.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Aero- and Gas-Dynamics of Flight Vehicles and Their Engines

Exploring the Detached-Eddy Simulation for Main Rotor Flows

Dehaeze F., Barakos G.N., Kusyumov A.N., Kusyumov S.A., Mikhailov S.A.


This paper applies the Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) method to resolve a larger part of the flow spectrum around rotor blades in hover and forward flight. A comparison between DES and Unsteady Reynolds–Averaged Navier–Stokes simulation was carried out for the case of a forward flying rotor suggesting that DES has great potential for rotor applications.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Viscous Crossflow Around a Rotating Circular Cylinder

Morenko I.V.


Unsteady viscous crossflow around a rotating circular cylinder is studied in the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. The dependences of drag and lift coefficients of the cylinder on the rotation speed are obtained.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Aircraft and Rocket Engine Design and Development

The 3D Computational Investigation of Film Cooling Effectiveness for Turbine Nozzle Vanes with “Meridian Constriction” and Shaped Film-Cooling Holes

Gorelov Y.G., Tyul’kov K.V.


Active influence dimension of film cooling along the blade profile is investigated with using the Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model. The cooling effectiveness of vane platforms and vane fillets is studied with the use of perforation holes on the leading edge.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Dynamics of Main Rotor to Disk Wing Conversion

Pavlov V.V., Gasilov M.S., Yusupov D.M.


The accelerations that emerge in the disk wing during rotation have been found. The loading of wing elements have been determined when the blades are extended and retracted.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Development of the Technique for Calculating the Ejectors with Low Entrainment Ratios

Khaliulin R.R., Sychenkov V.A., Panchenko V.I.


This paper presents the results of an investigation of ejectors with the low entrainment ratio. A technique for calculating the ejectors with a curvilinear axis has been developed. Comparative studies of the performance characteristics of ejectors with the rectilinear axis of the mixing chamber and the curvilinear initial section of the mixing chamber are carried out.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Aircraft and Rocket Engine Theory

To Calculation of Regenerative Cooling of a Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine Chamber

Pelevin F.V., Ponomarev A.V.


This paper demonstrates that in transition from the one-dimensional longitudinal-channel motion of the coolant in the regenerative cooling system of the liquid propellant engine to the twodimensional (interchannel) channel motion (transpiration) through a porous mesh material (PMM), the hydraulic losses decrease. Experimental data on PMM hydraulic resistance coefficients and heat transfer in porous paths with the interchannel coolant transpiration (ICCT) is presented.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):71-77
pages 71-77 views

A Method of Working Process Parameter Optimization of a Unified Engine Core and a Gas Turbine Engine Family Being Created on Its Basis

Rybakov V.N., Kuz’michev V.S., Tkachenko A.Y., Krupenich I.N.


This paper describes a method for multicriteria optimization of parameters for both the engine core and engine family with modeling the engine operation as a part of aircraft system.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):78-83
pages 78-83 views

A Computational Technique for Estimating the Nitrogen Oxide Concentration in Combustion of Air-Fuel Mixture Enriched with Hydrogen in Exhaust Gases of Spark-Ignition Engines

Shaikin A.P., Ivashin P.V., Deryachev A.D.


A dimensionless system K was obtained to determine the concentration of nitric oxide in the addition of hydrogen to the air-fuel mixture by calculation. The model obtained was tested on the VAZ-1118 engine.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Axial Gas-Dynamic Forces in a Compact Centrifugal Compressor

Evgen’ev S.S., Futin V.A.


Gas-dynamic forces that act upon the impellers of a patented compact compressor and a typical compressor with the initial data being the same, are calculated using the software developed by the authors of the present paper.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):134-137
pages 134-137 views

Use of a Nonlinear Mathematical Model of Turboprop Engine on a Semi-Full-Scale Simulation Test Bench for Testing Propellers in Conjunction with Their Automatic Control System

Ivanov A.V., Danilikhin A.M., Baranov V.V.


