
Spatial and Temporal Features of Synoptic and Mesoscale Variability of the Baltic Sea Level
Medvedev I.
Intramonthly Variability of Daily Surface Air Temperature in Russia in 1970–2015
Babina E., Semenov V.
Peculiarities of Long-term Variability of Surface Water Inflow to Lake Baikal
Sinyukovich V., Chernyshov M.
Potential Predictability of Multidecadal Oscillations of Sea Surface Temperature in the Arctic and Their Sensitivity to External Forcings
Gritsun A.
Interannual variability of soil moisture in the European part of Russia in summer
Zveryaev I., Arkhipkin A.
Characteristics of Minimum River Runoff in the Kuban River Basin
Gurevich E., Markov M.
Is There a Link between Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Increasing Frequency of Extremely Cold Winters in Eurasia and North America? Synthesis of Current Research
Meleshko V., Kattsov V., Mirvis V., Baidin A., Pavlova T., Govorkova V.
Wind effects on the upwelling variability in the coastal zone of Primorye (the northwest of the Sea of Japan)
Zhabin I., Dmitrieva E., Kil’matov T., Andreev A.
Estimation of Flow Rate and Thermohaline Characteristics of Atlantic Water in the Eurasian Basin
Zhurbas N.
Secular Variability of the Caspian Sea Level
Kislov A.
Regional features of long-term variability of the Black Sea surface temperature
Artamonov Y., Skripaleva E., Fedirko A.
Hydrological Regime of the Lower Volga River under Modern Conditions
Gorelits O., Ermakova G., Terskii P.
Regional variability of Antarctic sea ice extent
Bukatov A., Bukatov A., Babii M.
Spatiotemporal Variability of the Climate and Dangerous Hydrometeorological Phenomena on the Crimean Peninsula
Ergina E., Zhuk V.
Long-term variability of UV radiation in the spectral range of 300–380 nm in Moscow
Nezval’ E., Chubarova N.
The cyclical nature of seasonal precipitation in Pomerania in the period 1951-2010
Czarnecka M., Nidzgorska-Lencewicz J.
Variability of Cloud Parameters from Satellite Data
Skorokhodov A.
Estimating the baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation in the Sea of Okhotsk
Stepanov D.
Weather and Climate Anomalies in Russian Regions Related to Global Climate Change
Mokhov I., Semenov V.
Seasonal Variations in Marine Hydrological Characteristics off the Southwestern Coast of Sakhalin Island
Shevchenko G., Chastikov V., Maryzhikhin V.
Climatic Changes in Thermal Conditions of Sea Areas in the Eastern Arctic at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Rostov I., Dmitrieva E., Vorontsov A.
Specific features of heat exchange between the Black Sea and the atmosphere in winter in 1971–1991
Ratner Y., Korotaev G.
Estimating the trends and variability of atmospheric action centers over the Asian-Pacific region in summer in 1950–1979 and 1980–2012
Shatilina T., Tsitsiashvili G., Radchenkova T.
Distribution and Composition of Aerosol Particles in Rainfall over the Coast of the Kaliningrad Oblast
Chechko V., Topchaya V.
Moscow Urban Heat Island: Detection, boundaries, and variability
Kuznetsova I., Brusova N., Nakhaev M.
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