This paper considers an issue of increasing reliability of turboprop engine simulation on a semi-full-scale simulation test bench. A detailed mathematical model (subassembly model) of a turboprop engine is used for improving simulation quality and optimizing the algorithms of turboprop automatic control system in the operation conditions being expected.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):138-144
pages 138-144 views

Aircraft Production Technology

Influence of Autoclave Molding Modes and Stack Structure on Porosity of Composite Materials

Batrakov V.V., Petrushenko R.Y., Konstantinov D.Y., Khamidullin O.L.


Influence of stack structure on porosity of composite materials at different modes of autoclave molding was studied. To reduce porosity of composite materials, specific stack structure and molding mode are recommended.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):90-94
pages 90-94 views

Determination of Slag Retention Ability of Gating Systems

Izotov V.A., Serebryakov S.P., Shatul’skii A.A.


The paper highlights results of analyzing the gating systems in terms of assurance of slag retention at the stage when the mold cavity is filled up with the melt. Quantitative values of parameters as to assessment of slag retention were obtained that can be applied in selecting the gating system type for a casting.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):95-98
pages 95-98 views

Gas and Powder Flow Optimization in a Four-Jet Laser Cladding Head

Shpilev A.I., Iskhakov F.R., Nagulin K.Y., Gil’mutdinov A.K.


Gas and powder flow structure in a four-jet nozzle of a laser cladding head was optimized using a shadow imaging device and high-speed tracer visualization. Experimental results show that an excessive protective gas flow rate can lead to the spatial defocusing of transport gas jets.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):145-148
pages 145-148 views

Radio Engineering and Communication

Seadrome: Technologies of Complex Navigation for Amphibious Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Seaplane Basin

Voloshchenko V.Y.


The paper considers the physical principles of operation, performance and structural diagram of the short base sonar navigation system installed aboard an amphibious unmanned aerial vehicle. This system provides the required course piloting in the seaplane basin that is assigned by the network system of bottom transmitter-receiver antenna assemblies.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):99-108
pages 99-108 views

Cognitive Graphical Additions to the Interfaces of Command Measurement Systems for Aerospace Application

Emel’yanova Y.G., Khachumov V.M.


The methods of cognitive graphical information presentation are considered to support decision-making in earth stations of command measurement systems. The work is performed on transforming telemetric data, readings of the sensors of space module and earth station into visual images.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):109-116
pages 109-116 views

To a Matter of Increasing the Spectral Efficiency of Phase Radio-Technical Data Transmission Systems Operating under Strong Intersymbol Interference

Lerner I.M., Faizullin R.R., Chernyavskii S.M.


This paper analyzes the possibility of increasing the spectral efficiency of phase radio-technical data transmission systems that operate under conditions of mutual interference of symbols when “transparency windows” are used. The conditions for emergency of “transparency windows” are defined, recommendations for their application with the purpose of increasing the spectral efficiency of communication systems being considered are presented. Changes in time characteristics of “transparency windows” are analyzed (their lengths over the range of channel symbol time duration) depending on the frequency detuning.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):117-123
pages 117-123 views

Technical Notes Structural Mechanics and Strength of Flight Vehicles

Scaling Effects in the Impact Resistance of Flat and Cylindrical Samples from Composite Materials

Karimbaev T.D., Chernyshov A.A.


The scaling factors in the problems of assessing the resistance to high-speed impact of plates and shells are analytically determined. Numerical experimentation shows the possibility of applying certain scaling factors in assessing the impact resistance of laminated plates and shells from materials with orthotropic properties.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):124-127
pages 124-127 views

Structural Mechanics and Strength of Flight Vehicles

Sensitivity Algorithm as a Solution of an Inverse Strength Problem Applied to Thin-Walled Structures

Kostin V.A., Valitova N.L.


The problem of identifying rigidities in stiffeners of a four-stiffener torsion box operating in tension–compression under the action of an external load is considered. An iterative approach is proposed using a sensitivity function and a sensitivity matrix.

Russian Aeronautics. 2018;61(1):128-133
pages 128-133 views

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